Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: Academic Catalog 2022-2023 Program: Environmental Science, B.S. Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Environmental Science, B.S.

Requirements for the Major in Environmental Science

Includes ENS 100, 11-13 science courses; two math/statistics courses; two policy courses; senior seminar, and one or two thesis (research) or senior writing credits, for a total of 17-20 courses. Specific requirements are listed below. Please note that students may not develop an ID major with Environmental Science, nor minor in Environmental Engineering.

A. Seven to nine required core courses

Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed

Required Courses:

ENS 100 -  Introduction to Environmental Studies
ENS 204 -  Geographic Information Systems
BIO 103 -  Diversity of Life: Heredity, Evolution, and Ecology


Choose one from the following:

BIO 320 -  Ecology
BIO 322 -  Conservation Biology
BIO 324 -  Plant Ecology
GEO 305 -  Global Biogeochemical Cycles
  • BIO 350T - Terrestrial Ecology of Australia

    Chemistry Requirement:

    CHM 101 -  Introductory Chemistry 1


    CHM 102 -  Introductory Chemistry 2




    CHM 110H -  Honors Introductory Chemistry


    Choose one of the following:

    GEO 106 -  Introduction to Oceanography
    GEO 110 -  Physical Geology
    GEO 112 -  Environmental Geology
    GEO 117 -  Natural Disasters
    GEO 120 -  The Story of Earth and Life
    GEO 160 -  Environmental Challenges in the Mohawk Watershed

    Choose one of the following (note that is recommended to use the Calculus option MTH 105/112, 110/112 or 113.

    MTH 105 -  Differential Calculus with Precalculus
    MTH 112 -  Calculus 2: Integral Calculus


    MTH 110 -  Calculus 1: Differential Calculus


    MTH 113 -  Accelerated Single-Variable Calculus
    ECO 243 -  Introduction to Econometrics
    ENS 215 -  Exploring Environmental Data
    PSY 200 -  Statistical Methods in Psychology
    SOC 300 -  Quantitative Methods of Social Research
    STA 164 -  Strategies of Experimentation: Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments
    STA 264 -  Regression Analysis

    B. Two environmental policy/humanities courses

    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
    AAH 260 -  Nature, Art, and the Environment
  • AAH 265 - Environmentalism in Contemporary Art
  • ANT 241 -  Environmental Anthropology
    AVA 345 -  The Illustrated Organism
    CLS 153 -  The Environment in the Ancient World
    ECO 228 -  Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
    EGL 280 -  Nature and Environmental Writing
    EGL 281 -  Environmental Psychology and the American Literary Landscape
    ENS 222 -  The New Wall of China
    ENS 291 -  Construction for Humanity
    HST 138 -  Big History
    HST 109 -  History of Sustainability
    HST 206 -  Environmental Histories of Empire
    HST 225 -  American Environmental History
    HST 229 -  The Adirondacks and American Environmental History
  • HST 299 - The Nuclear Age
  • MLT 209 -  The New Wall of China
    PHL 273 -  Environmental Ethics
    PSC 260 -  Policy Making and American Society
    PSC 357 -  Global Environmental Politics
    PSC 272 -  The Environment, Energy, and US Politics
  • REE 300T - History and Environment of Siberia
  • SOC 202 -  Social Problems, Policy and Pop Culture
    SOC 260 -  Population and Society: Demographic Trends
    SOC 270 -  Social Movements, the Environment, and Society
    SOC 271 -  Sociology of Disaster
    SOC 359 -  Environmental Policy and Resource Management
    SOC 450 -  Environmental Services and Policy

    C. Six upper level science courses and area of concentration

    (No more than four courses from any one department except for Environmental Engineering and Technology students; no double counting from A-B, above. The following are suggested areas of concentration; alterations must be approved in writing by the ESPE Director):



    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
  • BIO 257T - Tropical Rainforest Ecology
  • BIO 314 -  Ornithology
    BIO 315 -  Biology of Plants
    BIO 319 -  Vertebrate Natural History
    BIO 320 -  Ecology
    BIO 321 -  Herpetology: Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles
    BIO 322 -  Conservation Biology
    BIO 324 -  Plant Ecology
    BIO 325 -  Animal Behavior
    BIO 350 -  Evolutionary Biology
  • BIO 350T - Terrestrial Ecology of Australia
  • BIO 352T - Marine Ecology of Australia
  • ENS 210 -  Groundwater Hydrology
    ENS 215 -  Exploring Environmental Data
    GEO 202 -  Geomorphology
    GEO 203 -  Lakes and Environmental Change
    GEO 207 -  Stable Isotopes in Environmental Science
    GEO 208 -  Paleontology, Paleobiology, and Paleoecology
    GEO 209 -  Paleoclimatology
    GEO 210 -  Groundwater Hydrology
    GEO 300 -  Glacial and Quaternary Geology
    GEO 305 -  Global Biogeochemical Cycles
    GEO 355T -  Living on the Edge

    Environmental Geosciences


    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
    BIO 235 -  Global Biogeochemical Cycles
    BIO 314 -  Ornithology
    BIO 315 -  Biology of Plants
    BIO 320 -  Ecology
    BIO 321 -  Herpetology: Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles
    BIO 324 -  Plant Ecology
  • BIO 350T -  Terrestrial Ecology of Australia
  • BIO 352T - Marine Ecology of Australia
  • CHM 231 -  Organic Chemistry 1
    CHM 240 -  Analytical Chemistry
    CHM 245 -  Environmental Chemistry
    CHM 340 -  Chemical Instrumentation
    ENS 210 -  Groundwater Hydrology
    ENS 215 -  Exploring Environmental Data
    GEO 201 -  Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of New York
    GEO 202 -  Geomorphology
    GEO 203 -  Lakes and Environmental Change
    GEO 205 -  Active Tectonics
    GEO 206 -  Volcanology
    GEO 207 -  Stable Isotopes in Environmental Science
    GEO 208 -  Paleontology, Paleobiology, and Paleoecology
    GEO 209 -  Paleoclimatology
    GEO 210 -  Groundwater Hydrology
    GEO 220 -  Mineral Science
    GEO 300 -  Glacial and Quaternary Geology
    GEO 302 -  Geochemical Systems and Modeling
    GEO 305 -  Global Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Any Geosciences mini-term.
  • Energy and Environmental Physics


    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
    PHY 110 -  Physics for the Life Sciences 1


    PHY 111 -  Physics for the Life Sciences 2




    PHY 120 -  Matter in Motion


    PHY 121 -  Principles of Electromagnetics




    IMP 120 -  Integrated Math/Physics


    IMP 121 -  Integrated Math/Physics
    and four from the following:
    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
    ENS 200 -  Energy
    ENS 209 -  Renewable Energy Systems
    MER 231 -  Thermodynamics 1
    MER 471 -  Solar Energy Analysis and Design
    PHY 122 -  Relativity, Quantum, and Their Applications
    PHY 123 -  Heat and Light
    PHY 220 -  Relativity and Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
    PHY 300 -  Methods of Modern Experimental Physics
    PHY 310 -  Advanced Topics in Physics 1


    Environmental Engineering and Technology


    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
    PHY 120 -  Matter in Motion


    and five from the following:
    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
    ENS 200 -  Energy
  • ENS 207 - Hydrology
  • ENS 208 -  Waste Management and Recycling
    ENS 209 -  Renewable Energy Systems
    ENS 210 -  Groundwater Hydrology
    ENS 215 -  Exploring Environmental Data
    ENS 222 -  The New Wall of China
  • ENS 234 - No Nonsense Sensors
  • ENS 247 -  Sustainable Infrastructure
    ENS 252 -  Geoenvironmental Applications
    ENS 253 -  Environmentally Friendly Buildings
    ENS 277 -  The Water Paradox
    ENS 291 -  Construction for Humanity
    ENS 299 -  Environmental Forensics
  • ESC 370 - Engineering Economics
  • GEO 210 -  Groundwater Hydrology
    HST 291 -  Construction for Humanity
    MER 231 -  Thermodynamics 1
  • TAB 333T - New Zealand Mini-term
  • D. Senior Seminar

    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed
    ENS 460 -  Environmental Science & Policy Senior Seminar

    E. One or Two-Term Senior Research Project

    Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed

    One-Term Option:

    ENS 497 -  Environmental Science & Policy Senior Research




    Two-Term Option:

    ENS 498 -  Environmental Science & Policy Research 1
    ENS 499 -  Environmental Science & Policy Research 2

    Requirements for Honors in Environmental Science, Policy, and Engineering:

    The major requirements as specified above are required, as are the GPA requirements of Union College described elsewhere in this catalog. A senior research thesis is required, consisting of at least two terms of ENS 498 and ENS 499 (independent research with a faculty member) and presentation at Steinmetz Symposium or other conference as approved by the advisor.
