Feb 21, 2025
Academic Register 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Chair: Professor M. Walker
Faculty: Professors S. Berk, A. Feffer, T. Meade, S. Sargent; Associate Professors K. Aslakson, J. Cramsie, A. Foroughi, J. Madancy, A. Morris, B. Peterson; Assistant Professor R. Mazumder; Senior Lecturer M. Lawson; Lecturer D. Brennan
Staff: J. Earley (Administrative Assistant)
ProgramsMajorInterdepartmental MajorMinorCourses- HST 101 - History of the United States to the Civil War
- HST 102 - History of the United States Since the Civil War
- HST 105 - Comparative Global History to 1800
- HST 106 - Comparative Global History from 1800
- HST 107 - Africa to 1800
- HST 108 - Africa since 1800
- HST 113 - The Origins of American Society
- HST 114 - The American Revolution
- HST 116 - Age of Jackson
- HST 118 - Civil War and Reconstruction
- HST 120 - The Emergence of Modern America, 1877-1918
- HST 121 - The Depression and New Deal
- HST 123 - Postwar America and the Origins of the Cold War
- HST 124 - (224) Monuments, Museums, and Movies: Introduction to Public History
- HST 125 - Coming Apart?: America in the Sixties
- HST 126 - Since Yesterday: United States History, 1974-2000
- HST 127 - America in the Vietnam War
- HST 128 - The American Jewish Experience
- HST 129 - History of Sports in America
- HST 131 - African-American History I
- HST 132 - African-American History II
- HST 135 - Latinos(as) in US History
- HST 138 - Big History
- HST 141 - Medieval Europe
- HST 142 - Renaissance and Reformation Europe
- HST 143 - Entrepreneurship in Medieval and Renaissance Europe
- HST 145 - Early Modern Europe
- HST 147 - Revolutionary History
- HST 148 - Europe Between Two Wars
- HST 149 - The Second World War Era
- HST 152 - The Great War
- HST 154 - Russia in the Imperial Age
- HST 155 - The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union
- HST 156 - History of Poland
- HST 157 - Modern Jewish History
- HST 158 - The Holocaust
- HST 161 - (164) The Peoples of Britain
- HST 171 - Europe and the Americas in the Era of Columbus
- HST 172 - Reform and Revolution in Latin America and the Caribbean
- HST 173 - (273) History of the Caribbean and Central America
- HST 181 - Confucians and Conquerors: East Asian Traditions
- HST 182 - Rebels, Reds, and Regular Folks: The Turbulent History of Modern Asia
- HST 183 - Introduction to South Asian Civilizations
- HST 184 - Making Modern India 1800-1947
- HST 194 - The Modern History of the Middle East
- HST 195 - The Early History of the Jews
- HST 201 - Contemporary Africa
- HST 203 - Judaism/Christianity/Islam
- HST 209 - Race, Gender, and Nationalism in American Sports
- HST 211 - American Indian History
- HST 212 - “Remember the Ladies”: American Women to 1900
- HST 213 - Work, Wars, and Wombs: American Women from 1900
- HST 216 - The Writing and Ratification of the Constitution
- HST 221 - Popular Culture and American History
- HST 222 - Other Voices: Women in the History of American Ideas
- HST 223 - Twentieth Century American Intellectual History
- HST 225 - American Environmental History
- HST 226 - A Novel View of US History
- HST 227 - Oral History
- HST 231 - The Civil Rights Movement
- HST 232 - History of New Orleans
- HST 240 - The Crusades: Christianity and Islam in Conflict
- HST 241 - Mystics, Magic, and Witchcraft in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
- HST 242 - The Scientific Revolution, 1400-1700
- HST 245 - Occult Sciences and Societies
- HST 247 - Men, Women, and Gender in Early Modern Europe
- HST 248 - Men, Women, and Gender in Modern Europe
- HST 253 - Physics and Politics
- HST 256 - Modern European Ideas
- HST 261 - (260) Medieval Britain 1000-1509
- HST 262 - (266) The Age of Henry VIII
- HST 263 - (267) The Tudor and Stewart Queens
- HST 264 - (268) The Stuart Wars 1603-1660
- HST 265 - The Museum: Theory and Practice
- HST 268 - (162) The Making of Modern Scotland
- HST 269 - Orwell’s England 1900-1950
- HST 270 - History of Latin American Popular Culture
- HST 271 - History of Mexico
- HST 272 - History of Brazil
- HST 274 - Social and Political Movements in Latin America
- HST 275 - United States Foreign Relations and Modern Latin America
- HST 281 - Samurai to Salarymen: Modern Japanese History
- HST 283 - The Mao Years
- HST 284 - Women in China and Japan: Power and Limitations
- HST 285 - The Samurai: Lives, Loves, and Legacies
- HST 286 - Women in South Asia
- HST 287 - Film and Modern India
- HST 291 - Construction for Humanity
- HST 292 - History of Computing
- HST 295H - History Honors Independent Project 1
- HST 296H - History Honors Independent Project 2
- HST 302 - Comparing Muslim Cultures
- HST 310 - Special Topics in United States History
- HST 311 - Frontiers in the Americas
- HST 312 - “Bonds of a Woman”:History of Women’s Rights in the United States
- HST 315 - Race and Constitution
- HST 322 - Slavery and Freedom
- HST 323 - Race and Revolution
- HST 324 - Race in American Memory
- HST 325 - War in American Memory
- HST 331 - Representing America: United States History in Film
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