i Alternative mathematics and physics sequences are possible depending on the preparation of the student.
ii The Elective courses must be satisfied as follows: five Common Curriculum courses and five Free Electives. Students planning to attend medical school should take CHM 231 /CHM 232 (organic chemistry) as electives and BIO 110 as a >300 level Biology course (see note iv below).
iii The Linguistic and Cultural Competency component of the Common Curriculum is recommended to be satisfied in the third year through a Term Abroad during Fall Term, or a mini term.
iv Biological Science courses must be >300 level with one having a lab. Pre-med students may use BIO 110 to satisfy the non-lab course requirement.
v Bioengineering courses BNG 330-349 represent courses in the Biomechanics area.
vi The BNG Elective courses include any five courses from BNG, ECE, CSC 243 , or other engineering courses subject to approval; one must have a lab and at least three must be >300 level.