Academic Register 2013-2014 
    Mar 14, 2025  
Academic Register 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Prizes, Honors, and Scholarships

Endowed and Annual Prizes

William F. Allen (1895) Essay Prize. To a senior in any department for the best essay.

Ronald K. Amiraian (1980) Memorial Prize. To a student of modern languages who has performed with distinction on a Union Term Abroad.

Andrew W. Archibald (1872) Prize. To the senior earning a Bachelor of Arts degree with the highest scholastic standing.

Frank Bailey (1885) Prize. To the senior who has rendered the greatest service to the College in any field.

Arnold I. Bittleman Memorial Prize. To a student who has studied drawing in the Visual Arts department and whose work, in the judgment of the Visual Arts faculty in collaboration with an outside juror, is outstanding. .

Fletcher (1947) and Grace Blanchard Memorial Prize in Bioengineering. To a senior who has excelled in Bioengineering.

William H. Bloom (1945), M.D. and Jonathan R. Bloom (1988) Poetry Prize. For the best poems or series of poems by an undergraduate.

David Brind (1982) Memorial Prize in English. To one or more outstanding senior students in English.

Stephen P. Brown Memorial Trophy. To the fraternity that has the best record in scholarship, intramural athletics, and extracurricular activities.

George H. Catlin (1867) Prize. To the graduating senior in liberal arts with the highest scholastic record and deemed most promising for graduate study and for eventual service in the field of college teaching.

Alan Lake Chidsey (1925) Citizenship Award. To a senior for distinctive contribution to the advancement of responsible government in student affairs.

Class of 2001 Prize. To a junior, selected on the basis of academic, personal and social achievement and on his or her contributions to Union in all of these areas.

Hilda A. Colish Annual Prize in Sculpture. To a non-arts major for their achievement in sculpture.

Josephine Daggett Prize. To a senior of the best conduct and character.

Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society Award. To a student who has excelled in analytical chemistry.

Joseph D. Doty Prize. To the junior or senior who, in the judgment of the Department of History, has done work of outstanding merit.

Samuel S. Feuer (1925) Prize. To the senior in the premedical course whose primary interest is in dentistry and who has maintained the highest scholastic average over four years.

Frankel Prize. For outstanding achievement in a religion course.

Robert M. Fuller (1863) Prizes. One to the sophomore, the other to the senior, who demonstrates outstanding work, ability, and promise in chemistry.

Bruce M. Garber (1971) Prize. To the premedical or predental student who best exemplifies the qualities of personal integrity and humane concern for the future practice of medicine or dentistry.

General Electric Edison Mechanical Engineering Book Prize. To a sophomore majoring in Mechanical Engineering who has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities.

General Electric Edison Mechanical Engineering Leadership Prize. To a senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering who has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities.

General Electric Energy Steinmetz Award. To a senior in Mechanical Engineering who completes the best senior project.

Geology Faculty Prize: To a senior who contributes most to the Geology Department and social morale.

Lisa S. Gerhan (1994) Memorial Award. For academic excellence, a commitment to the field of psychology, and the potential for future contributions to the field.

Ashraf M. Ghaly Geo Research Prize. Given to the senior who completes the best research study and reports original results in any geo field (geotechnical, geoenvironmental, geoengineering, geoscience, or geospatial). Recipient is selected by a committee of engineering faculty in consultation with geo faculty. Created by Ashraf M. Ghaly in gratitude to the students who nominated him for the Stillman Prize for Excellence in Teaching, and to commemorate his winning of that prize in 1997.

Celia Glaubach Prize. To the student who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship in the area of Religious Studies.

Shankar Gokhale Prize. To the senior in engineering, preferably in the five-year program with the second major in economics, judged to have the greatest potential for community service in the area of mathematical approaches to economic problems.

Goodnow Neuroscience Endowed Prize. To the graduating Neuroscience student who shows the most promise for success in graduate school and beyond.

Harry Guttman Endowed Prize. To an outstanding student of Classics.

John S. Hadala (1928) Endowed Book Prize. To a senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering on the basis of academic, personal, and social achievement

Hans Hainebach Memorial Prize in German Literature. To a sophomore or junior who has demonstrated particular promise as a student of German literature.

Hans Hainebach Memorial Prize in Judaica. To a student who has offered the best performance in the field of Judaica.

Hedda Hainebach Memorial Prize in Music and Theater. Alternating annually between music and theater, to the best performer of classical music as a soloist, with accompanist or with a group; or to a student who has written the best short play or to the best actor or actress.

Edward Everett Hale, Jr. Prize. For the best essay written by a sophomore or junior.

Joel A. Halpern (1961) Prize. To a student or students who have reached out beyond the campus to make a commitment in service to the community

Oswald Heck (1924)-Irwin Steingut Prize. To the student who has consistently done the best work in Political Science.

Eugene W. Hellmich (1923) Memorial Prize. To seniors who demonstrate excellence in mathematics and are planning to teach math.

Victor Herbert Prize. To the student who shows the most promise of making a contribution to American music.

Albert Hill Recognition Award. To a senior who has held a leadership position and has demonstrated exceptional commitment to enhancing the college community.

Julian B. Hoffman, M.D. (1966) Memorial Award. To the student (preferably premedical) for distinguished interest, devotion, and contribution to the arts and/or intellectual climate at Union College.

Hollander Convocation Music Prize. To a musician or ensemble for musical performance.

Roger H. Hull Community Service Award. To a senior who has rendered the greatest sustained service to the greater Schenectady Community and who has initiated or is actively engaged in an ongoing community service project.

Charles B. Hurd Prize. To a student of physical chemistry.

Albert C. Ingham (1847) Prize. To the student in the Social Sciences judged to have done the most outstanding piece of scholarly work.

Ingvar V. Ingvarsson Prize. To a senior in electrical engineering chosen for high scholarship.

John Iwanik Prize. To an outstanding Russian language student.

William B. Jaffe (1926) Art Award. For exceptional achievement by an art major, marked by excellence in the study of art history, independent scholarship, and interest in the work of the department.

William B. Jaffe (1926) Athletic Award. To the member of the graduating class to be the outstanding athlete of the year, taking into account the character and motivation of the individual in addition to athletic excellence.

Thomas J. Judson (1966) Memorial Book Prize. To a sophomore who has shown academic excellence as well as sincere interest in the study of modern languages.

David S. Kaplan (1982) Prize. To a student applying to participate in a term abroad. Preference to students majoring in political science.

Warner King (1906) Prize. To the senior in engineering who has contributed most to the traditions and ideals of the College.

Ethel Kirchenbaum Memorial Prize. To the senior who, in the opinion of the Engineering Departments, shall be deemed to possess the best potential for furthering the ideals of the engineering profession.

Harold A. Larrabee Prize. To the student who has done the best work in philosophy during the year.

William E. Lasnik (1968) Prize. To a junior or senior premedical student on the basis of scholarship and character.

Anthony C. LaVecchia (1998) Memorial Award. To a student who demonstrates a keen interest and passion in journalism, especially with a focus in political journalism.

Stephen F. Leo (1884), M.D. Prize. To the premedical student on scholarship who attained the highest grades in the graduating class and who has been accepted in medical school.

Alice P. and Donald C. Loughry (1952) Prizes. To students completing the best senior projects in computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering.

Edith Emilee MacCoy Prize. To the student who excels in botany.

John Lewis March Prize. To a senior who has shown increased interest and ability in psychology during the final two years of college.

Minerva Prize. Awarded to the female student whose work best combines the scholarly study of women or gender with activities that enhance the life of women on campus.

Lewis Henry Morgan (1840) Prize. To the anthropology major who produces the best senior thesis.

R. E. Morgan Memorial Award. To a senior in computer engineering chosen for high scholarship.

Harold and Ellen Nagorsky Memorial Prize. Awarded to a premedical junior student who contributes the most to the Union College community through extracurricular activities.

Alvin F. Nitchman (1924) Prize. To the most promising senior who plans to attend law school.

Ronald M. Obenzinger (1961) Prize. To a premedical student who is selected for high academic merit and personal worthiness.

Robert G. O’Neale (1878) Prize. To a Bachelor of Arts candidate with the highest standing in Classics.

Hans Pasch Memorial Prize. Awarded for the best essay written about the Holocaust.

Elias Peissner Prize. To an economics major who has done work of outstanding merit.

William A. Pike Memorial (1960) Trophy. To a junior for attitude, ability, participation, and achievement in intercollegiate sports.

President’s Commission on the Status of Women at Union College Prizes. To seniors who have contributed significantly to promoting equality between the sexes on campus in areas such as scholarship, college and community service, and athletics.

Daniel F. Pullman Prizes. To a senior of high scholastic standing in Humanities and Engineering.

Rennes Lecturer/Lectrice Prize. To a senior planning to serve as a lecturer or lectrice pursuant to Union College’s teacher exchange program in Rennes, France.

Martin Terry Resch Prize. To the senior who shows the greatest promise for advanced study in pure or applied mathematics.

Mrs. Edwin L. Rich Prize. To a student majoring in English who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship.

Charles Alexander Richmond Prizes. One for excellence in the fine arts, the other for excellence in the appreciation of music.

Robert B. Ridings Award. To a senior female athlete for her attitude, ability, participation, and achievement in intercollegiate sports.

Paul Rieschick (1974) Prize. In appreciation of the time and effort he devoted to the basketball program and individual players.

Mark Rosenthal (1976) Memorial Prize. To a senior involved in community activities, in good academic standing and planning to attend medical school after graduation.

Rotary Foundation Endowed Prize for International Study. To the senior who shows the greatest promise and interest in an area of international relations. Preference to a student from Schenectady County.

Robert L. Royal (1938) Award. To a financially deserving student who has been accepted by Albany Medical College, to be applied to the purchase of instruments and equipment necessary to medical studies.

Mortimer F. Sayre Prize. To the senior with the best potential for furthering the ideals of the mechanical engineering profession.

Calvin G. Schmidt (1951) Prize. To the member of the junior class who has contributed most to the betterment of student life on campus.

J. Richard Shanebrook Prize. To a student of any religious tradition who has contributed the most to the betterment of religious life on campus.

Daniel Shocket (1972) Memorial Award. To a student majoring in English with a strong interest in creative writing.

Aime Simon (1991) Term Abroad Prize. To students of high academic standing and promise with strong interests in French studies, participating in a term abroad program in a French-speaking country.

Edward S.C. Smith Geology Prize. To a senior majoring in geology who demonstrates high professional potential.

Freling H. Smith (1865) Prize. To the History major with the best senior thesis.

Dr. Reuben Sorkin (1933) Award for Proficiency in Premedical Studies. To a senior demonstrating proficiency in undergraduate studies with an outstanding aptitude for continuing work leading to a degree in medicine.

Ralph W. Stearns (1907) Prize. To the outstanding student or students in electrical or computer engineering.

Milton Hymes Sternfeld (1916) Prize. For the best original essay in philosophy by a member of the senior class.

Roger Thayer Stone (1928) Prize. To the sociology major who produces the best senior thesis.

William W. Thomas Award in French and Francophone Studies. To a senior who has excelled in and contributed most to French and Francophone Studies on the basis of academic, personal and extracurricular achievement

Charles M. Tidmarch Prize. To a senior political science student.

Frances Travis Award. To a student who is working his or her way through college and who has demonstrated unusual responsibility and self-reliance.

James Henry Turnbull (1929) Prize. To a sophomore student who excelled in physics.

UNITAS Diversity Leadership Award. To the student who has made a significant contribution toward fostering diversity on campus.

Wessel Ten Broeck Van Orden (1839) Prize. To a first-year student excelling in English composition.

Edward Villella, L.H.D. 1991 Prize. To the student for the best dance performance.

David Wagenseil (1978) Memorial Award. To a senior fraternity man for outstanding participation and leadership in intramural sports.

Horatio G. Warner (1826) Prize. To a student of high personal character who has the highest scholastic standing in the Bachelor of Arts program.

Mildred Wilder Prize. To the senior majoring in political science who has written the best piece of scholarly work pertaining to the subject of women and politics.

George H. Williams Prize. To a graduating senior for excellence in Computer Science.

Lee and William Wrubel Memorial Prize. To a senior preparing for dentistry or medicine, based upon both academic achievement and character.

Eugene I. Yudis (1955) Prize. To the student in any class who has produced the best piece of prose fiction.

Special Awards and Prizes

John Bigelow Medal (2008). Recognizes friends of the College who have contributed to the advancement of humanity.

Eliphalet Nott Medal. Established by President Roger H. Hull. Recognizes the perseverance of alumni who have attained great distinction in their fields. The medal is named for Eliphalet Nott, president of Union College from 1804 to 1866.

Founders Medal. Established by action of the Board of Trustees in 1968. Presented at irregular intervals in recognition of unusual and distinguished service to Union College in a particular area of institutional life.

Gideon Hawley Teacher Recognition Award: Nominated by first-year and sophomore Union College students, to a secondary school teacher who has made a difference in their lives.

The John H. Jenkins Award. Awarded for the best bibliography or bibliographical work published during the year, or for a bibliographical research project of significance while in process of preparation. Determination of the recipient of the award shall be at the sole discretion of Union College or such agents as it shall engage.

Stillman Prize. To a faculty member to encourage outstanding teaching.

UNITAS Community-Building Award. To the Union College student, administrator, staff or faculty member who best demonstrates leadership in bringing together as many segments as possible of the campus community for purposes such as community service, fundraising for a worthy cause or celebration of College history.

Endowed Scholarships

The scholarships listed below are available to qualified students in any course of study unless there is a notation to the contrary.

Stephen C. Ainlay and Judith Gardner Ainlay Scholarship. A $1 million endowed scholarship fund in honor of President Stephen C. Ainlay and Judith Gardner Ainlay established by the Union College Board of Trustees in 2012. Awarded annually with preference given each academic year to one new student who demonstrates and maintains high academic standing, will enhance the diversity of the College.

Robert Carter Alexander (1880) Memorial Scholarship. The gift of friends in memory of Robert Carter Alexander, Class of 1880, a lawyer, journalist, and life trustee of Union. Income awarded as a scholarship to encourage academic excellence in classical studies.

Floyd E. Allen (1909) Memorial Scholarship. Established by Helen M. Allen in memory of her husband, Floyd, Class of 1909, a graduate engineer, to establish a scholarship in the Division of Engineering.

William Allen (1895) Scholarship. The gift of Judge William Allen, Class of 1895.

Ann and Bruce Allison Scholarship. Established by Robert M. DeMichele, Class of 1966, a life member of the Board of Trustees of Union College. Preference given to a high academic achieving member of the men’s lacrosse team.

Alpha Delta Phi Scholarship. Established in 1998 by Union College and Alpha Delta Phi. Awarded annually to students majoring in English or the humanities.

Alumni Graduate Council Scholarship. Preference given to students who require financial assistance.

Carlos Alvarez (1982) Memorial Scholarship. Created from the gifts of the Kappa Sigma brothers and friends.

Ronald Amiraian (1980) Memorial Scholarship. Established by Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Amiraian in honor of their son, Ronald, Class of 1980. Preference to modern language students participating in the Terms Abroad program.

A.M. and S.M. Anderson Scholarship. Created by A. Melcher Anderson, Class of 1945, and his wife, Shirley M. Anderson. Preference shall be given to students majoring in engineering and related technologies, or in the natural sciences including physics, chemistry and mathematics.

Cecil E. Angell (1941) and Jane S. Angell Memorial Scholarship. Created in memory of Cecil E. Angell, Class of 1941, by his family and friends. Income awarded annually to students pursuing courses in engineering who require financial assistance.

Applegarth Memorial Scholarship. Created from the bequest of Lillian E. Applegarth, former secretary and assistant to several Union College presidents, in memory of William R. Applegarth, Gladys M. Applegarth, and Lillian E. Applegarth.

Jeremy April (2005) Memorial Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Union College and the April family and friends.

Arkell Hall Foundation Scholarship. A gift of The Arkell Hall Foundation in memory of Bertell Arkell Barbour. Income used to aid a student or students selected on the basis of character, financial need, and academic performance. Further qualifications in order of priority are: (1) students from the Canajoharie (N.Y.) Central School District; (2) students from other parts of Montgomery County; (3) students from the general area of New York State.

Clarence S. Arms (1905) Scholarship. The gift of Clarence S. Arms, Class of 1905, an engineer in the steel and wire industry and a leading consultant on wire mills in Europe, the United States, and Canada. Preference to a deserving applicant from Sidney (N.Y.) High School.

Thomas Armstrong (1871) Scholarship. The gift of Thomas Armstrong of Plattsburgh, N.Y. Restricted to residents of Clinton County.

R. Douglas Arnold (1972) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of R. Douglas Arnold, Class of 1972.

Robert D. Arnold (1941) & Miriam H. Arnold Endowed Scholarship. A gift from the estate of Robert & Miriam Arnold.

Brayton R. Babcock Memorial Scholarship. The gift of Brayton R. Babcock, Jr., in memory of his father, Brayton Babcock, Class of 1893.

Marian A. Baciewicz (1977) Memorial Scholarship. Established by Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Baciewicz in memory of their daughter, Marian, Class of 1977. Annual income awarded on the basis of need to a female member of Union’s senior class whose goal is furthering human understanding. Preference to a female student studying biology, chemistry, or biochemistry.

Frank Bailey, Jr., Fund. A gift from Dr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey, in memory of their son, class of 1931 who died during his senior year in Union. Preference will be given to members of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity.

Frank Bailey, Jr., (1931) Memorial Fund. A gift from the members of the Class of 1931 in memory of their classmate, Frank Bailey, Jr., and contributed to by the Bailey family. Frank Bailey, Jr., died a few days before his class graduated. He was the son of Frank Bailey, Class of 1885, long-time treasurer of Union College and a life trustee.

Richard M. Baird (1930) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Richard M. Baird, Class of 1930.

May I.C. Baker Scholarship. The gift of Mrs. Harriet C. Moore in memory of her sister, Mrs. Walter C. Baker. Income awarded to a student pursuing a course of study in humanities. May I.C. Baker was the wife of Walter C. Baker, Class of 1915, a past chairman of the Board of Trustees and a life trustee of the College.

May I.C. Baker Scholarship. The gift of Mrs. Anna C. Newberry in memory of her sister, Mrs. Walter C. Baker. Income awarded to a student pursuing a course of study in humanities.

Walter C. Baker (1915) Scholarship. Established by Walter C. Baker, Class of 1915, a member of the Board of Trustees of Union College.

Walter R.G. Baker (1916) Scholarship. Established by the Baker Charitable Foundation in honor and memory of Walter R.G. Baker, Class of 1916. Preference to students pursuing a degree in engineering.

Thomas A. Baltay (1987) Memorial Scholarship. Established by Charles Baltay, Class of 1958 in memory of his son, Thomas, Class of 1987.

Max and Helen B. Barandes Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Gerald Barandes, Class of 1954, Dr. Martin Barandes, Class of 1959, and Robert Barandes, Class of 1969 in honor of their parents.

Richard I. Barstow (1929) Scholarship. Established by Richard I. Barstow, Class of 1929.

Dr. David J. Becker (1979) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Dr. David J. Becker, Class of 1979, on the occasion of his 25th Class ReUnion.

Stanley R. Becker (1940) Scholarship. Created from the bequest of Stanley R. Becker, Class of 1940. Awarded to junior and seniors majoring in political science.

John W. Belanger Scholarship. Created by the bequest of John W. Belanger, a former trustee. Awarded to students pursuing courses in engineering.

Randi Sue Bell (1985) Scholarship. Established in memory of Randi S. Bell, Class of 1985 through gifts of her family and friends.

Rett (1964) & Michele Benedict Endowed Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Rettig P. Benedict Jr, a member of the class of 1964, and his wife, Michele A. Benedict. Awarded to students who are majoring in either the fine arts and/or the physical sciences.

Ralph D. Bennett (1921) Scholarship. Established by his family and friends. Mr. Bennett was a trustee of the College from 1946 to 1994. Preference to students pursuing courses in engineering or physics.

Mitchell D. Bernstein (1985) Memorial Endowed Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Richard B. Bernstein in memory of his son, Mitchell D. Bernstein, a member of the Class of 1985. Awarded to students with a strong interest in theater arts as demonstrated by a major or minor in Theater.

John A. Best (1898) Memorial Scholarship. Created by gifts of Harriet and Elizabeth Best, in memory of their father, with income awarded annually to humanities students.

Gertrude Robinson-Bianchi Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Gertrude Robinson Bianchi.

Alfred F.H. Bischoff (1935) Scholarship. Established by Alfred F.H. Bischoff, Class of 1935. Preference is given to students majoring in electrical engineering.

Shelley Carol Blank Endowed Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Howard Blank, Class of 1970, and Giovannina Perrone to support a student who demonstrates financial need.

Milton Blatt Memorial Scholarship. Created by Gustave L. Davis, MD, Class of 1959, and his wife, Susan, in memory of Milton Blatt. Preference to graduates of public high schools in the five boroughs of New York City.

Anne E. Blodgett and Harold E. Blodgett (1911) Scholarship Fund. Established under the will of Harold E. Blodgett, Class of 1911. Primary consideration to students from Schenectady County.

Catherine A. Blodgett Memorial Scholarship. The gift of Harold E. Blodgett, Class of 1911 to establish a scholarship fund in memory of his mother, Catherine Ann Blodgett. First preference to residents of Herkimer and Fulton counties in New York.

James Seymour Blodgett Memorial Scholarship. Established by Harold E. Blodgett, Class of 1911 in memory of his father. Preference to students from Schenectady County.

Professor Joseph B. Board Endowed Scholarship. Established by family and friends of Professor Joseph B. Board, the Robert Porter Patterson Professor of Political Science from 1965-2003. A committee of political science faculty with choose the recipient.

Esther Levitz Bocian and Emanuel H. Bocian (1908) Scholarships. Established by Emanuel H. Bocian in memory of his wife, Esther Levitz Bocian, and himself, to be used for two scholarships awarded at the discretion of the president of Union College.

Madison E. Brainard, Class of 1911, Memorial Scholarship. Established by the estate of Lucille Clancy.

Donald C. Brate (1945) Scholarship. Established by Donald C. Brate, Class of 1945, with preference to students pursuing a degree in engineering.

David A. Braver Memorial Scholarship . Established by Andrew Braver, Class of 1991 and Marcie Daniels Braver, Class of 1989. Preference to students from the Northeast of the United States,
studying liberal arts.

David M. Brind (1982) Scholarship. Established in memory of David M. Brind, Class of 1982, a pre-law student. Awarded to juniors or seniors who possess a love of the outdoors, particularly as expressed through active participation in field and stream activities, with second preference for students who plan a career in law.

Stephen P. Brown (1953) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Herbert R. and Charlotte L. Cooper, sister of Stephen P. Brown ‘53. Preference will be given to students who are U.S. citizens.

Fred W. Bruhn (1932) Endowed Scholarship. Established by members of the family of the late Fred W. Bruhn ‘32. Preference will be given to students who are members of the Men’s Baseball and Women’s Softball Teams.

Meade Brunet (1916) Scholarship. A gift of Meade Brunet, LLD, Class of 1916, a member and former chairman of the Board of Trustees of Union College. It is hoped that recipients of the scholarship will repay the grant within ten years of graduation. Preference first to students from Petersboro, VA, then to students from Richmond, VA, finally to students from the State of Virginia.

William E. Bruyn and Beatrice V. Bruyn Endowment Fund. A bequest from Beatrice V. Bruyn in memory of her husband, William, and herself. First preference to students from families in Ulster County, N.Y.

Joseph and Antoinette Bucci Memorial Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Cesare A. Bucci, Class of 1951.

Gary R. Burch (1962), M.D., Scholarship. Created by Elizabeth Burch in memory of her late husband, a commissioned medical officer in the Army.

Roger N. Burgess (1938). A gift from the estate of Roger N. Burgess, Class of 1938.

Louis Calder Foundation Scholarship. Created by the Louis Calder Foundation. Preference to students from the five boroughs of the City of New York.

Edward D. Cammarota (1937) Scholarship. Created by Edward D. Cammarota, Class of 1937. First preference to students whose families reside in Schenectady County.

Michael R. Cappiello (1939) Scholarship. Established by Michael R. Cappiello, Class of 1939, and awarded to an entering first-year student. Preference will be given in the following order: (1) students who are residents of Bourne or Wareham, Mass.; (2) students who are children of members of the Ancient & Honorable Artillery Co. of Massachusetts.

William (1974) and Barbara (Dewey) (1975) Carmody Endowed Scholarship. Created to honor Bill Scanlon, Head Basketball Coach at Union College for 23 years with the most wins in Union basketball history. Income awarded to a student with financial need who demonstrates the teaching and leadership qualities that Coach Scanlon personifies.

Josephine C. and Bryan L. Carpenter (1921) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Josephine C. Carpenter, in memory of her husband, Bryan L. Carpenter, Class of 1921).

Todd M. Carr (1977) Memorial Scholarship. Established in memory of Todd Carr, Class of 1977, through the efforts of classmate Charles Flanagan to honor the courage and example set by Todd in his battle against Lou Gehrig’s disease. Income is awarded to a student selected on the basis of character, financial need, academic performance, and extracurricular activities.

Edward L. Carroll (1927) Scholarship. A gift from a trust established by Edward L. Carroll, Class of 1927, to students studying theater, fine arts, or music.

Edward W. Carsky (1950) Scholarship. Established by Edward W. Carsky, Class of 1950, to benefit an incoming first-year student who is a graduate of Johnstown High School, Johnstown, N.Y.

David (1959) and Elaine Chapnick Scholarship. Created from the gifts of David Chapnick, Class of 1959, and his wife, Elaine. Preference to students studying history and liberal arts.

Roland David Ciaranello (1965), M.D., Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Roland and Carmella Ciaranello in memory of their son, Roland, Class of 1965. Preference to pre-med students living in Schenectady County.

Adam F. Ciesinski (1941) Scholarship. Established by Stephen J. Ciesinski, Class of 1970, and his brothers and sisters in honor of their father, Adam Ciesinski, Class of 1941.

Travis J. (2000) & Shanna Putnam Clark (2000) Memorial Scholarship. Established by family, friends and members of the Union community in memory of Travis J. and Shanna Putnam Clark, members of the Class of 2000.

Gaylord Judd Clarke (1859) Scholarships. Established by Mrs. Anna L. Giles in honor of her father, Gaylord Judd Clarke (1859), a lawyer and a journalist.

Class of 1895 Scholarship. Gifts from members of the Class of 1895.

Class of 1912 Scholarship. Gifts from members of the Class of 1912.

Class of 1920 Scholarship. Gifts from members of the Class of 1920.

Class of 1936 Scholarship. Part of the General Pooled Endowment Funds of the College; no restrictions on use.

Class of 1937 Memorial Scholarship. A memorial to classmates who lost their lives in World War II. Preference to descendants of members of the class.

Class of 1950 Scholarship. Gifts from members of the Class of 1950.

Class of 1951 Scholarship. Gifts from members of the Class of 1951.

Class of 1952 C. William (1934) and Lee H. Huntley Memorial Scholarship. Gifts from members of the Class of 1952.

Class of 1956 John A. Davidson (1956) Memorial Scholarship. Established by members of the Class of 1956 on the occasion of their 50th ReUnion in memory of their classmate and friend, John A. Davidson, Class of 1956.

Class of 1958 Donald T. Stadtmuller Memorial Scholarship. Created by members of the Class of 1958 in memory of their classmate Donald T. Stadtmuller. Awarded to students of diverse interests.

John C. (1975) and Eileen S. Clegg Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Eileen S. Clegg, in memory of her husband, John C. Clegg, member of the Class of 1975. Preference shall be given to students with electrical engineering majors.

Student Assistance Fund in Memory of Henry J. Clute. The bequest of Anna Clute Newcomb in memory of her father, Henry J. Clute.

Elaine and Myron J. Cohn (1932) Scholarship. Created by Myron J. Cohn, Class of 1932.

Morris Mandel Cohn (1921) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Dr. Cohn’s two children, Jay N. Cohn, M.D., Class of 1952 and Grayce Cohn Cohen. Preference shall be given to students from the Capital District of New York who have an interest in studying environmental science.

William T. Colburn (1979) and Susan T. Marcolina, MD, FACP (1980) Scholarship. Created by William T. Colburn and Susan T. Marcolina. Preference shall be given to students pursuing careers in science and technology fields.

Robert C. Connell (1942) Memorial Scholarship. Created by James Cushing in memory of his long-time friend.

Connelly Family Endowed Scholarship. Created by Thomas (1989) and Laura Connolly to benefit students who are in need of financial aid and are from one of the five boroughs of New York City.

Continuing Education Fund. Established to encourage the “nontraditional” student who engages in academic pursuits through the continuing education undergraduate program. A student may attend classes part-time or full-time in the evening program or as a special student in the day program.

Harry Cook (1906) Memorial Scholarship. The gift of Harry Cook, Class of 1906, and his wife, Lavinia. Income awarded as a scholarship. Harry Cook was a lawyer practicing in Albany, N.Y.

Gerald F. Cooke (1973) and Cooke Family Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Estelle Cooke-Sampson, Class of 1974 and Lawrence E. Cooke, Class of 1977 in memory of their brother, Gerald Cooke. Preference will be given to African American students.

Harris Lee Cooke Scholarship. Established by Lucy E. Williams, in memory of Harris Lee Cooke, her brother. Mr. Cooke practiced law in Cooperstown, N.Y., for forty-five years and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree in 1934.

Frances King Corrigan Scholarship. Established from the gifts of Joseph Corrigan, Class of 1929 in memory of his wife. Income awarded annually to physically handicapped students.

Leslie F. Couch (1952) Scholarship. Created by Leslie F. Couch, Class of 1952.

CPS Chemical, Inc. Scholarship. Established from a gift from CPS Chemical, Inc. for deserving biology major students.

Professors Edward Craig and Yu Chang Merit Scholarship. Created from the gifts of David M. Madden, Class of 1984, on the occasion of his 20th ReUnion, honoring Professors Craig and Chang. Preference shall be given to students majoring in electrical and/or computer engineering.

Eugene G. Crippen (1919) Memorial Scholarship. Established by Eva Hayes Crippen in memory of her husband, Eugene, Class of 1919, who pioneered in the development of radio and electronic communications before becoming a teacher of aeronautics in the Civil Service Administration. Preference to a promising student pursuing a course leading to a career in aeronautical engineering, electrical engineering, or medicine.

Clarence Livingston Crofts (1872) Memorial Scholarship. The gift of Frederick S. Crofts, in memory of his father, Clarence Livingston Crofts. Frederick S. Crofts, a publisher and journalist in New York City, received an honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters in 1939.

William J. Curtin (1982) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of William J. Curtin, Class of 1982. Preference to students from Potsdam, N.Y.

Oscar and Elva Dahlquist Memorial Scholarship. Established by Donna E.D. Phillips, Class of 1979, in memory of her parents.

The Charles A. Dana Scholarships. Established by a grant from The Charles A. Dana Foundation for students who have completed at least one year of college and who have demonstrated leadership in college and/or community activities.

Dr. Richard G. Day (1939) Memorial Scholarship. Established by the family and friends of Dr. Day. Preference given to students majoring in pre-med.

Harold S. and Margaret N. Deal Memorial Scholarship. Created from the estate of Margaret N. Deal. Preference shall be given to students who have interest in a career in pharmacy and who are majoring either in biochemistry or pre-health programs.

Judith G. Dein (1976) & Alan M. Reisch (1975) Scholarship. Created from the gift of Judith G. Dein and Alan M. Reisch. Preference shall be given to students majoring in political science.

Burton and Violet Delack Scholarship. Created from the gifts of the Delack family in memory of Burton B. Delack, Class of 1936, and his late wife, Violet. Preference shall be given to undergraduates who are from Schenectady and Niskayuna.

Edward I. Devlin (1881) Memorial Scholarship. The gift of Jean Dickson Devlin in memory of her husband, Edward, Class of 1881. Annual income used to award a scholarship or scholarships.

Dewar Scholarship. Established by the Dewar Foundation, Inc. Preference to graduates of Oneonta (N.Y.) Senior High School.

William Thompson Dewart Scholarship. The gift of William Thompson Dewart for a scholarship in his name.

Harry K. Dewitt (1928) Endowed Scholarship. Award to students who require financial assistance.

Louis M. DiCarlo (1932) Scholarship. Established by Dr. DiCarlo during his fiftieth reunion year for a scholarship for humanities students who demonstrate potential for making contributions to the improvement of the quality of human life.

Janine N. Donikian Scholarship. Created in her honor by her brother, Andre R. Donikian, Class of 1965, and Dr. Marc Donikian, her father. Awarded to students from the state of Indiana and adjoining Midwestern states.

The Molly Stark and André R. Donikian (1965) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Molly S. and Andre R. Donikian, Class of 1965. Preference will be given to students who are planning to continue studies at Albany Law School.

C. E. Donnellon Fund. The gift of C. E. Donnellon, a friend of Union College, made out of friendship for Frank Bailey, Class of 1885, who was a business associate.

Dr. Robert N. Downer (1966) and Martha E. Downer (1990) Scholarship. Established by gifts from Dr. Robert N. Downer, Class of 1966, and his daughter, Martha E. Downer, Class of 1990, in honor of Martha’s graduation and the Bicentennial Campaign for Union College.

Anna Draves Great Expectations Scholarship. Created from the gift of John R. Draves, Class of 1948, in memory of his mother. Preference to promising and aspiring students with potential for attaining Union’s academic standards and who have great financial need.

Esther C. and Oswald E. Drescher, Jr. Scholarship. Created from the gifts of John E. Drescher, Class of 1956, in honor of his mother and father.

Harwood Dudley (1875) Memorial Scholarship. The bequest of Frances Selmser Dudley, wife of Harwood Dudley, Class of 1875, a trustee of Union from 1908 until his death in 1915. Income awarded as a scholarship to a needy student who, at the end of the first year, has attained the highest scholastic average.

Thomas W. Duffy (1971) Scholarship. Created from the estate of Thomas W. Duffy, who was killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.

James M. Dunn (1912), M.D., Memorial Scholarship. Created by gifts from his wife, Marguerite Dunn, and awarded to a student or students pursuing a full-time course of study leading to a career in medicine.

Dr. Joseph H. Dusenbury (1945) Memorial Scholarship. Established by Mrs. Joseph H. Dusenbury in memory of her husband, Joseph, Class of 1945.

William H. Eagleson, Jr. (1929) Memorial Scholarship. Established by his widow, Mae Eagleson, for a scholarship in his memory for humanities students, including, but not necessarily limited to, history, philosophy, languages, linguistics, literature, archaeology, jurisprudence, history and criticism of the arts, ethics, comparative religion, and those aspects of the social sciences employing historical or philosophical approaches.

Edgar W. (1906) and Maude M. Earle Scholarship. A gift from a trust established by Edgar W. Earle, Class of 1906.

Early Alumni Endowed Scholarship. A compilation of the George F. Allison, Class of 1884; Richard M. Blatchford, Class of 1885; Donald Coulter, Class of 1915; and James A. Goodrich, Class of 1879; Alexander Duane, Class of 1878 funds.

William C. Eismeman (1945) & Burton Grusky (1951) Veterans Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Hope H. Eiseman and Robert R. Grusky (1979), to honor their fathers, both of whom graduated from Union and were Army veterans. Awarded to students who were formally active duty members in the United States of America’s armed forces.

Dr. Edward Ellery Scholarship. Established by Rudolph A. Schatzel, Class of 1921, in memory of Dr. Edward Ellery, professor of chemistry (1905-1937) and dean of faculty (1918-1937) at Union College. Awarded annually to students pursuing courses in the sciences.

Eppler Family Scholarship. Established by Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Eppler to support the College’s financial aid program.

Louis Epstein Scholarship. Established by Michael J. Epstein, Class of 1959, MD, in honor of his father, Louis Epstein.

Robert P. Ericson (1941) Scholarship. Preference to students wishing to study the classics.

Judson R. Escalante (1953) Scholarship. Established by gifts from Judson R. Escalante, Class of 1953 to students who are pursuing a course of study in the humanities and who demonstrate potential for making contributions to the improvement of the quality of human life.

Harry C. Ewens (1914) Endowed Scholarship. A gift from the estate of Harry & Dorothy Ewens.

Henry C. Fagal Scholarship. Created from gifts of Frederick F. Fagal, Class of 1938 and Janet Beardsley Fagal. First preference to students residing in the Schenectady area. Second preference to students from the Amsterdam area.

William and Adeline Fairlee Scholarship. Established by the bequest of Alvah Fairlee, Class of 1893 in memory of his parents. The donor was a Schenectady attorney who served as city judge and police justice.

David (1939) and Elynor Falk Scholarship. The gift of Elynor R. and David Falk, Class of 1939, MD, awarded to motivate a student to strive for continuing improvement in academic and personal development, with preference to a major in the biological sciences including but not limited to premedical preparation.

Samuel W. Farr (1938) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Samuel W. Farr, Class of 1938. Victor H. Fazio (1965) Scholarship. Established by Victor H. Fazio, Class of 1965. Preference to students planning to enter a career in public service.

Franklin L. Fero (1917) Scholarship. Established by a bequest from Franklin L. Fero, Class of 1917.

John H. Fisher, Jr. ‘52 and Virginia M. Fisher Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Virginia M. Fisher in memory of her husband.

Roland V. (1943) and Nancy Fitzroy Scholarship. Established by Roland V. Fitzroy, Class of 1943 and given to students majoring in electrical engineering.

Dr. Leon B. Foote (1909) Memorial Scholarship. A bequest from the estate of Ruth Z. Foote, widow of Dr. Leon B. Foote, Class of 1909.

Dr. Dixon Ryan Fox Memorial Scholarship. The gift of friends and alumni of Union College made during the Sesquicentennial Campaign (1945-46) in memory of Dixon Ryan Fox, president of Union College from 1934-1945.

Dr. Dixon Ryan Fox Memorial Scholarship. The gift of Mrs. E. E. Gilbert of Schenectady, a friend of Union College, in memory of Dixon Ryan Fox, president of Union from 1934-45.

Helen Marlette Fox Scholarship. Created from the gift of Helen Marlette Fox, a former employee of the College, whose husband, Norman W. Fox, is a member of the Class of 1943.

Herbert O. Fox (1939) and Jean M. Fox Scholarship. Created from the gift of Jean M. Fox, in memory of her husband, Herbert O. Fox, Class of 1939. Mr. Fox was the son of Dixon Ryan Fox, Union College president from 1934-45.

Nicholas V.V. Franchot (1875) Memorial Scholarship. The gift of Mr. Franchot’s three daughters, Janet Wilder, Anna Godley, and Louise Munson, in his memory. Mr. Franchot (1875) was a life trustee of Union College from 1895 until his death in 1943.

Juel Frankel Memorial Scholarship. Created through the gifts of friends and family of Juel W. Frankel, the wife of Jacob Frankel (1917).

Dr. Herbert Freeman (1947) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Dr. Herbert Freeman, Class of 1947 on the occasion of the Class of 1947’s fiftieth ReUnion.

James (Wes) Fry (1946) Scholarship. Created from the bequest of Wes Fry, Class of 1946, to graduates of Lake George High School, Lake George, N.Y., who are good citizens and a credit to the community and country.

Joseph F. Furlong (1942) Scholarship. Created by Joseph F. Furlong III, Class of 1970 and his wife, Dixie Furlong, in recognition of Joseph F. Furlong, Class of 1942 in honor of Union’s Bicentennial.

Howard Cogswell Furman Scholarship. The gift of Howard Cogswell Furman, a friend of Union College, to provide tuition or funds for other college expenses for students attending Union.

James Gage (1931) Scholarship. Established by Sally Gage in memory of her husband. Preference is given to pre-law or liberal arts students.

George R. Galbraith (1917) Scholarship. Established by a gift from George R. Galbraith, Class of 1917.

Lt. Edward C. Gelsleichter Memorial Scholarship. Established by his brother, F.D. Gelsleichter, Class of 1933, and supported by gifts from the Gelsleichter family.

The Burdett Gibson (1923) Scholarship. The gift of Charles Gibson, in memory of his father, Burdett Gibson, Class of 1923.

William A. Gietz (1949) Scholarship. Established by a gift of Barbara M. Brugh, in memory of her husband, William A. Gietz, Class of 1949. Preference shall be given to students who show interest in pursuing a career in communications or broadcasting.

Ambrose H. Gilligan (1926) Scholarship. Established by Kenneth J. Whalen, Class of 1949, a life trustee, to honor his former high school principal and coach, Ambrose H. Gilligan, Class of 1926.

Charles A Gilmore, Jr. (1936) Scholarship. Created from the bequest of Charles A. Gilmore, Jr., Class of 1936, with preference given to a student majoring in English.

W.S. Girling (1917) Scholarship. The gift of Wallace S. Girling, Class of 1917, and a long-term member of the Board of Trustees. Preference given to residents of Long Island.

Gold Star Scholarship. The gift of alumni and friends of Union College during the Sesquicentennial Campaign (1945-46) for scholarships in memory of alumni who lost their lives as members of the Armed Forces during World War II.

Arthur S. Golden (1901) Memorial Scholarship. The bequest of Mildred V. Golden in memory of her husband, Arthur S. Golden, Class of 1901.

Nancy A. Gordon Memorial Scholarship. Created by Dr. Neal J. Gordon, Class of 1969 in memory of his wife, Nancy.

William C. Gotshall Scholarship. The bequest of William C. Gotshall, a friend of Union College. Preference to worthy students in any branch or course of engineering.

Graduate Council Scholarship. Established by the Graduate Council (now called Alumni Council) at its meeting Oct. 13, 1935, reserving income from the Losee estate for this purpose.

John L. Grant (1945) Memorial Scholarship. Awarded to an undergraduate student majoring in Economics and enrolled in the joint MBA program.

William V. and Adelaide M. Grant Memorial Scholarship. Established by William R. Grant, Class of 1949, a trustee of Union College, in memory of his parents. Preference to qualified students in the following order: graduate of Chaminade High School, graduate of Portsmouth Abbey School, discretion of the College.

J. Alfred Greene, Jr., (1919) and Harriette W. Greene Scholarship. Established through a bequest from Harriette W. Greene in memory of her husband, J. Alfred Greene, Jr., Class of 1919.

J. William Greve (1951) Scholarship. Created by J. William Greve, Class of 1951.

Dickinson E. Griffith, Jr., (1941) Memorial Scholarship. The gifts of friends of Dickinson E. Griffith, Jr., Class of 1941.

Carroll C. Grinnell ‘19 Memorial Scholarship. Established by the gifts of the members of the Class of l919 in memory of their classmate, Carroll Grinnell.

Robert Shepard Griswold (1952) Memorial Fund. Established through a bequest from his mother, the late Clare S. Griswold. The income is to be used to further the musical career study of a student.

James R. Gross (1963) Scholarship. Established by James R. Gross, Class of 1963.

Jerome D. Guthmann (1914) Scholarship. Established under the will of Mrs. Fannie D. Guthmann in memory of her son, Class of 1914.

Denise Kitsock Gutstein (1986) Scholarship. Established by Denise Kitsock Gutstein, Class of 1986.

Hans and Hedda Hainebach Humanities and Arts Scholarship. Established through bequest of Hedda Hainebach. Awarded to students who are majoring in the humanities or arts.

Hallenbeck Family Scholarship. Created from the gifts of the Hallenbeck family in memory of J. Potter Hellenbeck, Class of 1910, and Robert P. Hallenbeck, Class of 1942. Awarded to students who are the decedents of Union College alumni.

J. Potter Hallenbeck (1910) Scholarship. Established by the gifts of the Hallenbeck family in memory of J. Potter Hallenbeck, Class of 1910.

Joel A. Halpern (1961) Memorial Scholarship. Established by the Halpern family in memory of Joel A. Halpern, Class of 1961. Awarded to a member or members of the first-year class. The scholarship will be renewed in the sophomore, junior, and senior years provided the recipient(s) continues to qualify for financial aid. Preference to students from Westchester County, N.Y.

Joseph K. and Mary Jane Handler Scholarship. Established by Joseph Handler, Class of 1952, and his wife Mary Jane. Preference given to students living west of the Mississippi.

Thomas E. Hanigan, Jr., (1944) Scholarship. Established by life trustee Thomas E. Hanigan, Class of 1944, for students in the humanities.

Thomas E. Hanigan, Jr., (1944) Memorial Scholarship. Established by the W.R. Grace Foundation in honor of Mr. Hanigan, Class of 1944, who served as trustee of Union College and officer and director of W.R. Grace Co.

John J. Hardiman (1938) Memorial Scholarship. Established in his memory by three of his classmates in the Class of 1938. Mr. Hardiman lost his sight in 1954 but continued to operate the Hardiman Liquor Store in Watertown, N.Y., until his death, demonstrating great courage.

Dr. and Mrs. David M. Harvey Scholarship. Established by Dr. David M. Harvey, Class of 1951. Preference given to students who reside in Schenectady County.

Mortimer T. Harvey (1917) Scholarship. Created from the gift of Mortimer T. Harvey, Class of 1917, with preference to students studying or majoring in chemistry who would like to pursue a career in research.

Haviland Family Scholarship. Created from a trust established by Dr. and Mrs. James W. Haviland, Class of 1932 in honor of Morrison L. Haviland, Class of 1898; Karl F. West, Class of 1904; James W. Havland, Class of 1932 and Donald S. Haviland, Class of 1970.

Hawkes Family Scholarship. Established by Donald C. Hawkes, Jr., Class of 1937, to honor all the members of the Hawkes family who have attended Union College.

E. Zeh Hawkes (1926) Scholarship. Gift of Dr. Stuart Z. Hawkes, Class of 1926, in tribute to his father, Class of 1887 and a former life trustee of Union. Preference first to candidates from Essex County, N.J., and second to other residents of New Jersey.

The Reuben D. Head (1925) Scholarship. Established by Mr. Head, Class of 1925, with the. Preference to graduates of Greenville (N.Y.) Central School.

William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship. Created by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation with preference given to minority students from the five boroughs of the City of New York.

Oswald D. Heck (1924) Memorial Scholarship. Established under the will of Oswald D. Heck, Class of 1924, member of the New York State Assembly from 1931 to 1959 and Speaker of the Assembly from 1937 to 1959, and supplemented by contributions from friends and associates.

Eugene W. Hellmich (1923) Scholarship. Created from the bequest of Eugene W. Hellmich, Class of 1923.

Rutson R. Henderson (1923) Scholarship. Established by James A. Henderson in memory of his father. Preference shall be given to a student(s) selected on the basis of character, and academic performance. Further qualifications are: 1) students from Oneonta High School, and 2) students from Otsego and Delaware counties.

Seward Daniel Hendricks (1910) and Sarah Winifred Hendricks Trust Fund. The gift of Seward Daniel, Class of 1910 and Sarah Winifred Hendricks.

Robert J. Henkel (1976) and Roseanne Chismar Henkel Family Endowed Scholarship. Earnings distributed to a student who demonstrates financial need.

David L. Henle Merit Scholarship. Created by David L. Henle, Class of 1975.

The Hequembourg Family Scholarship. Created in memory of members of the Hequembourg family: Louis Hequembourg, Class of 1910, Charles L. Hequembourg, Class of 1912, and Frederick W. Hequembourg, Class of 1939. Preference to students from either Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, or Schenectady counties.

William Parker Hesse ‘49 Financial Need Scholarship. Established by William Parker Hesse, Class of 1949.

Joseph M. (1947) and Barbara B. Hinchey Scholarship. Established by Joseph M. Hinchey, Class of 1947. Awards given annually with preference to students studying electrical engineering.

Betsy Ann Hochman (1989) Scholarship. Established by Harold M. and Merle E. Hochman, in memory of their daughter. Awarded in collaboration with the Harry A. (1925) and Bess Kaplan Kappa Nu Scholarship to an upperclass student or students with a demonstrated need and without regard to sex.

Rose L. and Philip Hoffer Family Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Rose and Philip Hoffer.

Thomas R. (1945) and Barbara P. Hoffman Scholarship. Created from the gifts of John R. Peckham, Class of 1978.

Valerie J. Hoffman (1975) Scholarship. Established by Valerie J. Hoffman, Class of 1975.

Lawrence J. Hollander Bicentennial Scholarship. Established by Lawrence J. Hollander (professor and dean of engineering, 1986-93). Awarded to students enrolled in the undergraduate engineering program.

Alice Holmes Scholarship. Established by a bequest from Alice Holmes. Preference is given to students graduating from Schenectady city or county schools.

The Elizabeth W. Holt Scholarship. Established by a bequest from the late Mrs. Holt for students entering from the public schools of Mechanicville and Stillwater or, if no one from these towns, any other public school graduate in Saratoga County, N.Y.

Anthony J. Hornsby (1899) Memorial Scholarship. Established under the will of Mrs. Mabel H. Hornsby in memory of her husband, Class of 1899. Available to students studying engineering.

Henry J. Horstman (1928) Scholarship. Established by Henry J. Horstman, Class of 1928.

Raymond H. Horstman (1923) Scholarship. Established by Raymond H. Horstman, Class of 1923.

Henry L. Howe III (1943) Scholarship. Established by Henry L. Howe, Class of 1943. Preference to sophomore(s) who pursue a full-time course of study leading to a career in business management and/or manufacturing, and to a student who is a well-rounded individual, involved in various aspects of college life.

George Howard Hoxie (1893) Scholarship. The gift of Dr. and Mrs. George Howard Hoxie, Class of 1893 for a scholarship for a premedical student. Dr. Hoxie founded the School of Medicine at the University of Kansas and was dean of that school.

Lester T. Hubbard (1900) Scholarship Fund. Established from the bequest of Emily A. Hubbard in memory of her husband, Lester, Class of 1900. Mr. Hubbard, a lawyer, was a member of the Alumni Council from its founding in 1910 until 1925.

Frederick Hubbell Scholarship. Established under the will of Frederick Brooks Hubbell in memory of Levi Hubbell, Class of 1827; Walter Hubbell, Class of 1814; Walter Seymour Hubbell, Class of 1894; Ferdinand Wakeman Hubbell, Class of 1819; and Horatio Hubbell, Class of 1818.

Hudson-Champlain Scholarship. Established by members of the Hudson-Champlain Alumni Association. Preference given to candidates from Warren, Saratoga, Washington, and Essex Counties upon recommendation of the association.

O. LeRoy Huntington (1932) Memorial Scholarship. Established by his widow, Margaret Huntington. Awarded to a student pursuing a full-time course of study in the humanities, preferably with emphasis on political theory and/or international relations, and who is planning a career in government.

Thomas D. Hurst Scholarship. Established under the will of Thomas D. Hurst. Preference given to applicants from Brooklyn.

Lillian Babbitt Hyde Foundation Scholarship. The gift of the Lillian Babbitt Hyde Foundation of New York City. The annual income is used to secure a distinguished, well-rounded candidate for a course of study at Union. The gift was made by the foundation with the consideration of Charles Foster Brown, Class of 1916, life trustee, in recognition of his devotion to the College and its worthiness.

IBM Scholarship. Funded by a grant from the International Business Machines Corporation to establish an endowed scholarship for women and minority engineering students.

Indigent Students Scholarship. Established by proceeds of lotteries authorized by the State of New York in 1805.

Joseph Jacobs (1931) Memorial Scholarship. Created by the family and friends of Joseph Jacobs, Class of 1931.

Dolores R. Jacobson Memorial Scholarship. Created by the children and grandchildren of Dolores R. Jacobson to honor her memory. Preference given to students entering junior or senior year, majoring in neuroscience with intent to pursue graduate work at the doctoral level in the neurosciences. Second preference will be given to a junior or senior student planning to attend medical school, regardless of major.

Leo E. Jandreau Memorial Scholarship. Established through public contributions and administered by Union. Awarded annually to an upperclassman majoring in the social sciences or humanities, at least one member of whose immediate family is or has been a member of a labor union. Mr. Jandreau was a founder of the national electrical workers union, served for more than 30 years as business agent of IUE Local 301, and was a vice-president of the New York State CIO, chairman of the National GE Conference Board, and president of the Schenectady Central Labor Council. Union awarded him an honorary Doctor of Laws degree in 1978.

Carl B. Jansen (1922) Scholarship. Established by the gift of the Dravo Corporation in honor of Carl B. Jansen, Class of 1922, former chairman of the board directors of the corporation.

Ronald Quentin Jennett and Margaret Anne Jennett Scholarship. Established by Ronald Q. Jennett, Class of 1952. Preference shall be given to students from Clinton, Essex and Franklin counties of New York State or from Ft. Worth, Texas or Tarrant County, Texas.

Christian A. Johnson Scholarship. Established by a grant from the Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation.

Mary Louise Johnson Memorial Scholarship. Established by the gift of Mrs. Anna C. Newberry, in memory of her mother, Mrs. Mary Louise Johnson. Preference to a student majoring in the Division of Social Studies.

Hyman V. (1928) and Dorothy G. Kaplan Scholarship. Created from a gift of Red-Kap Sales, Inc. in honor of Hyman V. and Dorothy Kaplan. Preference to a student athlete of high moral and ethical character from a rural area.

Harry R. (1925) and Bess Kaplan Kappa Nu Scholarship. Established by the trustees of Kappa Nu, Harry Kaplan, Class of 1925, president. Awarded in collaboration with Mr. Kaplan to an upperclass student or students with a demonstrated need and without regard to sex.

The Irving D. Karpas, Jr., (1947) and Suzanne T. Karpas Scholarship. Created by a gift from Irving D. Karpas, Jr., Class of 1947. Annual income awarded as scholarship support with preference to an upperclass student or students who plan to enter medical school.

Norman D. Kathan (1926) Scholarship. Established by a gift from Dr. Norman D. Kathan, Class of 1926. Preference to students pursuing a course of study in preparation for graduate study in medicine and who demonstrate potential for making contributions to the improvement of the quality of human life.

William G. Keens (1902) Scholarship. Established under the will of William G. Keens, Class of 1902.

John Kelleher (1970) Memorial Scholarship. Established by classmates and friends of John Kelleher, Class of 1970.

Dr. Ellis Kellert Memorial Medical Society Scholarship. Established by the Medical Society of Schenectady County in memory of Dr. Ellis Kellert, head pathologist at Ellis Hospital. The fund provides scholarships for premedical students, with first preference to children of present or former members of the society.

William L. Kennedy (1888) and William L. Kennedy, Jr., (1918) Scholarship. A scholarship created by combining the bequest of William L. Kennedy, Jr., Class of 1918 and a gift by Edwin O. Kennedy, Class of1921, in memory of his father, William L. Kennedy, Class of 1888 and brother, William L. Kennedy, Jr. Awarded annually to students pursuing a course of study in the humanities. Preference to students from Johnstown, N.Y., and the surrounding area.

Kenneth A. Kesselring Memorial Scholarship. Created by Jane Kesselring Collamer and Nelson P. Collamer, Class of 1933, in memory of Kenneth A. Kesselring. Preference to students whose major is within the Division of Engineering.

Bill and Mabel Ketz Scholarship. Created in honor of Bill and Mabel Ketz by Kenneth J. Whalen, Class of 1949, a life trustee of Union, to recognize and honor them for many years of dedication and service to the College.

Richard J. Killeen (1951) & Patricia M. Killeen Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Richard J. Killeen ‘51 and Patricia M. Killeen. Awarded to U.S. citizens who are from the capital district of New York State and/or New York State Scholar athletes with intended majors in engineering and/or mathematics and/or the technical sciences.

Robert K. (1942) and Evelyn Killian Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Robert K. Killian, Class of 1942 and Robert K. Killian, Jr., Class of 1969 in honor of Evelyn Killian, wife and mother. Preference to students from Connecticut.

Howard William Kitchin Scholarship. Established by Alma Harris Kitchin, widow of Howard William Kitchin, Class of 1908, for students in a liberal arts curriculum.

Dr. Clarence E. Klapper (1932) Memorial Scholarship. Established by Dr. Margaret E. Klapper in memory of her husband.

Frederick A. and Eleanor G. Klemm Scholarship. Established by Eleanor G. and Frederick A. Klemm, professor of German (1947-1978) and founder of the Terms Abroad Program, to help students with travel expenses on the Terms Abroad Program or similar programs.

Charles A. Koch Scholarship. Established from the estate of Charles A. Koch, father of the late Charles A. Koch, Class of 1954.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanislaus Kosinski Memorial Scholarship. Established from the gifts of Alexander Kosinski, Class of 1935 and his wife, Barbara, in memory of his parents. Awarded to a promising student in music.

Kruesi Scholarship Fund. Established by Paul J. Kruesi, Class of 1900, as a memorial to five Kruesi brothers: August H., Class of 1898, Walter E., Class of 1902, Frank E., Class of 1908, and John, Class of 1914.

Rear Admiral Lee E. Landes (1945) Scholarship. Established by Lee E. Landes, Class of 1945. Awarded to students majoring in economics with first preference given to students from Michigan.

Olin G. Landreth Scholarship. Established by Miss Helen A. Landreth in memory of her father, Olin H. Landreth, professor of engineering from 1894-1917. Awarded annually to students pursuing courses in engineering.

The Robert P. Larsen (1953) Scholarship. Established by Robert P. Larsen, Class of 1953. Awarded to students studying engineering, involved in extracurricular activities and who graduated from a high school located in Geneva, N.Y., or Fullerton, Calif.

Alan A. Lascher (1963) Scholarship. Created from gifts of The Weil, Gotshal & Manges Foundation, family and friends, in memory of Alan A. Lascher, Class of 1963.

Laudise Family Scholarship. Originally established by Robert A. Laudise, Class of 1952, in honor and memory of his father.

Karges Lauterbach (1927) Scholarship. A gift from the estate of Karges Lauterbach, Class of 1927, for the benefit of students studying engineering.

John Y. Lavery (1895) Scholarship. Established under the will of John Y. Lavery, Class of 1895. Preference to a student working his or her way through college.

Joseph L. Lawrence (1939), D.D.S., Scholarship. Established in memory of Joseph L. Lawrence, Class of 1939, D.D.S., by his family, including his wife, Pearl Lawrence; son, David B. Lawrence, MD, Class of 1965; and daughter, Barbara Lawrence Scharf.

Katherine Spencer Leavitt Scholarship. Established under the will of Mrs. Katherine S. Leavitt.

Craig LeDuc (2005) Memorial Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Union College and others. Preference is given to students majoring in economics.

Alexander M. Lee ‘03 Memorial Scholarship. Established by Union College and the family and friends of Alex Lee, Class of 2003, who lost his life in a tragic accident at the end of his sophomore year.

John J. Leonard (1949) Scholarship. A gift from the estate of John J. Leonard, Class of 1949, for the benefit of students enrolled in pre-med.

Laurence W. Levine (1953) Scholarship. Created by Laurence W. Levine, Class of 1953.

Patricia Bohen Levinson (1975) Scholarship. Created by Richard D. Levinson, Class of 1973, to honor his wife, Patricia, Class of 1975. Preference to students who are involved with the arts and/or humanities.

Ruth Lewin Endowed Scholarship. Established by Ruth Lewin, friend of Union College.

John V. Lewis (1914) Memorial Scholarship. Established by bequest of his late wife, Mary McDonnell Lewis, in his memory.

Stanley R. Liebman (1939) Scholarship. Established by the bequest of Stanley R. Liebman, Class of 1939, and awarded based solely on scholastic merit.

Gilbert R. Livingston (1924) Memorial Scholarships. Established by bequest of Mr. Livingston, Class of 1924, a scholarship fund that annually designates 30 first-year students as Gilbert R. Livingston Scholars. Awarded on the basis of financial need, academic excellence, and potential for contribution to the quality of life at Union.

Susan Davis Lloyd Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Meyer, Class of 1957, and others to benefit students with a medical disability.

Thomas B. Lockwood Scholarship. Established by Thomas B. Lockwood in memory of his father, Daniel Lockwood (1865). Available to students from Buffalo, N.Y.

The Guy Christopher Logan Scholarship. Established by Pamela and Guy T. Logan, Class of 1990, in memory of their son.

Frederick J. (1942) and Beatrice J. Longe Scholarship. Established by Frederick J. Longe, Class of 1942. Awarded to students pursuing courses in science or engineering.

Eunice E. Lord Scholarship. Created by Frank E. Lord, Class of 1951, in memory of his mother, Eunice E. Lord.

Lubart Family Scholarship. An endowed fund created from the gifts of Mitchell R. Lubart (1975) for students in need.

William G. Lutz (1914) Scholarship. Established with a bequest from William G. Lutz, Class of 1914, who died on May 25, 1971. Preference to engineering students.

Harold S. MacGowan (1933) Scholarship. Established from the estate of Harold S. MacGowan, Class of 1933, to benefit a student excelling in a course or courses in the fields of business management and/or industrial engineering.

Edward A. & Neva Jean Sharpe Mahoney Endowed Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Neva Madeline Mahoney in memory of her parents, Edward A. and Neva Jean Sharpe Mahoney. Preference to students pursuing courses in psychology who reside in the Capital District of New York State.

Sigmund Makofski (1926) Scholarship. Established by gifts from friends and admirers of Sig Makofski, Class of 1926. Preference to graduates of Schenectady High School.

C. T. Male (1913) Scholarship. Established by Charles T. Male, Class of 1913, and supported by contributions from members of the Male family.

C.T. Male Associates Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Kenneth J. Male, Class of 1945, C.T. Male Associates, and others. Awarded to students entering their junior year and renewed for the senior year.

Mandeville Scholarship. Created from the estate of David C. Mandeville, Class of 1945.

Joseph T. Maras Memorial Scholarship. Created from the gifts of the family and friends of Joseph T. Maras, former football coach and admissions officer at Union College.

John Lewis March Scholarship. Established by Miss Mildred March in memory of her brother, John L. March, professor at Union College from 1915 to 1948.

A.J. Martini Memorial Scholarship. Established by Paul J. Martini, Class of 1973, and Peter P. Martini, Class of 1978, in honor and memory of their father.

Thomas J. Marvin (1826) Scholarship. Established by the gift of Mrs. Mary L. Sackett in memory of Thomas J. Marvin, Class of 1826.

George Mason Memorial Scholarship. Established under the will of John J. Mason in memory of his brother

Victor F. (1949) and Shirley Mattson Scholarship. Established by Victor Mattson, Class of 1949. Preference to students majoring in chemistry, physics, or mathematics.

Alice W. and Fred W. McChesney Scholarship. Established by the bequest of Alice and Fred McChesney.

Carl E. McCombs (1904) Memorial Scholarship. The bequest of Alice Losee McCombs in memory of her husband, Carl E. McCombs, Class of 1904, a physician, author, and former manager of the New York Bureau of Municipal Research.

Alfred H. McKinlay (1951) Scholarship. Established by Mark A. McKinlay, Class of 1973. Preference shall be given to students who have demonstrated outstanding humanitarian concern and a willingness to help others.

John J. McManus (1942) Memorial Scholarship. Created by the friends and family of John J. McManus, Class of 1942, and by McManus, Longe, Brockwehl, Inc., of which he was a co-founder.

Charles B. McMurray (1887) Scholarship. Established by Charles B. McMurray, Class of 1887, and former life trustee of Union. Preference to applicants from Lansingburgh High School, from Troy, N.Y., and from Rensselaer County, N.Y., in the order named.

Walter S. McNab (1908) Scholarship. Created by Duncan S. McNab, Class of 1935, in memory of his father, Walter S. McNab, Class of 1908. Awarded to students who require financial assistance.

Kenneth J. Meaney (1944) Memorial Scholarship. Created by Henriette Thomas in memory of her brother. Preference shall be given to students from Schenectady majoring in history.

Elma C. and Dominick Mele (1937) Scholarship. Established by Dominick Mele, MD, Class of 1937, a Schenectady pediatrician who has provided a lifetime of service to the community and the College. Preferences in the following order: students from three high schools in Billings, Mont.; the Montana area; Schenectady, N.Y.

Meola Family Endowed Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Carol Behrendt Meola, Class of 1976, and Peter Meola Class of 1977. Awarded to a graduate of Schenectady High School.

Frank L. Messa (1973) Endowed Scholarship. Created by Frank L. Messa, Class of 1973. Preference to students from (1) the state of Texas and (2) the Southwest region of the United States.

John Wells Meyer and Kevin Michael Meyer Scholarship. Established by Randolph W. Meyer, Class of 1957, and others in memory of John Wells Meyer and Kevin Michael Meyer. Awards will be made to students who have demonstrated self-discipline, persistence, and the desire to succeed, who require a substantial amount of financial assistance to attend Union.

Robert J. Mielke (1960) Memorial Endowed Scholarship. First preference will be given to students from Montgomery County, NY. Second preference will be given to students from Schenectady County, NY.

Dr. David B. Miller (1939) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of David B. Miller, Class of 1939.

Franklyn B. (1932) and Irma Millham Scholarship. Established by a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn B. Millham to provide scholarship funds for students pursuing a course of study in engineering.

Louis D. Miltimore (1929) Memorial Scholarships. Created from the gifts of the family and friends of Louis D. Miltimore, Class of 1929. Mr. Miltimore served as a trustee of the College from 1953 to 1996.

Miltimore Scholarship Fund. Established by Frances Ross Miltimore in memory of her husband, Louis D. Miltimore, Class of 1929 and former trustee. Preference given to students majoring in American History or English.

John E. Mitchell (1945)-Kathryn L. Mullaney (1974) Scholarship. Established by gifts from John E. Mitchell, Class of 1945, and his daughter, Kathryn L. Mullaney, Class of 1974. Preference to students who are children of U.S. Navy personnel.

Mitchell-Rosenthal Scholarship. Established under the will of Mrs. Ruth Elise Walton.

Laurence and Dawn Moister Memorial Scholarship. Established by the employees of Union College in memory of Laurence Moister, the college printer, and his wife, Dawn. Preference to a student from Schoharie County who has completed his/her first year and has demonstrated outstanding humanitarian qualities and a willingness to help and serve others.

W. Dennis Moran (1964) Scholarship. Created by W. Dennis Moran, Class of 1964.

Carolyn Morrison Scholarship. Miss Morrison, a Schenectady resident, willed her home to Union College. The proceeds from its sale established this scholarship fund, with preference to a student in the social sciences curriculum.

Charles N. Morrison Memorial Scholarship. Created in memory of Charles N. Morrison, Union College hockey Coach from 1978-1988. Awarded to students involved in extracurricular activities.

George F. Mosher (1918) Citizenship Award. Established by George F. Mosher, Class of 1918, to attract outstanding students to Union. Candidates selected on the basis of citizenship, as evidenced by school, church, and community activities; character, responsibility, and self-reliance; and academic interest and achievement.

George E. (1917) and Lester T. (1927) Moston Scholarship. Created from a gift from Lester T. Moston, Class of 1927, in memory of his brother, George E. Moston, Class of 1917.

Herman Muehlstein Foundation Scholarship. A grant from the Herman Muehlstein Foundation for scholarship assistance to students from the New York metropolitan area.

Donald E. Mullen (1949) Scholarship. Established through gifts of General Electric employees and corresponding matching gifts from General Electric. Donald E. Mullen, Class of 1949, was a GE employee who died at age 49 as a result of an accident in Brazil. Preference given to foreign students.

Natalie M. and Oscar J. Muller, MD (1937) Scholarship. Created by Oscar J. Muller, Class of 1937. Preference to students who are pre-med majors.

M. William Munno (1970) Scholarship. Established by M. William Munno, Class of 1970.

Hans W. Munzer (1939) Scholarship. Established from the gifts of Grace Elaine Munzer. Preference shall be given to students pursuing courses of study with a concentration in modern languages and/or history who possess above average aptitude for these subjects

David Murray (1852) Scholarship. Established by the gift of Mrs. Martha Nelson Murray in memory of her husband, Class of 1852.

Anna C. Newberry Scholarship. Established by the gift of Mrs. Anna C. Newberry.

George Chapman Newbury (1906) Memorial Fund. The bequest of Florence B. Newbury in memory of her husband, George Chapman Newbury, Class of 1906. Awards to students who are studying for the B.S. degree in engineering.

Gordon F. Newell (1946) Scholarship. Established by Gordon F. Newell, Class of 1946. Awards made to students majoring in physical sciences or engineering (except computer science).

Niedermeyer Endowed Scholarship. Established by Thomas Niedermeyer, in honor of Monica Niedermeyer, a member of the Class of 2010. Preference will be given to a student who will participate in a term abroad program during the current academic year.

Sture and Hilda Nilsson Scholarship. Created by Sture H. Nilsson, father of Harold Nilsson, Class of 1965.

Dr. Donald and Marie Nitchman Scholarship. Established by Marie Nitchman in memory of her husband, Donald E. Nitchman, Class of 1933. Preference to premedical students showing promise of compassion and selflessness.

Robert C. North and Dorothy North Scholarship. Created by the Norths to honor the memory of Arthur Walbridge North and Irene Davenport North. Preference to encourage and support students who have achieved junior class status and who have, in the judgment of the Department of Political Science, demonstrated promise and skill in the field of international relations, employing quantitative, systemic, and interdisciplinary approaches to the field.

Eliphalet Nott Scholarship. Established by a gift from the Francis L. Pruyn estate to provide scholarships for worthy engineering students in memory of Mr. Pruyn’s great-grandfather, Dr. Eliphalet Nott, president of Union College from 1804-1866, who inaugurated the first course in engineering at a liberal arts college.

Michael R. Novack ‘90 Scholarship. Established from the gift in memory of Michael R. Novack, Class of 1990. Preference shall be given to students who have exhibited aptitude and dedication toward biotechnology.

Ronald Matthew Obenzinger (1961) Memorial Premedical Scholarship. Created by his parents, Nathan and Romana Obenzinger.

Gerald and Anna O’Loughlin Scholarship. Created by Arthur D. O’Loughlin, Class of 1960, in honor of his parents. Preference to engineering or science students who demonstrate leadership in student activities.

Anna and Harry Ortner Scholarship. Established by their son, Herbert T. Ortner, a friend of Union College, to honor his parents, and in particular to give recognition to Harry Ortner’s interest in the English language and literature.

William L. Oswald Scholarship. Established by the gift of William L. Oswald.

Nicandro and Amelia Ottaviano Scholarship. Established by Orazio Ottaviano, Class of 1947, and Gioia Ottaviano in honor of their parents.

Jonathan Stanley Parry Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Sherman W. Parry, Class of 1940, in memory of his son, Jonathan Stanley Parry. Preference shall be given to students from Washington County, New York, or the state of Tennessee.

Moses and Issac Parshelsky Scholarship. Established by the gift of Issac Parshelsky. Available to students from Brooklyn, N.Y.

James S. Parson (1919) Scholarship. Awarded to students majoring in one of the natural sciences.

Levi Parsons Scholarship. Established by the gift of Levi Parsons of Gloversville, N.Y. Available to students from Fulton, Montgomery, or Hamilton counties.

Robert Porter Patterson (1912) Scholarship. Established by Margaret W. Patterson in loving memory of her husband, Robert Porter Patterson, Class of 1912, a trustee of Union, U.S. Secretary of War, a distinguished judge, attorney, scholar, leader, and humanitarian. Preference to students who intend to pursue a career in the field of law.

George L. Peck (1940) Memorial Scholarship. Established by bequest of his mother, Mrs. Florence L. Wells of Gloversville, N.Y., in memory of George L. Peck, Class of 1940, an advertising executive in Schenectady.

Roger P. Penny (1958) Scholarship. Established by Roger P. Penny, Class of 1958.

Lisa Novak Peretz (1979) Memorial Scholarship. Created from the gifts of family and friends in memory of Lisa Novak Peretz, Class of 1979 and Gregg Peretz.

Joseph I. and Virginia M. Petrucci Memorial Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Dr. Ralph H. Petrucci, Class of 1950, and his wife, Ruth P. Petrucci. Preference will be given first to students who are the first generation in their family to attend college and, second, from Schenectady and/or the Capital District of New York State.

Donna E.D. Phillips Scholarship. Established by Donna E.D. Phillips, Class of 1979.

Ronald F. Plumb (1980) Scholarship. Created by the family and friends of Ronald Plumb. Preference shall be given to juniors whose background experiences demonstrate the commitment and ability to have served and, to continue to serve, in a leadership capacity and who have an excellent record of extracurricular activities.

Posse Scholarship. For students who are part of the Union College Posse Scholars Program.

Horatio M. Pollack (1895) Scholarship. Established under the will of Horatio M. Pollack, Class of 1895. For a needy and deserving student, with preference to graduates of the Middleburgh and Cobleskill, N.Y., high schools.

Daniel F. Pullman Scholarship. Established by Daniel F. Pullman. Available to students taking the regular classical curriculum. Preference to qualified students who are members of the Methodist Church.

Dr. Marshall W. Quandt (1933) Scholarship. Established by Dr. Marshall Quant, Class of 1933. Awarded to a resident of the Town of Waterford and made in the following order: 1) graduates of Waterford-Halfmoon High School; 2) graduates of Lansingburg High School, Troy, N.Y. or Catholic Central High School, Troy, N.Y.; 3) graduates of other schools nearby the schools designated in 1 and 2. If none are applicable, the recipient can be from any high school located in Saratoga County, N.Y.

Andrew V.V. Raymond (1875) Scholarship. Gift of Nicholas V.V. Franchot, Class of 1875, in memory of Andrew V.V. Raymond, Class of 1875, president of Union College from 1894 to 1907.

Reader’s Digest Foundation Scholarship. Established to provide scholarships for worthy students.

Dr. Edwin W. Rice, Jr., Scholarship Fund. The College received, under the will of Dr. Edwin W. Rice, Jr., $5,000 as a trust fund, the interest to be used to aid needy students.

Phil Alden Robinson (1971) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Phil A. Robinson, Class of 1971.

S. Jesse and Jessie Robinson Scholarship. Established by Phil A. Robinson, Class of 1971, in honor of his parents.

Sam & Roslyn Roden and Charles ‘60 & Leslie Roden Family Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Charles Roden, Class of 1960.

Thomas Romeyn (1797) Scholarship. Established by the grandsons and great-grandsons of Thomas Romeyn, Class of 1797, a prominent clergyman of the Dutch Reformed Church.

Peter V. Roosa ‘74 Memorial Scholarship. Created from the gifts of the Roosa Family Foundation. Preference will be given to students majoring in environmental science and/or biology.

Nathan and Jennie Rosenberg Scholarship. Established by Henry E. Montross, Class of 1919 to aid a student who, by grades and general comportment, gives promise of becoming a substantial contributing citizen of the United States of America.

Harry A. Rositzke (1931) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Harry A. Rositzke, Class of 1931.

Joseph Rotundo (1929) Scholarship. Gift of alumni and friends in memory of Prof. Joseph Rotundo, Class of 1929, member of the faculty from 1929-1953.

John A. Royce (1913) Scholarship. Established under the will of Mrs. Blanche C. Royce in memory of her husband.

Bernard Salad ‘37 & Geraldine Demar-Salad Scholarship. Established by Maureen Demar Hall in memory of her mother and step-father. Robert J. Sallick (1959) Scholarship. Established by Robert J. Sallick, Class of 1959.

Saperstone Family Scholarship. Created by Peter S. Saperstone, Class of 1989, and family. Preference given to students from Northern Virginia.

Nicholas T. Saviano (1951) Scholarship. Established by Nicholas Saviano, Class of 1951, awarded to an electrical engineering graduate.

Rose Ann and Nicholas T. Saviano Scholarship. Created by Nicholas T. Saviano, Jr., Class of 1951, in memory of his parents.

Harold L. Saxton (1924) Scholarship. A gift from a trust established by Harold L. Saxton, Class of 1924.

Mortimer F. Sayre Scholarship. Established by Harrison S. Sayre, Class of 1934, in memory of his father, Mortimer F. Sayre, a professor of mechanical engineering. Awarded to students pursuing mechanical or civil engineering.

Edwin W. Scantlebury (1941) Scholarship. Established from gifts of Edwin W. Scantlebury, Class of 1941.

R.A. Schatzel (1921) Scholarship. Created from gifts of Rudolph A. Schatzel, Class of 1921.

Jessie Scheman and Lillian Rosen Memorial Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Robin J. Scheman, Class of 1984.

Calvin G. Schmidt (1951) Scholarship. Created by the Student Council, Inc. in honor of Calvin G. Schmidt, Class of1951, who retired in 1984 after thirty years of service to Union, the last twenty as registrar.

Roland W. and Claire K. Schmitt Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Roland W. Schmitt, Class of 1985-H and Claire K. Schmitt.

Jack J. Schneider, (1962), M.D. Scholarship. Established by Jack J. Schneider, MD, Class of 1962. Preference is given to students preparing for a career in medicine.

Kyle Schrade (2005) Memorial Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Union College and others. Preference is given to students majoring in history.

Murray D. Schwartz (1969) Scholarship. Established by Murray D. Schwartz, Class of 1969, and his friends. Income used to aid students studying in the humanities.

Daniel Seymour (1866) Scholarship. A bequest from Harris P. Wetsell in memory of his uncle, Daniel Seymour, Class of 1866, a lawyer. Awarded by the president of the College to students who show promise of future success.

Hester Shapiro ‘73G Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Rochelle, Sarah and William Shapiro, in memory of William’s mother. Preference will be given to a female student majoring in chemistry or English and residing in the Boston area or Schenectady, N.Y.

Morris A. Shapiro (1932), M.D., Scholarship. Created by Hester Shapiro ‘73G, in honor of her husband, Dr. Morris A. Shapiro, Class of 1932. Preference to students who plan to enter medical school.

Samuel R. Sharp (1981) Memorial Scholarship. Established by the Sharp family and Steven A. Klinger, Class of 1981. Preference to students majoring in political science.

Howard Sheffer (1939) Chemistry Scholarship. Established by the family of Prof. Howard Sheffer, Class of 1939, for a worthy chemistry major in his or her junior or senior year.

Kenneth S. Sheldon (1920) Scholarship. Established by Mildred L. Steele, in memory of her father. Preference shall be given to juniors or seniors.

Daniel Shocket (1972) Memorial Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Carol and Sheldon Shocket in memory of their son. Preference given to students majoring in English with a strong interest in creative writing.

Scott M. Siegler (1969) Scholarship. Created by Dr. Edward Siegler and Scott M. Siegler, Class of 1969. Preference to students majoring in English.

Joseph E. Silver (1976) Memorial Scholarship. Established by a bequest from the estate of Charlotte E. Silver. Preference to students majoring in political science.

Jamie Silverberg (1979) Scholarship. Created by Dr. Doris Silverberg in memory of her daughter, Jamie, Class of 1979. Awarded to a senior pursuing a career in medicine.

Jerry and Sandra Silverman Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Dr. Mitchel U. Silverman, Class of 1976, as a permanent tribute to his parents, Jerry and Sandra Silverman. Preference will be given first to students who are the first generation in their family to attend college, secondly from the state of California or thirdly to students in the pre-med program.

Coletta S. & J. Jay Sitney (1934) Scholarship. Established through bequest of Coletta S. & J. Jay Sitney, Class of 1934.

Jeanne L. and Robert L. Slobod (1935) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Jeanne L. and Robert L. Slobod. Preference will be given to students of Iroquois heritage and then to Native American students.

Robert Avon Smith (1952) Scholarship. Established by Robert Avon Smith, Class of 1952. First preference to premedical students from the Binghamton, Johnson City, and Endicott areas of New York State. Second preference to electrical engineering students from that area, then other students from that area.

Stanley M. Smith, Jr. (1950) Scholarship. A gift from the estate of Stanley M. Smith, Jr., Class of 1950.

Walter C. Smith (1914) Memorial Scholarship. Established through a bequest of his widow, Josephine Hull Smith, in memory of her husband, Walter, who graduated in 1914 with a bachelor of science in engineering degree.

Frank B. Snell (1895) Scholarship. Established by Mrs. Katherine B. Snell in memory of her son, Frank B. Snell (1895). Available to a student who is working his or her way through college.

Johnson Ide Snell (1865) Scholarship. Established by Mrs. Katherine B. Snell in memory of her husband, Johnson Ide Snell, Class of 1865. Available to a student who is working his or her way through college.

George W. Spaine Memorial Scholarship. Established through the gifts of the community in memory of George W. Spaine, principal of Mont Pleasant High School from 1931-1954. Awarded to graduates of Schenectady High School.

Ichabod Spencer (1822) Scholarship. Established by Mrs. Katherine Spencer Leavitt in memory of her father, the Reverend Ichabod S. Spencer, Class of 1822.

Walter A. Spencer (1972) Scholarship. Established by Walter A. Spencer, Class of 1972.

Dr. Jonathan R. Spicehandler (1970) Scholarship. Established by Debra F. Spicehandler in memory of her husband. Awarded to a student majoring in the sciences.

Nancy and Ross H. Spicer (1947) Scholarship. Created by Ross H. Spicer, Class of 1947. Preference shall be given to students majoring in Engineering.

Ronald W. (1958) and Carol A. Spira Scholarship. Established by Ronald W. Spira, Class of 1958, and Carol A. Spira to provide financial assistance to English majors and students studying the Humanities.

Dorothy Golub Spira Scholarship. Established by Dorothy Golub Spira.

Leo Winston Spira (1927) and Dorothy Golub Spira Scholarship. Created by Dorothy Golub Spira in honor of her husband, Leo Winston Spira, Class of 1927.

Robert C. Sprong (1950) and Anna Sprong Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Robert C. Sprong, Class of 1950, to students majoring in engineering.

Dr. Frank R. (1926) and Adelaide H. Stansel Scholarship. Created by Dr. and Mrs. Frank Stansel.

Eric T. Starck ‘90 Memorial / Alumni Club of Boston Scholarship. Created from the gifts of family and friends of Eric T. Starck ‘90 and the Union College Regional Alumni Club of Boston. Preference to student(s) from the Greater Boston area, majoring in Political Science.

Starr Foundation Scholarship. Established in 1995 by a grant from the Starr Foundation to support an engineering student studying abroad.

Frederick Starr Scholarship. The gift of the Frederick Starr Contracting Co. Available to students from New York City.

Ralph W. Stearns (1907) Memorial Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Emma L. Stearns in memory of her husband.

Christian Steenstrup Memorial Scholarship. Established by the bequest of Laura Auer in memory of her father. Preference shall be given to students majoring in Mechanical Engineering.

The Earl E. Steinert (1924) Fund. Established through bequests from Earl E. and Margaret W. Steinert. Awarded to a student in the engineering division.

Charles P. Steinmetz Scholarship. A gift of the General Electric Co. Awarded first to employees or children of employees of the General Electric Co. and second to children of residents of Schenectady if there should be no GE applicants.

Charles P. Steinmetz Memorial Scholarship. Established by Marjorie Hayden, daughter of Joseph and Corrine Hayden. Charles Steinmetz adopted Joseph, his young lab assistant, in 1903 and they worked together until Steinmetz’s death in 1923. Preference to students majoring in engineering or physics.

Stevens-Chadbourne Scholarship. Established by the daughters of Norman O. Chadbourne, Class of 1935, and Dorothy Stevens Chadbourne in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary. First preference to students from Schenectady County selected on a basis of character, financial need, and academic performance.

Albert Henry Stevenson (1936) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Albert H. Stevenson, Class of 1936. Preference given to Union Students who reside at least 500 miles from the Capital District of New York State.

Charles D. Stewart (1952) Scholarship. Created by Charles D. Stewart, Class of 1952. Preference to students majoring in psychology, on the Dean’s list, interested in continuing for a graduate degree and indicating an interested in an “applied” field, e.g. industrial, social clinical, counseling or organizational psychology.

Mark Stokes (2003) Memorial Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Union College and the Stokes family and friends. Preference shall be given to students who participate in extracurricular activities.

Hugh M. Stoller Memorial (1913) Scholarship. Established under the will of Prof. James H. Stoller, Class of 1884, in memory of his son, Hugh M. Stoller, Class of 1913.

Hyacinthia Stromillo Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Hyacinthia Stromillo, a friend of Union College.

Twitty J. Styles Scholarship. Created by Fred G. Pressley, Class of 1975, and others to honor Professor Twitty J. Styles. Preference shall be given to students majoring in biology.

A. Walter Suiter (1893) Scholarship. Established under the will of Dr. A. Walter Suiter, Class of 1893. Preference to a resident of the village or county of Herkimer, N.Y.

Surdna Foundation Scholarship. Established by a grant from the Surdna Foundation of New York City, John E. Andrus, donor of the initial gift to finance the foundation.

Henry J. Swanker (1931) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Henry J. Swanker and Esther M. Swanker. First preference to students from Schenectady County; second preference to students from the Capital District of New York State.

Monroe M. Sweetland (1885) Scholarship. Established by the gift of Monroe M. Sweetland, Class of 1885. Preference to members of the Sweetland family.

Alfred J. Swyer, M.D. (1941) Scholarship. Established by Dr. Alfred J. Swyer, Class of 1941. First preference to a junior pre-med student who is ranked in the second quarter of his/her class.

Wilbur S. and Claire A. Tarbell Scholarship. Established by bequest of Claire A. Tarbell of Brooklyn, N.Y.

The Anthony P. Tartaglia, M.D. (1954) Scholarship. Established by Dr. Anthony P. Tartaglia, Class of 1954.

Warren C. Taylor Memorial Scholarship. Established by Elizabeth L. Taylor in memory of her father, a professor of civil engineering from 1910 to 1950. Awarded to a student or students in the junior or senior year pursuing a full-time course of study in civil engineering or related fields.

Willard G. Taylor (1952) Scholarship. Established by William G. Taylor, Class of 1952.

Willard H. Taylor (1942) Scholarship. Established by Willard H. Taylor, Class of 1942. First preference to student(s) selected on the basis of character, financial need, and academic performance.

Taylor/Schneiderwind Scholarship. Established from the bequest of Helyn Taylor in memory of her husband, J. Stanley Taylor, Class of 1925, and her nephew, Harold C. Schneiderwind, Class of 1935.

Temple Family Endowed Scholarship. Created from the gifts of John E. Temple (1967), his wife Judy T. Temple and their three children. First preference will be given to students majoring in mathematics, the sciences or engineering and are from the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, or Utah. Second preference will be students majoring in mathematics, the sciences, or engineering.

Aaron Thal (1943) Scholarship. Established from the bequest of Aaron Thal, Class of 1943, awarded to a student who is a resident of the State of Ohio.

Muriel and Seymour Thickman (1944) Family Scholarship. Established by Muriel and Seymour Thickman, Class of 1944, to encourage students with a principally liberal arts education who are considering a career in the practice of medicine.

William (Billy) T. Thomas (1939) Scholarship. Established by Henriette Thomas in memory of her husband.

Chester C. Thorne (1857) Scholarship. Established under the will of Chester C. Thorne, Class of 1857. Awarded at the end of the junior year.

Denise Meigher Summerhayes Todd Memorial Scholarship. Created by Timothy A. Meigher, Class of 1975 in memory of his mother. Denise Todd graduated from Union College in 1986 at the age of 71.

The Toll-Hill Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Albert Karen Hill, Class of 1946 and Perrie Jones Hill honoring members of the Toll and Hill families who have attended Union College.

Alan R. Tropp (1951) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Mrs. Yvonne Tropp, family, and friends.

Troy Scholarship Fund. The gift of residents of the city of Troy, N.Y., secured through the efforts of Union College alumni in that city. The annual income used to award a scholarship to students who reside in the city of Troy.

James Ullman ‘41 Scholarship. Established by Dr. Sanford Ullman, son of James Ullman Class of 1941. Preference will be given to students who graduated from the following high schools: Hudson, Germantown, Chatham, Ichabod Crane or Taconic Hills.

Samson O.A. Ullman Endowed Scholarship. Established by Samson O.A. Ullman, Preference will be given to students who are foreign born.

Professor James E. and Jean A. Underwood Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Richard A. Ferguson, Class of 1967, in honor of Professor and former interim President of Union College, James E. Underwood.

Union College Club of the Capital Region Ed Fitz Memorial Scholarship. Created by members of the Schenectady Alumni Club to honor Ed Fitz, athletic trainer for thirty-three years. Awarded with preference to students from Schenectady County who, it is anticipated, will enhance the reputation of the College through participation in extracurricular activities.

United States Navy V-12/V-5 Scholarship. Established by gifts from alumni who were members of the V-12/V-5 units at Union College during World War II, in memory of deceased members of these units and to honor all who served in these units. Preference to undergraduates who are children of parents who have served or are currently serving in the United States Armed Forces.

Joseph Ushkow Scholarship. Created by Jerome Serchuck and Joan Ushkow Serchuck. Mr. Ushkow received an honorary degree in 1971.

Laszlo Z. Valachi (1961) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Laszlo Z. Valachi, Class of 1961 and Susan F. Valachi. Awarded to students who are majoring in or studying Geology.

William Henry Van Schoonhoven (1829) Scholarship. Established by Mrs. Harriet V. E. Thorne in memory of her father, William Henry Van Schoonhoven, Class of 1829.

Robert Bruce Van Valkenburg Endowed Scholarship. An endowed scholarship created from the gifts of Howard E. Van Valkenburg, Class of 1942, and his wife Betty A. Van Valkenburg, in memory of their son, Robert Bruce Van Valkenburg.

Alan B. Van Wert Scholarship. Established by Alan B. Van Wert, Class of 1937. First preference shall be given to a resident of the State of Maine in recognition of his/her scholastic accomplishments, character, and promise in extracurricular activities.

John Vanneck Scholarship. Established by Paul Rieschick, Class of 1974, in memory of John Vanneck, a benefactor to Paul Rieschick and others.

William H. Vaughn (1885) Scholarship. Established by Mrs. Jennie C. Vaughn, in memory of her husband, William H. Vaughn, Class of 1885.

Daniel Vedder Scholarship. Established by Daniel Vedder. Available at the end of the first year to a member of the first-year class who is preparing for the Christian ministry.

Cornelia Veeder Scholarship. Established under the will of Miss Cornelia Veeder.

Eugene P. Vehslage (1949) Scholarship. Established by Eugene P. Vehslage, Class of 1949. Preference to students pursuing electrical engineering or computer science.

Luciano & Pasqua Venditti Scholarship. Award to any and all direct linear descendants of Luciano & Pasqua.

Leo and Evelyn Viniar Scholarship. Created from the gifts of David A. Viniar, Class of 1976, as trustee for the Viniar Family Foundation, in honor of his parents.

Samuel Sherwood Wakeman (1864) Scholarship. Established under the will of Samuel Sherwood Wakeman, Class of 1864. Available to residents of Saratoga County, N.Y., preference to applicants from the village of Ballston Spa.

Charles Newman Waldron (1906) and Dorothy Waterman Waldron Memorial Fund. Created from the gifts of William A. Waldron, Class of 1935, and others in memory of his parents, Charles Newman Waldron, Class of 1906, and Dorothy Waterman Waldron, in honor of their long lives of devoted and fruitful service to Union College. Income is used to assist deserving undergraduate students in purchasing books and other articles necessary or desirable in their academic work.

Nicholas L. Wallace (1926) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of Mildred S. Wallace in memory of her husband, Nicholas L. Wallace, Class of 1926.

William and Dorothy Reimann Wallace Scholarship. Created from the gifts of William Wallace III (1947).

Maurice C. Walsh Memorial Scholarship. Created by Margo and Bruce Walsh, Class of 1960, in memory of Mr. Walsh’s father. Preference to students studying electrical engineering or computer systems engineering.

Ruth E. Walsh Memorial Scholarship. Created by Margo and Bruce Walsh, Class of 1960, in memory of Mr. Walsh’s mother. Preference to students studying electrical engineering or computer systems engineering.

Warner-Lambert/Kenneth Whalen (1949) Scholarship. Created by the Warner-Lambert Company in honor of Union’s life trustee and director of Warner Lambert, Kenneth J. Whalen, Class of 1949.

Taylor Waterhouse (1923) Memorial Scholarship. Established by the bequest of Alice Waterhouse in memory of her brother, Taylor Waterhouse, Class of 1923. Awarded annually to fulltime students pursuing courses in chemistry, with preference to students who plan a career in the field of chemistry.

J. Herbert Watson (1940) Endowed Scholarship. An endowed fund created from the gifts of Rachel Watson in memory of her late husband. Preference will be given to engineering students.

Dr. Myron Weaver Scholarship. Established by friends of Dr. Myron Weaver and supplemented by the bequest of Dr. Weaver, dean of the faculty of medicine at the University of British Columbia and the Union College physician and director of health service from 1956 until his death on Dec. 26, 1963.

Abbott S. Weinstein (1946) Scholarship. Established by Natalie W. Weinstein in memory of her husband, Abbott S. Weinstein, Class of 1946.

Steven D. Weinstein (1976) Memorial Scholarship. Established with proceeds from a life insurance policy. Preference to students participating in the Terms Abroad program.

Weisburgh Scholarship. Created from the gift of Leon Weisburgh, Class of 1950 and his wife, Frankie.

Mildred and E. Glen Wells (1927) Scholarship. Created from the gifts of E. Glen Wells, Class of 1927. Preference to students pursuing courses in economics.

Mary Elizabeth Wemple Memorial Scholarship. Established by the family and friends of Betty Wemple, who was a long-time employee serving the College in many positions helping students.

Ellwood B. And Alma A. Wengenroth Schoalrship. Created from the gifts of Ellwood B. Wengenroth, Class of 1935. Awarded to students pursuing courses in engineering.

Elizabeth R. Whalen Scholarship. Established by Kenneth J. Whalen, Class of 1949, in honor of his wife.

Royton F. Wheadon (1908) Scholarship. A gift from a trust established by Royton F. Wheadon, Class of 1908.

William M. Wheeler (1936) Scholarship. Established from gifts of William M. Wheeler, Class of 1936, and awarded annually to students pursuing courses in engineering.

Squire Whipple (1830) Memorial Scholarship. Established in 1999 in memory of Squire Whipple, Class of 1830.

William C. White Memorial Scholarship. Established by his wife, Mrs. Lillian McKim White, and three children, Dr. Malcolm L. White, William M. White, and Mrs. Virginia White Sargent. Awarded annually to an electrical engineering student who has demonstrated inventive and creative thinking in the field of electronics.

Willis Rodney Whitney-Peter Stephen Sykowski (1935) Scholarship. Gift of the late Dr. Peter Sykowski, Class of 1935, a prominent Schenectady ophthalmologist, in memory of Dr. Willis R. Whitney. Annual income used to award a scholarship to one or more students. Preference to a qualified graduate of St. Mary’s Parochial School of Schenectady, N.Y.

Robert H. Wiese (1944), M.D., Scholarship. Created by Joyce M. Wiese in memory of her husband.

Harriet and Roscoe L. Williams (1930) Scholarship. Established by the gifts of their family. Support to a student enrolled in the MAT program and who intends to become a public school administrator in New York State.

James W. Wilson (1969) Scholarship. Established by James W. Wilson, Class of 1969, and awarded to students who require financial assistance. Preference to students who demonstrate leadership in extracurricular activities as well as maintaining high academic performance.

John David Wolfe Memorial Scholarship. Established by Miss Catherine Lorillard Wolfe in memory of her father, John David Wolfe. Preference to students residing south of the Mason-Dixon Line.

The Wold Geoscience Scholarship. A merit-based scholarship established by John S. Wold, Class of 1938, and his wife, Jane Wold, for award to a first-year student, who will receive the scholarship until graduation provided the student is majoring in the geosciences and whose performance is outstanding.

Arthur S. Wright (1882) Scholarship. Established under the will of Mrs. Julia B. Wright in memory of her husband, a member of the Class of 1882.

W. Howard Wright (1895) Chemistry Scholarships. Established by W. Howard Wright, Class of 1895, and his son, Henry DeForest Wright, in memory of his father. Mr. W. H. Wright and Henry D. Wright served with distinction on the Union College Board of Trustees. Four scholarships awarded each year to students planning to major in chemistry and living in Schenectady County, or surrounding counties, or in Warren County. Selection will be made in conjunction with Schenectady International, Inc.

Kenneth L. Wyse ‘72 Endowed Scholarship. First preference given to students who are interested in the fields of fashion and design; second preference to students who study in the visual and performing arts.

William C. Yates (1898) Scholarship. The bequest of his wife, Grace Lawrence Yates, who was the daughter of Rev. Dr. Egbert C. Lawrence, Class of 1869. William C. Yates, Class of 1898, was an honorary trustee of Kappa Alpha fraternity and the recipient of the Alumni Council Gold Medal for Notable Service.

Martha H. and Alexander J. Young (1928) Scholarship. A gift established from the estate of Martha H. Young, widow of Dr. Alexander J. Young, Class of 1928.

Shiu Kong Yuen (1942) Scholarship. Created from gifts made by the family of the late Shiu Kong (Mac) Yuen, Class of 1942. Preference to students studying science or engineering.

Albany Law School and Albany Medical College Scholarships

Union College administers scholarships for graduates of the College attending the Albany Law School and the Albany Medical College.

Carter Davidson Memorial Scholarship. Established by friends and associates of Carter Davidson, 13th president of Union College and seventh chancellor of Union University. Awarded to a graduating senior of Union College who will attend a graduate division of Union University.

Fuller Medical Scholarship. Established under the will of Dr. Robert M. Fuller, Class of 1863. Available to medical students of the Albany Medical College who have excelled in chemistry at Union.

John K. Porter (1837) Memorial Scholarship. Established by the gift of Mrs. John K. Porter in memory of her husband, John K. Porter, Class of 1837. Available to graduates attending the Albany Law School.

William C. Saxton Scholarship. Established from the estate of Anna Hotaling Saxton in memory of her husband, William C. Saxton. Available to students in the Albany Law School.

Judge Gilbert McMaster Speir (1832) Memorial Scholarship. Established by Emily Speir Arnold in memory of her father, Judge Gilbert McMaster Speir, Class of 1832. Awarded by the faculty to the graduating senior entering the Albany Law School who has the greatest proficiency in historical studies.

Harold C. Wiggers Scholarship Fund. Established by Dr. David and Elynor Falk to honor the former dean of the Albany Medical College, Harold C. Wiggers. Used at Albany Medical College and limited to graduates of Union College who have completed two years of premedical preparation at Union College. Dr. David Falk graduated from Union College in 1939 and Albany Medical College in 1943.

Annual Scholarships

Albert E Anderson Annual Scholarship. Given to a student with financial need.

Annual Business Campaign Scholarship. Sustained by annual gifts from Annual Business Campaign donors. Awards will be made to students from the Capital Region (Schenectady, Albany, Saratoga, Montgomery, and Rensselaer counties), eligible for financial aid. Preference to students from Schenectady County. Annual Presidential Scholarships given by Golub Corporation, Maggs, and Greenberg Traurig.

Walter & Naomi Baker Scholarship. Preference given to one or more students pursuing engineering student, studies in the field of science or mathematics.

David J. Breazzano (1978) Scholarship. Sustained by the annual gift of David J. Breazzano, Class of 1978.

Class of 1963 Scholarship. Established by the Class of 1963 in honor of their 45th ReUnion.

Goldman Scholars - David Viniar (1976). Established through gifts from Goldman Sachs Gives at the recommendation of David Viniar, Class of 1976, and his wife, Susan.

Goldman Scholars - Thomas Connolly (1989). Established through gifts from Goldman Sachs Gives at the recommendation of Thomas Connolly, Class of 1989 and his wife, Laura.

Ernest L. and Florence L. Judkins Scholarship. Established under the will of Mrs. Florence L. Judkins, providing for the Ernest L. and Florence L. Judkins Scholarship Fund. Selection of recipients to be made by the Scholarship Committee of the College.

Gerald and Anna O’Loughlin Scholarship. Established by Arthur D. O’Loughlin, Class of 1960, in memory of his parents. Preference shall be given to engineering or science students who demonstrate leadership in student activities.

Alfred H. McKinlay (1951) Scholarship. Established by Mark A. McKinlay, PhD., Class of 1973, in honor of his father, Alfred H. McKinlay, Class of 1951. Preference shall be given to students who have demonstrated outstanding humanitarian concern and a willingness to help others.

Dr. John S. Morris Schenectady Foundation Scholarship. Awarded to a graduate of a Schenectady county high school based on financial need, academic success and community service.

Dr. Joseph ‘36 and Betty Milano Scholarship. Created by gifts of family and friends in memory of Dr. Joseph Milano, Class of 1936.

Richard E. Roberts ‘50, Esq. and Dr. John S. Morris Schenectady Foundation Scholarship. An annual scholarship created from gifts of The Schenectady Foundation in honor of Richard E. Roberts ‘50, Esq. and Dr. John S. Morris, President, Union College 1979-1990. Preference given to students who are Schenectady County residents and active in Schenectady community volunteer activities.

Lothrop (1956) and Janice D. Smith Scholarship. Created by Janice D and Lothrop Smith, Class of 1956.

Albert J. Taggi (1945) Scholarship. Awarded to students studying electrical engineering.

The Morton H. Yulman (1936) Scholarship. Sustained by annual gifts from the children of Morton H. Yulman, Class of 1936, a life trustee of the College. Awarded to students entering their junior year. Preference given, but not limited to, students from the Capital District of New York State.


Arnold Bittleman Fund for Undergraduate Summer Research. Established by students and friends of the late Professor Arnold Bittleman. Awarded to students performing summer research in the field of Visual Arts.

Booth Ferris Research Fellowship. Established by the Booth Ferris Foundation to support the Summer Science Research Endowment Fund.

Andrew M. Brooks (1978) and Cassandra N. Brooks Terms Abroad Fellowship. Created by Andrew M. Brooks (1978) and Cassandra N. Brooks. Awarded to students who require financial assistance to participate in Union College’s Terms Abroad Program.

Class of 1973 35th ReUnion Community Service Internship. Established by the Class of 1973 in honor of their 35th ReUnion. Awarded annually to Union College students interning in not-for-profit community service organizations.

Chelsea Leigh Cobb (2008) Terms Abroad Fellowship. Created by Ty and Leigh Stevenson Cobb to honor their daughter Chelsea Leigh Cobb. Awarded to students who require financial assistance to participate in Union College’s Terms Abroad Program.

Lee L. Davenport (1937) Summer Research Fellowship. Established by Lee L. Davenport, Class of 1937, to students pursuing studies in engineering, chemistry, biology, physics, or geology.

Tracy Leigh Epstein-Pesikoff Terms Abroad Fellowship. Established by Michael J. Epstein, MD, Class of 1959, in honor of his daughter. Awarded annually to students participating in terms abroad.

Philip B. Evans (1965) Terms Abroad Fellowship. Established by Philip B. Evans, Class of 1965. Awarded to students who require assistance to participate in the terms abroad program for study in Asia.

Frank Gado Endowed Terms Abroad Fellowship. Created by Janet, Class of 1974, and Hans Black, MD, Class of 1974, to honor Frank Gado, professor emeritus of English, who retired in 1996 after more than 30 years of service. Awarded to a student who wants an international learning experience and cannot afford the full cost.

Paula Gmelch Fund for Undergraduate Summer Research. Created by George and Sharon Gmelch, faculty members in Union’s Anthropology Department, in honor of their sister-in-law. Awarded to a student interested in performing summer research in the areas of anthropology or environmental studies.

Roger H. Hull Community Service Internship. Created by the Trustees of Union College in honor of President Roger H. Hull’s service to the College from 1990 to 2005. Awarded to a student interested in pursuing a career in community or non-profit service.

Edward R. Kane (1940) Endowed Chemistry Fund.

David S. Kaplan Term in Washington. Created from the gifts of Congressional Quarterly, its employees, and friends and relatives of David S. Kaplan, with income awarded to a student participating in Union’s annual term in Washington, DC.

The Professor Frederick A. Klemm and Eleanor G. Klemm Fund for International Study and Service. Established by Frederick Klemm, professor emeritus of German, considered the “father of Terms Abroad” and his wife Eleanor, to develop College programs that prepare students for international careers in government service, non-governmental organizations and the private sector.

Laudise Summer Research Fellowship in Chemistry. Created by Robert A. Laudise, Class of 1952, in memory of his father, Anthony T. Laudise.

Ruth Lewin Endowed Fund for Students on Terms Abroad. Created by Ruth Lewin, a good friend of Union College. To assist students who choose to extend their education by taking part in terms abroad.

Kenneth N. Mathes (1935) Fund. Created by Kenneth N. Mathes, Class of 1935, for engineering students on terms abroad.

Francis C. McMath (1946) Summer Research Fellowship in Engineering. Established from the gifts of Francis C. McMath, Class of 1946, with income awarded annually to students entering senior year who wish to conduct research in the field of environmental engineering.

Merck Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarship. Established by the Merck Co. Foundation to support summer research in chemistry.

NYNEX Foundation Endowment Fund. Established in 1988 with funds applied to the teaching interns component of the Student Aid for Educational Quality.

Robert Panoff (1942) Summer Research Fellowship. Established by Kathleen Panoff in memory of her husband, Robert, Class of 1942, and supported by gifts of Mrs. Panoff and others. Made to students of high academic standing in electrical engineering who participate in a summer research program under the guidance of the electrical engineering faculty.

Harriet and Paul(1958) Rosen Endowed Summer Research Fellowship. An endowed fund created from the gifts of Dr. Paul R. Rosen and Harriet Rosen to provide assistance to students who apply and receive undergraduate summer research fellowships at Union College.

John (1981) and Michele (1984) Sciortino Cancer Research Fund. Established in 2005 by John Sciortino, Class of 1981, and Michele Sciortino, Class of 1984, in memory of Russell Sciortino, Frederick Hudson, Jr., Mark Hudson and all those whose lives have been affected by cancer illnesses. Awarded annually to a student to support a summer research fellowship, senior thesis project or such other academic undertaking that is related or might contribute to the understanding of the causes of cancer or improve the diagnosis or treatment of cancer illnesses.

Robert Avon Smith (1952) Summer Research Fellowship in Biomedical Engineering. Created by Robert Avon Smith, Class of 1952. Awarded to students in the sciences or engineering who participate in a summer research program in biomedical engineering under the guidance of College faculty.

William Cady Stone Fellowship. Established by William Stone. Awarded to help provide a full-time student with one year of study abroad.

Surdna Summer Science Research Fellowships. Established by the Surdna Foundation. Awarded to students enrolled in the sciences.

Richard C. Tilghman (1969) Term Abroad Fellowship. Established by Richard C. Tilghman, Class of 1969. Awarded to a student pursuing a major in the sciences, engineering, or mathematics.

J. and P. Fisher Viglielmo Terms Abroad Fellowship. Established from the gifts of James A. Fisher ‘81 and Pamela Viglielmo ‘82. Awarded annually to students who participate in the terms abroad program.

Kelly M. Williams (1986) Terms Abroad Fellowship. Established by Kelly M. Williams, Class of 1986 to support students who require assistance to participate in Union College’s Terms Abroad Program.