Academic Catalog 2021-2022 
    Mar 31, 2025  
Academic Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Prizes, Honors, and Scholarships

Endowed and Annual Prizes

William F. Allen (1895) Essay Prize. To a senior in any department for the best essay.
Ronald K. Amiraian (1980) Memorial Prize. To a student of modern languages who has performed with distinction on a Union Term Abroad.
Andrew W. Archibald (1872) Prize. To the senior earning a Bachelor of Arts degree with the highest scholastic standing.
Frank Bailey (1885) Prize. To the senior who has rendered the greatest service to the College in any field.
Arnold I. Bittleman Memorial Prize. To a student who has studied drawing in the Visual Arts department and whose work, in the judgment of the Visual Arts faculty in collaboration with an outside juror, is outstanding.
Fletcher (1947) and Grace Blanchard Memorial Prize in Bioengineering. To a senior who has excelled in Bioengineering.
William H. Bloom, M.D. (1945) and Jonathan R. Bloom (1988) Poetry Prize. For the best poems or series of poems by an undergraduate.
David Brind (1982) Memorial Prize in English. To one or more outstanding senior students in English.
Stephen P. Brown Memorial Trophy. To the fraternity that has the best record in scholarship, intramural athletics, and extracurricular activities.
George H. Catlin (1867) Prize. To the graduating senior in liberal arts with the highest scholastic record and deemed most promising for graduate study and for eventual service in the field of college teaching.
Alan Lake Chidsey (1925) Citizenship Award. To a senior for distinctive contribution to the advancement of responsible government in student affairs.
Class of 2001 Prize. To a junior, selected on the basis of academic, personal and social achievement and on his or her contributions to Union in all of these areas.
Hilda A. Colish Annual Prize in Sculpture. To a non-arts major for their achievement in sculpture.
Josephine Daggett Prize. To a senior of the best conduct and character.
Division of Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society Award. To a student who has excelled in analytical chemistry.
Joseph D. Doty Prize. To the junior or senior who, in the judgment of the Department of History, has done work of outstanding merit.
Kerrie Droban (1987) Annual Award for Writing Excellence. Created from the gifts of Kerrie Ticknor-Droban, Class of 1987. Awarded to a student who has demonstrated excellence in writing.
Samuel S. Feuer (1925) Prize. To the senior in the premedical course whose primary interest is in dentistry and who has maintained the highest scholastic average over four years.
Sarah A. Foster (2014) Memorial Prize. Established through the gifts of Nicholas J. D’Angelo, Class of 2014, for a senior who demonstrates academic excellence, with first preference to a senior history major who plans to become a teacher, and second preference to any senior who plans to become a teacher.
Frankel Prize. For outstanding achievement in a religion course.
Robert M. Fuller (1863) Prizes. One to the sophomore, the other to the senior, who demonstrates outstanding work, ability, and promise in chemistry.
Bruce M. Garber (1971) Prize. To the premedical or predental student who best exemplifies the qualities of personal integrity and humane concern for the future practice of medicine or dentistry.
General Electric Edison Mechanical Engineering Book Prize. (Previously named “Berkley Davis Mechanical Engineering Book Prize”). To a sophomore majoring in Mechanical Engineering who has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities.
General Electric Edison Mechanical Engineering Leadership Prize. (Previously named “Berkley Davis Mechanical Engineering Leadership Prize”). To a senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering who has demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities.
General Electric Energy Steinmetz Prize. To a senior in Mechanical Engineering who completes the best senior project.
Geology Faculty Prize. To a senior who contributes most to the Geology Department and social morale.
Lisa S. Gerhan (1994) Memorial Endowed Prize. For academic excellence, a commitment to the field of psychology, and the potential for future contributions to the field.
Ashraf M. Ghaly Geo Research Prize. Given to the senior who completes the best research study and reports original results in any geo field (geotechnical, geoenvironmental, geoengineering, geoscience, or geospatial). Recipient is selected by a committee of engineering faculty in consultation with geo faculty. Created by Ashraf M. Ghaly in gratitude to the students who nominated him for the Stillman Prize for Excellence in Teaching, and to commemorate his winning of that prize in 1997.
Celia Glaubach Prize. To the student who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship in the area of Religious Studies.
John R. Glover (1976) Prize in Black-and-White Photography. To a student who demonstrates excellence in black-and-white photography.
John R. Glover (1976) Prize in Color Photography. To a student who demonstrates excellence in color photography.
Goodnow Neuroscience Endowed Prize. To the graduating Neuroscience student who shows the most promise for success in graduate school and beyond.
Harry Guttman Endowed Prize. To an outstanding student of Classics.
John S. Hadala (1928) Endowed Book Prize. To a senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering on the basis of academic, personal, and social achievement
Hans Hainebach Memorial Prize in German Literature. To a sophomore or junior who has demonstrated particular promise as a student of German literature.
Hans Hainebach Memorial Prize in Judaica. To a student who has offered the best performance in the field of Judaica.
Hedda Hainebach Memorial Prize in Music and Theater. Alternating annually between music and theater, to the best performer of classical music as a soloist, with accompanist or with a group; or to a student who has written the best short play or to the best actor or actress.
Edward Everett Hale, Jr. Prize. For the best essay written by a sophomore or junior.
Joel A. Halpern (1961) Prize. To a student or students who have reached out beyond the campus to make a commitment in service to the community
Oswald Heck (1924)-Irwin Steingut Prize. To the student who has consistently done the best work in Political Science.
Eugene W. Hellmich (1923) Memorial Prize. To seniors who demonstrate excellence in mathematics and are planning to teach math.
Victor Herbert Prize. To the student who shows the most promise of making a contribution to American music.
Albert Hill Recognition Award. To a senior who has held a leadership position and has demonstrated exceptional commitment to enhancing the college community.
Kurt W. Hillig (1975) Biochemistry Prize. To a senior who demonstrates outstanding work, ability, and promise in biochemistry.
Julian B. Hoffman, M.D. Memorial Award. To the student (preferably premedical) for distinguished interest, devotion, and contribution to the arts and/or intellectual climate at Union College.
Hollander Convocation Music Prize. To a musician or ensemble for musical performance.
Roger H. Hull Community Service Award. To a senior who has rendered the greatest sustained service to the greater Schenectady Community and who has initiated or is actively engaged in an ongoing community service project.
Charles B. Hurd Prize. To a student of physical chemistry.
Albert C. Ingham (1847) Prize. To the student in the Social Sciences judged to have done the most outstanding piece of scholarly work.
Ingvar V. Ingvarsson Prize. To a senior in electrical engineering chosen for high scholarship.
John Iwanik Prize. To an outstanding Russian language student.
William B. Jaffe (1926) Art Award. For exceptional achievement by an art major, marked by excellence in the study of art history, independent scholarship, and interest in the work of the department.
William B. Jaffe (1926) Athletic Award. To the member of the graduating class to be the outstanding athlete of the year, taking into account the character and motivation of the individual in addition to athletic excellence.
Thomas J. Judson (1966) Memorial Book Prize. To a sophomore who has shown academic excellence as well as sincere interest in the study of modern languages.
David S. Kaplan (1982) Prize. To a student applying to participate in a term abroad. Preference to students majoring in political science.
Warner King (1906) Prize. To the senior in engineering who has contributed most to the traditions and ideals of the College.
Ethel Kirchenbaum Memorial Prize. To the senior who, in the opinion of the Engineering Departments, shall be deemed to possess the best potential for furthering the ideals of the engineering profession.
Harold A. Larrabee Prize. To the student who has done the best work in philosophy during the year.
William E. Lasnik (1968) Prize. To a junior or senior premedical student on the basis of scholarship and character.
Anthony C. LaVecchia (1998) Memorial Award. To a student who demonstrates a keen interest and passion in journalism, especially with a focus in political journalism.
Stephen F. Leo, M.D. (1884) Prize. To the premedical student on scholarship who attained the highest grades in the graduating class and who has been accepted in medical school.
Alice P. and Donald C. Loughry (1952) Prizes. To students completing the best senior projects in computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering.
Edith Emilee MacCoy Prize. To the student who excels in botany.
John Lewis March Prize. To a senior who has shown increased interest and ability in psychology during the final two years of college.
Minerva Prize. Awarded to the female student whose work best combines the scholarly study of women or gender with activities that enhance the life of women on campus.
Lewis Henry Morgan (1840) Prize. To the anthropology major who produces the best senior thesis.
R. E. Morgan Memorial Award. To a senior in computer engineering chosen for high scholarship.
Harold and Ellen Nagorsky Memorial Prize. Awarded to a premedical junior student who contributes the most to the Union College community through extracurricular activities.
Alvin F. Nitchman (1924) Prize. To the most promising senior who plans to attend law school.
Ronald M. Obenzinger (1961) Prize. To a premedical student who is selected for high academic merit and personal worthiness.
Robert G. O’Neale (1878) Prize. To a Bachelor of Arts candidate with the highest standing in Classics.
Hans Pasch Memorial Prize. Awarded for the best essay written about the Holocaust.
Elias Peissner Prize. To an economics major who has done work of outstanding merit.
William A. Pike Memorial (1960) Trophy. To a junior for attitude, ability, participation, and achievement in intercollegiate sports.
President’s Commission on the Status of Women at Union College Prizes. To seniors who have contributed significantly to promoting equality between the sexes on campus in areas such as scholarship, college and community service, and athletics.
Daniel F. Pullman Prizes. To a senior of high scholastic standing in Humanities and Engineering.
Rennes Lecturer/Lectrice Prize. To a senior planning to serve as a lecturer or lectrice pursuant to Union College’s teacher exchange program in Rennes, France.
Martin Terry Resch Prize. To the senior who shows the greatest promise for advanced study in pure or applied mathematics.
Mrs. Edwin L. Rich Prize. To a student majoring in English who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship.
Charles Alexander Richmond Prizes. One for excellence in the fine arts, the other for excellence in the appreciation of music.
Robert B. Ridings Award. To a senior female athlete for her attitude, ability, participation, and achievement in intercollegiate sports.
Paul Rieschick (1974) Prize. In appreciation of the time and effort he devoted to the basketball program and individual players.
Mark Rosenthal (1976) Memorial Prize. To a senior involved in community activities, in good academic standing and planning to attend medical school after graduation.
Rotary Foundation Endowed Prize for International Study. To the senior who shows the greatest promise and interest in an area of international relations. Preference to a student from Schenectady County.
Robert L. Royal (1938) Award. To a financially deserving student who has been accepted by Albany Medical College, to be applied to the purchase of instruments and equipment necessary to medical studies.
Mortimer F. Sayre Prize. To the senior with the best potential for furthering the ideals of the mechanical engineering profession.
Calvin G. Schmidt (1951) Prize. To the member of the junior class who has contributed most to the betterment of student life on campus.
J. Richard Shanebrook Prize. To a student of any religious tradition who has contributed the most to the betterment of religious life on campus.
Daniel Shocket (1972) Memorial Award. To a student majoring in English with a strong interest in creative writing.
Aime Simon (1991) Term Abroad Prize. To students of high academic standing and promise with strong interests in French studies, participating in a term abroad program in a French-speaking country.
Edward S.C. Smith Geology Prize. To a senior majoring in geology who demonstrates high professional potential.
Freling H. Smith (1865) Prize. To the History major with the best senior thesis.
Dr. Reuben Sorkin (1933) Award for Proficiency in Premedical Studies. To a senior demonstrating proficiency in undergraduate studies with an outstanding aptitude for continuing work leading to a degree in medicine.
Ralph W. Stearns (1907) Prize. To the outstanding student or students in electrical or computer engineering.
Milton Hymes Sternfeld (1916) Prize. For the best original essay in philosophy by a member of the senior class.
Roger Thayer Stone (1928) Prize. To the sociology major who produces the best senior thesis.
William W. Thomas Award in French and Francophone Studies. To a senior who has excelled in and contributed most to French and Francophone Studies on the basis of academic, personal and extracurricular achievement.
Joel D. Ticknor (1960) Annual Prize. To a senior graduating from the political science or philosophy departments (alternating yearly) who has demonstrated a capacity for long term thinking and who plans to use his/her career to help solve the world’s most pressing problems. 
Charles M. Tidmarch Memorial Prize. To a student who has written the best senior thesis in political science.
Professor Frank Titus Memorial Prize in Physics. To a senior who demonstrates outstanding work, ability and promise in physics and/or astronomy.
Frances Travis Award. To a student who is working his or her way through college and who has demonstrated unusual responsibility and self-reliance.
James Henry Turnbull (1929) Prize. To a sophomore student who excelled in physics.
UNITAS Diversity Leadership Award. To the student who has made a significant contribution toward fostering diversity on campus.
Wessel Ten Broeck Van Orden (1839) Prize. To a first-year student excelling in English composition.
Edward Villella, L.H.D. 1991 Prize. To the student for the best dance performance.
David Wagenseil (1978) Memorial Award. To a senior fraternity man for outstanding participation and leadership in intramural sports.
Horatio G. Warner (1826) Prize. To a student of high personal character who has the highest scholastic standing in the Bachelor of Arts program.
Mildred Wilder Prize. To the senior majoring in political science who has written the best piece of scholarly work pertaining to the subject of women and politics.
George H. Williams Prize. To a graduating senior for excellence in Computer Science.
Lee, William, Dr. Norman (1943) and Dr. George (1953) Wrubel Memorial Prize. (Previously named the Lee and William Wrubel Memorial Prize) To a senior preparing for dentistry or medicine, based upon both academic achievement and character.
Eugene I. Yudis (1955) Prize. To the student in any class who has produced the best piece of prose fiction.

Special Awards and Prizes

John Bigelow Medal (2008). Recognizes friends of the College who have contributed to the advancement of humanity.
Eliphalet Nott Medal. Established by President Roger H. Hull. Recognizes the perseverance of alumni who have attained great distinction in their fields. The medal is named for Eliphalet Nott, president of Union College from 1804 to 1866.
Founders Medal. Established by action of the Board of Trustees in 1968. Presented at irregular intervals in recognition of unusual and distinguished service to Union College in a particular area of institutional life.
Gideon Hawley Teacher Recognition Award. Nominated by first-year and sophomore Union College students, to a secondary school teacher who has made a difference in their lives.
John H. Jenkins Award. Awarded for the best bibliography or bibliographical work published during the year, or for a bibliographical research project of significance while in process of preparation. Determination of the recipient of the award shall be at the sole discretion of Union College or such agents as it shall engage.
Stillman Prize for Faculty Excellence in Research. To a faculty member to encourage outstanding research.
Stillman Prize for Faculty Excellence in Teaching. To a faculty member to encourage outstanding teaching.
UNITAS Community-Building Award. To the Union College student, administrator, staff or faculty member who best demonstrates leadership in bringing together as many segments as possible of the campus community for purposes such as community service, fundraising for a worthy cause or celebration of College history.

Albany Law School and Albany Medical College Scholarships

Union College administers scholarships for graduates of the College attending the Albany Law School and the Albany Medical College.
Carter Davidson Memorial Scholarship. Established by friends and associates of Carter Davidson, 13th president of Union College and seventh chancellor of Union University. Awarded to a graduating senior of Union College who will attend a graduate division of Union University.
Fuller Medical Scholarship. Established under the will of Dr. Robert M. Fuller, Class of 1863. Available to medical students of the Albany Medical College who have excelled in chemistry at Union.
John K. Porter (1837) Memorial Scholarship. Established by the gift of Mrs. John K. Porter in memory of her husband, John K. Porter, Class of 1837. Available to graduates attending the Albany Law School.
William C. Saxton Scholarship. Established from the estate of Anna Hotaling Saxton in memory of her husband, William C. Saxton. Available to students in the Albany Law School.
Judge Gilbert McMaster Speir (1832) Memorial Scholarship. Established by Emily Speir Arnold in memory of her father, Judge Gilbert McMaster Speir, Class of 1832. Awarded by the faculty to the graduating senior entering the Albany Law School who has the greatest proficiency in historical studies.
Harold C. Wiggers Scholarship Fund. Established by Dr. David and Elynor Falk to honor the former dean of the Albany Medical College, Harold C. Wiggers. Used at Albany Medical College and limited to graduates of Union College who have completed two years of premedical preparation at Union College. Dr. David Falk graduated from Union College in 1939 and Albany Medical College in 1943.


Alpha Phi Alpha Mohammad Omar (1994) Memorial Community Service Internship. Established by the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity in memory of Mohammad A. Omar, a brother of the Pi Pi chapter who died in 1993 (degree awarded posthumously in 1994). The internship provides support to students volunteering for not-for-profit community organizations. Through it, and the example of Mohammad Omar, Alpha Phi Alpha strives to build awareness of and dedication to a lifetime of improving the quality of life for others, as well as promote the development of individuals to serve as strong examples of commitment to service.
Alexander David Askenazy (2020) Memorial Fellowship for Summer Research. Established by Wendy L. Hansen and Philip D. Askenazy in memory of their son, Alexander David Askenazy, Class of 2020. To support undergraduate summer research with first preference being research in the field of biochemistry, second preference being research in the field of chemistry, and third preference being research in the field of biology.
David J. Bigda Summer Internship. An annual internship established by Carolyn Bigda Dulchinos ‘84 from the gift of her late father, David J. Bigda, to provide summer internship opportunities for students interested in progressive political, social and/or environmental activism.
Arnold Bittleman Fund for Undergraduate Summer Research. Established by students and friends of the late Professor Arnold Bittleman. Awarded to students performing summer research in the field of Visual Arts.
Booth Ferris Research Fellowship. Established by the Booth Ferris Foundation to support the Summer Science Research Endowment Fund.
Peter R. Brayton (1972) Endowed Fund. Created from the gifts of Peter R. Brayton ‘72 to provide assistance to undergraduate students interested in pursuing summer research projects in the biological sciences.
Andrew M. Brooks (1978) and Cassandra N. Brooks Terms Abroad Fellowship. Created by Andrew M. Brooks (1978) and Cassandra N. Brooks. Awarded to students who require financial assistance to participate in Union College’s Terms Abroad Program.
Class of 1963 Annual Internship. Established through the gifts of members of the Class of 1963 in honor of their Class, for students who require financial assistance to participate in internships.
Class of 1964 Mini-Term Endowed Fellowship. Created from the gifts of members of the Class of 1964, for a student requiring financial assistance to participate in a mini-term.
Class of 1971 Annual Internship. Established through the gifts of members of the Class of 1971 in honor of their Class, for students who require financial assistance to participate in internships.
Class of 1973 35th ReUnion Community Service Internship. Established by the Class of 1973 in honor of their 35th ReUnion. Awarded annually to Union College students interning in not-for-profit community service organizations.
Class of 1989 Endowed Terms Abroad Fellowship Fund. Established by Andrew Albert (1989) and Stephan Jaeger (1989) to provide financial assistance for students participating in Union College’s Terms Abroad Program, with first preference to AOP/HEOP students with a minimum GPA of 3.5; second preference to students with a minimum GPA of 3.5; and third preference to any other appropriate undergraduate.
Chelsea Leigh Cobb (2008) Terms Abroad Fellowship. Created by Ty and Leigh Stevenson Cobb to honor their daughter Chelsea Leigh Cobb. Awarded to students who require financial assistance to participate in Union College’s Terms Abroad Program.
Lee L. Davenport (1937) Summer Research Fellowship. Established by Lee L. Davenport, Class of 1937, to students pursuing studies in engineering, chemistry, biology, physics, or geology.
Robert G. Englebach Endowed Fund for Asian Studies. Created from the gifts of Robert Englebach, to support the opportunity for students to travel to and study in Asia.
Dr. Gerald Ente (1951) Endowed Mini-Term Fund. Established by the Fraternal Order of Police Surgeons Lodge SAO3 in honor of Dr. Gerald Ente (1951), for students who require financial assistance to participate in a mini-term, with first preference to students majoring in the ‘hard sciences’ (chemistry, biology, physics, geology or similar).
Tracy Leigh Epstein-Pesikoff Terms Abroad Fellowship. Established by Michael J. Epstein, MD, Class of 1959, in honor of his daughter. Awarded annually to students participating in terms abroad.
Philip B. Evans (1965) Terms Abroad Fellowship. Established by Philip B. Evans, Class of 1965. Awarded to students who require assistance to participate in the terms abroad program for study in Asia.
Frank Gado Endowed Terms Abroad Fellowship. Created by Janet, Class of 1974, and Hans Black, MD, Class of 1974, to honor Frank Gado, professor emeritus of English, who retired in 1996 after more than 30 years of service. Awarded to a student who wants an international learning experience and cannot afford the full cost.
Paula Gmelch Fund for Undergraduate Summer Research. Created by George and Sharon Gmelch, faculty members in Union’s Anthropology Department, in honor of their sister-in-law. Awarded to a student interested in performing summer research in the areas of anthropology or environmental studies.
Kelsey Hastings Golitz Memorial Fund for Cancer Research. Established by Rebecca Hastings and Dr. Michael Golitz in memory of their daughter, Kelsey Hastings Golitz, Class of 2010, to support summer research fellowships, senior thesis projects or other such academic undertakings related or contributing to understanding the causes of cancer or improving the diagnosis/treatment of cancer. In making awards, first preference shall be given to a student planning to pursue a career in medicine.
Roger H. Hull Community Service Internship. Created by the Trustees of Union College in honor of President Roger H. Hull’s service to the College from 1990 to 2005. Awarded to a student interested in pursuing a career in community or non-profit service.
Edward R. Kane (1940) Endowed Chemistry Fund.
David S. Kaplan Term in Washington. Created from the gifts of Congressional Quarterly, its employees, and friends and relatives of David S. Kaplan, with income awarded to a student participating in Union’s annual term in Washington, DC.
The Professor Frederick A. Klemm and Eleanor G. Klemm Fund for International Study and Service. Established by Frederick Klemm, professor emeritus of German, considered the “father of Terms Abroad” and his wife Eleanor, to develop College programs that prepare students for international careers in government service, non-governmental organizations and the private sector.
Laudise Summer Research Fellowship in Chemistry. Created by Robert A. Laudise, Class of 1952, in memory of his father, Anthony T. Laudise.
Ruth Lewin Endowed Fund for Students on Terms Abroad. Created by Ruth Lewin, a good friend of Union College. To assist students who choose to extend their education by taking part in terms abroad.
Christopher Michael Mastrangelo (1989) Memorial Internship. Created by Clifford M. Mastrangelo (1963) in memory of his son Christopher Michael Mastrangelo (1989), for students who require financial assistance to participate in internships.
Kenneth N. Mathes (1935) Fund. Created by Kenneth N. Mathes, Class of 1935, for engineering students on terms abroad.
Francis C. McMath (1946) Summer Research Fellowship in Engineering. Established from the gifts of Francis C. McMath, Class of 1946, with income awarded annually to students entering senior year who wish to conduct research in the field of environmental engineering.
Byron A. Nichols Endowed Fellowship for Faculty Development. Created from the gifts of Alan and Susan Maycock and friends of Prof. Byron Nichols, to help Union College faculty develop programs and skills that reflect the quality of intellectual, social and personal interactions that Byron fostered and developed with students during his career at Union.
Merck Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarship. Established by the Merck Co. Foundation to support summer research in chemistry.
NYNEX Foundation Endowment Fund. Established in 1988 with funds applied to the teaching interns component of the Student Aid for Educational Quality.
Robert Panoff (1942) Summer Research Fellowship. Established by Kathleen Panoff in memory of her husband, Robert, Class of 1942, and supported by gifts of Mrs. Panoff and others. Made to students of high academic standing in electrical engineering who participate in a summer research program under the guidance of the electrical engineering faculty.
David Potts Research Fellowship in History. Established through the gifts of Neil Kramer, Class of 1970, in honor of Union College Professor David Potts, to support student research in history.
Rampe Family Annual Internship. Established through the gifts of Kevin Rampe, Class of 1988, to support students who require financial assistance to participate in internships.
Harriet and Paul (1958) Rosen Endowed Summer Research Fellowship. An endowed fund created from the gifts of Dr. Paul R. Rosen and Harriet Rosen to provide financial assistance to students who apply and receive undergraduate summer research fellowships at Union College.
Henry S. Scherer, Sr. (1922) Endowed Internship. Established through the gifts of Henry and Nancy Klingeman in honor of Henry S. Scherer, Sr., Class of 1922 to provide financial assistance for student(s) participating in internships related to community service.
John (1981) and Michele (1984) Sciortino Cancer Research Fund. Established in 2005 by John Sciortino, Class of 1981, and Michele Sciortino, Class of 1984, in memory of Russell Sciortino, Frederick Hudson, Jr., Mark Hudson and all those whose lives have been affected by cancer illnesses. Awarded annually to a student to support a summer research fellowship, senior thesis project or such other academic undertaking that is related or might contribute to the understanding of the causes of cancer or improve the diagnosis or treatment of cancer illnesses.
Robert Avon Smith (1952) Summer Research Fellowship in Biomedical Engineering. Created by Robert Avon Smith, Class of 1952. Awarded to students in the sciences or engineering who participate in a summer research program in biomedical engineering under the guidance of College faculty.
Virginia Smith (1978) Summer Internship. Created from the gifts of Virginia Smith (1978) for students participating in summer internships, with preference to students from diverse backgrounds.
Dr. Alfred Sommer (1963) and Jill Sommer Health Science Endowment. Established through the gifts of Dr. Alfred Sommer, Class of 1963, and Jill Sommer, to encourage Union College undergraduates to experience the excitement and fulfillment of academic medicine and public health.
William Cady Stone Fellowship. Established by William Stone. Awarded to help provide a full-time student with one year of study abroad.
Surdna Summer Science Research Fellowships. Established by the Surdna Foundation. Awarded to students enrolled in the sciences.
Bill Thomas Endowed Study Abroad Fund. Established by the friends of Prof. William W. Thomas to support students with financial need who wish to go on full terms abroad. Preference given to declared Modern Languages majors and minors with emphasis on those programs that involve the study of a foreign language.
Richard C. Tilghman (1969) Term Abroad Fellowship. Established by Richard C. Tilghman, Class of 1969. Awarded to a student pursuing a major in the sciences, engineering, or mathematics.
J. and P. Fisher Viglielmo Terms Abroad Fellowship. Established from the gifts of James A. Fisher ‘81 and Pamela Viglielmo ‘82. Awarded annually to students who participate in the terms abroad program.
Kelly M. Williams (1986) Terms Abroad Fellowship. Established by Kelly M. Williams, Class of 1986 to support students who require assistance to participate in Union College’s Terms Abroad Program.
Jody Lynn Yetzer (1994) and Alexander Manual Kayne Charitable Fund Community Service Internship. Established by Jody Lynn Yetzer, Class of 1994, and Manual Kayne for a student(s) who requires financial assistance to participate in an unpaid internship with a nonprofit organization.