Academic Catalog 2024-2025 
    Sep 11, 2024  
Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Academic Program and Policies


The Academic Program

Union College offers studies in the humanities, the social sciences, the sciences, and engineering. The curriculum, which has a wide range and balance across areas of study, offers breadth and depth as students explore particular disciplines and interdisciplinary subjects. Union’s curriculum and student life are designed to educate students to live and work in a global, diverse, and technologically-complex society.

Union has a tradition of curricular innovation dating back to its founding in 1795. In the 19th century, Union pioneered the introduction of science, modern languages and engineering into the undergraduate curriculum. More recently, the College has made important advances in general education, interdisciplinary study, international programs, and undergraduate research. Our tradition of curricular innovation continues as Union pioneers ways to conceive of engineering as an integral component of the liberal arts and as we introduce students to computational methods, community-based learning, entrepreneurship, and ethical understanding in courses across the curriculum. At Union, we bring together faculty from diverse academic backgrounds so that students can gain mastery of a wide range of disciplines as well as an understanding of how different disciplines approach particular questions. Students thus prepared are ready to communicate, work, and think within and beyond their area of specialty. Many students study abroad as part of their Union education, often in programs led by Union faculty as well as programs of their own design.

A major may be centered in one of the College’s academic departments or a student may choose an interdepartmental major involving work in two or more departments, a formal interdisciplinary major, or a personally-designed “organizing theme major” that defines a central, unifying topic cutting across disciplinary lines. Students may also elect to take up to two minors.

The College is committed to ensuring that all students become good writers. The College’s program of Writing Across the Curriculum constitutes a systematic way of ensuring that students pay close attention to writing in courses located throughout the curriculum. The First-Year Preceptorial is the foundation of Union’s writing requirements. The Sophomore Research Seminar provides a foundation of research skills for upper-class work.

Degree Requirements

Union offers the following undergraduate degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Science degrees in Biomedical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.

A Union education is a four-year integrated living and learning experience. Our curriculum is designed to enable a student to achieve the breadth and depth that mark the graduate of a liberal arts college. There is a structure in the movement of our curriculum from first to senior year, a structure that ensures the intellectual sophistication and maturity that we want our graduates to have. To qualify for a degree, a student must:

  1. Satisfactorily complete 11 terms of study at Union (most students will complete 12), including 36 term courses plus any additional courses taken as electives or to satisfy program requirements. The engineering program requires 40 courses. For two-degree programs refer to the section, “Combined Degree Programs.”
  2. Satisfactorily complete requirements in the Common Curriculum ;
  3. Satisfactorily complete requirements in the major field, degree program, or interdepartmental major, including senior capstone requirements such as a senior thesis, as applicable;
  4. Attain minimum cumulative indices of 1.80 overall and 2.00 in the major (and 2.0 in the minor if a minor has been declared).

To graduate, a student also must have paid all sums due to the Bursar’s Office, must have made satisfactory provision for payment of any other financial obligations assumed while in college, and must have returned all books and materials borrowed from the library. The individual student is solely responsible for assuring that the program presented for graduation fulfills all requirements, both in general and in specialized study. The Office of the Registrar should be consulted when questions arise about the satisfaction of graduation requirements. Notice of intent to graduate must be provided to the Registrar as per the deadline specified by the Registrar’s Office.

Academic Calendar

Union divides the academic year into three terms of 10 weeks plus a week of exams.  

Enrollment Requirements

A full course unit may be equated to five quarter-credit hours, or three and one-third semester credit hours. The normal course load for a full-time student is three courses in each of the three terms, or nine courses a year. Taking laboratory and other extra class hours into account, the average time per week spent in class is approximately 4.5 hours and the expected average time spent outside of class on course work is approximately 10.5 hours per week. To complete the entire curriculum in four years, engineering students should expect, on occasion, to take more than three courses per term, once per academic year.  For additional information on course registration policies, refer to “Academic Program and Policies.”

Normally, students will be enrolled full-time for 12 terms (at least 36 courses) through the spring term prior to graduation, except in the two circumstances noted below. 

  • Students that accumulate three or more credits from pre-matriculation credits or Union College fourth courses, practicum credit, summer courses, or mini-terms may graduate one term early or be unenrolled from Union for a term during the junior or senior year, provided that these credits have not been used to compensate for deficiencies incurred during their time at the College. Students cannot utilize transfer course credit earned at other colleges or universities after matriculation at Union College to graduate early.
  • Students in the Union Scholars and Seward Interdisciplinary Fellows programs may use any additional course credits they earn at Union to accelerate their graduation or to be unenrolled for a term or more.

Any student seeking early graduation must obtain approval from the Office of the Registrar. Students seeking to be unenrolled for a term must inform the Office of the Dean of Students. For guidelines regarding transfer credits, refer to Transfer Credit Policy.

The Common Curriculum (General Education)

For a transition period Union will have two general education curricula: (1) students who entered Union before the fall of 2022, or who transfer into a class that began before this date, will participate in the “Common Curriculum”, (2) students in the class of 2026 who enter Union in the fall of 2022 as well as students in subsequent classes will participate in the “Complex Questions” curriculum.

The Common Curriculum

As a liberal arts college, Union is devoted to educating students to flourish in this rapidly changing world, a world with fluid geographic, intellectual and cultural boundaries. The Common Curriculum seeks to nurture in students a commitment to learning as central to one’s development over the course of a lifetime. Union starts with the assumption that college represents a beginning and not an end of one’s education. Union’s approach, ensuring that students learn much of what the College deems important and at the same time develop and satisfy a taste for exploration, combines elements of choice within a structure of requirements.

Union’s Common Curriculum ensures that students analyze and integrate knowledge from a wide variety of areas, communicate the results of their learning and, most important, continue to learn, an essential skill in today’s world. To accomplish this, we start with a First-year Preceptorial that emphasizes critical reading and writing using the perspectives of multiple disciplines, and a Sophomore Research Seminar that focuses on learning research skills necessary to assess through informed reflection the enormous varieties of information to which we have access today. Union’s Common Curriculum provides the foundational breadth that defines a liberal arts education through requirements in humanities, social sciences, linguistic and cultural competency, quantitative reasoning, and science and technology. The Common Curriculum is designed to enable students to become life-long learners by learning to analyze, synthesize, integrate, and communicate effectively, and obtain an appreciation of different disciplines and areas of knowledge, as well as interdisciplinary study.

A detailed description of the Common Curriculum is under “Common Curriculum .”

Complex Questions: Global Challenges & Social Justice Curriculum

Union recognizes that students live in a world full of global challenges, including in particular social justice. Though the breadth of offerings made available, the Complex Questions curriculum will make each student’s journey unique. The one constant of this curriculum is to provide the tools and context necessary to help our students drive meaningful change in the world.

The Complex Questions curriculum at Union College combines the breadth and strengths of a traditional liberal arts education to enhance teaching and learning through the diverse perspectives of major areas of human understanding. Driven by our longstanding college-wide commitment to lifelong learning with social purpose, the curriculum creates opportunities for students to engage with and develop an understanding of the complexity and global nature of many issues and how different disciplinary perspectives address and elucidate those issues.

In addition to a first year inquiry course, students will take eight Complex Questions: Global Challenges and Social Justice Perspective courses over the course of their four years at Union. * One of the most distinctive elements of the curriculum is its interdisciplinary approach. Through the curriculum, every student will be exposed to at least one course in each of the following academic Perspective - delivered within a real-world context:

Creative Works/Arts and Design

Cultural and Historical Foundations

Data and Quantitative Reasoning 

Engineering, Technology and Society


Natural and Physical Sciences

Social Analysis, Politics and Ethics

World Languages

By pursuing coursework in each of these Perspectives related to a global challenge or the issues of justice, equity, identity, and/or difference, Union students develop a deeper understanding of the dynamics at play in these issues that is necessary to help them drive meaningful change in the world. Beyond that, through the Complex Questions: Global Challenges and Social Justice curriculum, Union students receive the type of broad exposure to multiple academic Perspectives that is likely to encourage them to fully explore their educational interest - including areas they may not have considered prior to coming to college. This is consistent with Union’s long history of encouraging students to combine their academic interests as broadly as possible. 

A detailed description of the Complex Questions Curriculum is under Complex Questions: Global Challenges & Social Justice Curriculum  

* As the Complex Questions Curriculum is phased in, students entering in the Fall of 2022 and 2023, will only be required to take six Perspectives courses and students entering in the Fall of 2024 will only be required to take seven Perspective courses.. However Union College strongly recommends that students take courses in all eight Perspectives.

The Major

The major should be viewed as a coherent series of courses providing a solid background in the area of study as well as an introduction to advanced study. Depth of knowledge and understanding in a particular field of study is provided by the major. Courses in this area of special study may also count toward meeting some Common Curriculum  requirements, but the prescribed program of study for a major is primarily intended to develop competence in the scholarship represented by an academic department or a group of departments. In addition to majors offered through academic departments, Union offers majors in interdisciplinary programs and individually designed “organizing theme” majors.

Students can pursue an interdepartmental major that combines study in two departments or interdisciplinary programs that offer an interdepartmental major (ID) by completing the ID requirements specified by each. Students must review particular department and interdisciplinary program terms and conditions for interdepartmental majors and then consult with the necessary Chairs and Directors in order to carry out an ID. Departments and interdisciplinary programs specify the terms and conditions for interdepartmental majors. Students should consult each department or program section in Majors, Minors, and Other Programs  for descriptions of available options and requirements. Biomedical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering may not be used as a component of interdepartmental majors. Senior Writing Experience requirements vary among areas of study. Where appropriate, students can do one two-term thesis to satisfy both departments’ writing requirements.

Students may pursue a “double major” by satisfying all requirements of two majors, neither of which can be an interdepartmental major or an organizing theme major. Students may not pursue more than two majors. Except as indicated under “Combined Degree Programs,” a student satisfactorily completing two majors earns one rather than two degrees. A student in such a program will be eligible for his or her degree whenever the requirements for both majors, along with those in the Common Curriculum  program, are satisfied and a minimum of thirty-six course credits has been earned. Please see below for how overlapping courses may be counted toward both majors.

The student who enters college with a fairly firm notion about a proposed field of concentration will find it advantageous to test his or her interest in the proposed major field during the first year. In many programs, a student need not begin a major during the first year in order to complete that major by the end of the fourth year. In engineering and science, however, it can be extremely difficult to complete a major in four years unless course sequences are begun in the first year. Students in pre-medicine also need to consider taking the requisite courses in their first year. At the end of the first year, the major may be declared or changed without penalty in the form of lost time and credit. Soon thereafter, and certainly by the end of the second year, the student should make a serious commitment to a focus of study. Every student is required to file with the Registrar a declaration of major no later than the mid-point of the spring term of the sophomore year (“Liberal Arts” and unspecified “Engineering” are not considered majors). Students majoring in an unspecified engineering program must declare their major by the end of their first year of study. This decision may be altered subsequently, although late change of major may require extra courses or terms. Requirements for majors appear at the head of each departmental listing. Some areas require additional courses from related disciplines.

Students may change their major program upon application to the Registrar. The change must have the consent of the Department Chair or Program Director. A request for a change of major submitted after the first week of the final term of study at the College may not be possible to accommodate without delaying the student’s graduation.

The Minor

Students who wish to pursue a secondary field of concentration may select and declare up to two academic minors. A minor normally consists of six courses. Requirements for the minor may be found in the course listings by department and program. Students are normally expected to declare a minor in the sophomore or junior year. They must obtain the approval of the department chairperson or program director.

A minimum cumulative index (GPA) of 2.00 must be attained in courses used to satisfy the minor requirement. All students are responsible for verifying the accuracy of their declared minor at the time of their senior year audit review. Minors cannot be added once the degree has been conferred. Please see below for how overlapping courses may be counted across major and minor combinations.

Overlapping courses across Majors and Minors 

Students may pursue a combination of majors and/or minors by satisfying all of the requirements for each major or minor individually. Courses may be “double-counted,” but the
total number of courses for any major/minor combination must normally be at least the lesser of 1) the sum of the required number of courses for each major/minor and 2) the number in the table below. (Exceptions require approval from all relevant department chairs / program directors and the Dean of Studies.) The “required number of courses” includes courses both inside and outside the department/program.

Major/minor Combination Number of distinct courses
One major, one minor 18
One major, two minors 23
Two majors, no minor  21
Two majors, one minor 27
Two majors, two minors 33
One ID major, one minor  22
One ID major, two minors  27

Note that some major/minor combinations are not permitted; see each program section in the academic catalog for details.

Combined Degree Programs

Union College offers programs in which a student may earn two baccalaureate degrees in the following combinations: engineering and bachelor of science or bachelor of arts, or two engineering degrees.

Nine courses beyond the requirements for the professional degree are required, and normally five years are required to complete them. Certain combinations of curricula within five-year programs may involve carrying an occasional course overload. If a student cannot fulfill all requirements for the two degrees, modification of the program is permitted only with the concurrence of the department.

Also offered are two-degree programs in cooperation with other area colleges, leading to a bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree from Union and a law degree from Albany Law School; or to a bachelor of science degree from Union, an M.S. or M.B.A. degree from  Clarkson University - Capital Region Center, and an M.D. from Albany Medical College; to a bachelor of arts or bachelor of science and a master of business administration in healthcare management. For more information on two-degree programs, please refer to the following sections under Majors, Minors, and Other Programs :

3+3 Accelerated Law Program (6-year program)
Leadership in Medicine/Healthcare Program (8-year program)
Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Management Programs (5-year program)

International Programs

The College considers its commitment to international programs to be a central part of its identity. In addition to broadening perspective and deepening knowledge, study abroad often energizes and challenges students so that they are motivated to a higher level of commitment to the enterprise of learning. Students studying away from Union do so through Union College terms abroad programs and exchanges. Students may apply for “non-Union” programs through Union’s International Programs office to study abroad on programs run by other colleges and universities. Independent Study Abroad programs allow students the opportunity to design their own study abroad experience. Mini-term programs are offered over winter and summer breaks as well. Refer to “International Programs” under Majors, Minors, and Other Programs  for more information, including eligibility criteria, application procedures and withdrawal policies.

Academic Policies

Registration for Courses

Registration Confirmation: Each term the Registrar conducts online prescheduling for continuing students who, with the help of their advisors, select three courses for the coming term. Prescheduling must be completed during the announced periods. Students who do not intend to preschedule should notify the Dean of Students of their intended withdrawal from the College. After prescheduling, a request for a change of course ordinarily must be filed with the Registrar no later than the fifth academic day of the term; such changes should be recommended by the advisor. Students who fail to finalize their course schedule after the end of the first week of the term will be assessed a late charge on their bill. With written permission from the instructor, a student may enter a course as late as the second week of the term. Students not enrolled in courses by the end of the second week of classes may be subject to withdrawal from the College for the term and will have to reapply for admission to the Dean of Students.

All full-time matriculated students are expected to be enrolled in no fewer than three courses at the start of each term, unless an exception is approved by the Dean of Studies. This does not include practicum courses. For withdrawals after the start of the term, please refer to the section “Withdrawal from Courses.” All regular undergraduate students are charged each term’s full tuition, which covers enrollment in three courses during that term. Tuition is not prorated until after the student has been in attendance for 12 full terms (or, for five-year programs, 15 terms).

Students must attend those sections of courses to which they have been scheduled by the Registrar. A change of section should be made with the Registrar’s Office provided that seats are available or permission is obtained from the professor.

Fourth Courses

Students are allowed to enroll in one fourth course in each academic year at no charge, provided they have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.30, are making satisfactory progress in their program of study, and are not behind in credits. Students who are behind in credits due to course withdrawals or course failures - after taking into account any pre-or post-matriculation transfer credits and credits from Union College practicums, fourth courses, summer courses, and mini-terms- may take up to two fourth courses at no extra charge. These policies apply to all students, including engineering majors, who, in addition, are required to take 40 classes for their degree and are therefore permitted to register for four fourth courses at no additional charge, normally one fourth course per academic year. In all other circumstances, registration for a fourth course incurs an additional fee. Refer to Costs and Financial Aid  for the relevant fee. Refer to “Special Curricular Opportunities ” for information regarding extra courses for Union Scholars and Seward Fellows. Registration in a fourth course is not available to students in their first term of study at Union. Students who have below a 2.5 GPA or wish to register for their second or third overload course of the academic year, require approval from the Dean of Studies to enroll in a fourth course.

With the exception of students in the Scholars and Leadership in Medicine programs as well as first-and second-year engineering majors, all students, are required to complete and submit the “Petition to Enroll in a Fourth Course” form at the time of registration.

Practicum: An enrollment in a zero-credit practicum does not count as one of a student’s three regular course registrations for the term (see above: Registration Confirmation). After successfully completing a practicum sequence, a student may request that one course equivalent be recorded. An aggregated practicum course credit of this sort typically requires registration in a zero-credit practicum in each of three separate terms; requirements specific to each practicum sequence should be confirmed in the Academic Catalog entry for the practicum. Accumulated practicum course credit may be counted toward no more than two of the thirty-six course credits required for graduation, though all practicum registrations will be recorded on a student’s record, and may be used to satisfy program requirements if allowed by a student’s major or minor.

Auditing Courses:  A matriculated full-time student in good standing may audit a course if the instructor gives permission. An audit is recorded with a corresponding audit notation on the student’s transcript.

Pass-Fail Option

In order to encourage students to explore the curriculum, students may take up to four electives to be recorded as “pass” or “fail.”

  1. No course registered as “pass/fail” may be used in fulfilling a requirement for the major, for a minor, for the Common Curriculum (General Education) or Writing Across the Curriculum, or for a term abroad.
  2. The “pass/fail” option is not open to students in their first two terms.
  3. A student may take no more than one “pass/fail” course per academic year (defined as the fall, winter, and spring) in the first three years.
  4. A student may take up to two “pass/fail” courses in the senior year (defined as the fall, winter, and spring), but may register for no more than one “pass/fail” course per academic term.
  5. A student may register for no more than one of the four “pass/fail” courses in any academic department and no more than two of the four “pass/fail” courses in any academic division (Refer to “Divisions ” under Common Curriculum.
  6. Independent study courses and those taken on a Term Abroad, may not be taken Pass/Fail.
  7. A grade of “pass” will be equivalent to the lowest passing grade or better.

A grade of “pass” will not be calculated in the term or cumulative index (GPA); a grade of “fail,” however, will count as any other failing grade. A course is registered as “pass/fail” by means of a form provided by the Registrar and the option must be exercised (or revoked) no later than the end of the third week of the term. The instructors (who will be informed of this choice by a particular student only by request) will submit regular letter grades, which will be appropriately converted to “pass” or “fail.” Later reconversion to the letter grade will be done only if required by a student’s official change of major or minor and only upon the specific request of the student.

Students who plan to pursue studies in Graduate or Professional schools should discuss with their advisors the effect of “pass/fail” grades on admission to such programs. Some graduate schools regard a grade of “pass” as a weak grade.


Class Attendance: The College expects students to attend classes and laboratories regularly, but it leaves to each instructor his or her statement of policy with respect to absence. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the policy and to inform instructors in advance of unavoidable absences. An instructor may lower a grade or assign a failing grade for excessive absence.

Completion of Courses

Withdrawal from Courses:

With proper notice to the Office of the Registrar, a student may drop a course during the first eight weeks of a term after consulting with his or her advisor and getting that advisor’s approval. Withdrawal from FYI-100, FYI-100H, or SCH-150 requires the approval of the Dean of Studies. Withdrawal from SRS-200 requires the approval of the Director of General Education. 

During the first two weeks of the term, a student must add a class to replace the dropped class; exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Dean of Studies. After the end of the second week of classes and until the end of the eighth week, a grade of “W” will be assigned for dropped classes. Dropping a course after the end of the eighth week will result in a grade of “F” unless there are extraordinary circumstances beyond the student’s control that prevented him or her from completing the course. The Dean of Studies must approve the withdrawal. In such a case the grade shall be “WP” or “WF,” depending on whether the student was passing or failing at the time the course was dropped. A “Failure” (“F”) shall be posted to a student’s record if proper notice of withdrawal from a course is not given to the Registrar. For information on how this would affect tuition, please see “Withdrawal Deadlines, Refunds and Obligations ” in the “Costs” section. Students receiving financial aid who elect or are permitted to drop a course may be ineligible for such aid in subsequent terms. See the chapter on “Costs and Financial Aid ” for details.

Final Exam Policy

Three Final Exam Advisory: Students with three final exams scheduled for the same day should speak with their professors to make arrangements to reschedule one of the exams. If arrangements cannot be made with individual faculty members, the student should consult with the Dean of Studies.

Absence from Final Examinations: Students are required to appear for scheduled final examinations. Absence from a final examination produces an automatic grade of “Failure” on the exam. In cases of a student’s absence caused by verified personal misfortune, the Dean of Studies may allow a grade of “Incomplete,” and the student must arrange with the instructor to take a makeup examination not later than two weeks after the last day of the examination period of the term in which the “Incomplete” was given.

Incomplete Course Work: Students must submit all course work no later than the closing hour of the last scheduled final examination period of each term, unless the instructor has set an earlier deadline. Graduating seniors cannot be issued a grade of “Incomplete.” A grade of “Incomplete” may be assigned only for extraordinary circumstances beyond the student’s control. The instructor must complete the incomplete form provided by the Registrar’s Office and obtain the student’s signature. An incomplete grade form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office after submitting the final grades online. When an “Incomplete” is granted, the course work must be completed no later than two weeks after the last day of the examination period of the term in which the “Incomplete” was given. Course work not completed within the allotted period of time will be assigned a failing grade unless the Dean of Studies, in consultation with the instructor, grants an extension of the incomplete.

Course Repeat Policy: Students who repeat a course that they previously failed will have both grades listed on their transcripts. All credits attempted and total quality points earned will be used in calculating the cumulative grade point average.  Students who repeat a course that they have previously passed (grade of “D” or better) will have both grades listed on their transcripts and the quality points and the credit for the second (or last) attempt will be factored into the cumulative grade point average.  

Making up Credits: There are many options for students to get caught up if they are behind in credits due to course withdrawals or course failures. Students can take a fourth course at Union, a summer course at Union, an internship or independent study over the summer for a full course credit, or a pre-approved summer course at another College (a maximum of three course credits can be earned at schools other than Union after matriculation to make up for credit deficiencies resulting from course withdrawals or course failures). Students can also go on a mini-term, or earn a practicum credit by taking three terms of the same practicum with a passing grade. For more information, as well as the costs and procedures associated with each option, please click here.

Withdrawal from College: Withdrawal from the College at any time is considered official only when following the College’s leave policy with communication through the Class Deans office. The withdrawal date is considered the date on which written notification is received. Notification to another office or person, failure to preschedule or confirm registration, nonpayment of the term bill, or a request for a transcript are not considered notice of withdrawal. A student who wishes to withdraw permanently or take a voluntary leave of absence should submit the online leave request form or notify their Class Dean as far in advance as possible to avoid or reduce financial penalties.

Suspension: Students cannot transfer credits to Union for courses taken at other institutions while under suspension from Union College. This applies to both academic and social suspension.

Readmission: All applications for readmission or return from absence must be submitted online or through written communication to the Class Deans office. Readmission becomes official only if or when the admission and security deposit is on hand or has again been paid and the student has received official clearance to return from the Class Deans office.

Academic Standing

Academic Ratings: Instructors submit grades at the end of each term. A report of a student’s term grades is available by logging into self service. Grade reports will only be mailed to the parent or guardian if the student requests one in writing at the Office of the Registrar. No other grade notices will be mailed to the student’s home address. The grades of scholarship and their associated quality points are A (4.0), A- (3.7), B+ (3.3), B (3.0), B- (2.7), C+ (2.3), C (2.0), C- (1.7), D (1.0), P (pass), and F (failure). A course in which a student receives the grade of “F” does not count toward graduation. If the course is required to complete a sequence in the major or otherwise required for graduation, a student must repeat this course and obtain a satisfactory mark. Some courses do not carry graduation credit and a few earn double credit.

Academic Good Standing: Union College regards a student to be “in good standing” academically if the student is permitted to enroll for a subsequent term. To graduate, a student must present an overall cumulative grade point index (GPA) of at least 1.80 and an index of at least 2.00 in the major.

The Subcouncil on the Academic Standing of Students will review the status of any student whose cumulative grade point index (GPA) or immediate prior term grade point index (GPA) falls below 2.00 or of any student for whom other considerations, particularly standing in the major, suggest questions of satisfactory progress toward graduation. If, after such a review, it is felt warranted, the Sub council may adopt one of the following actions:

Academic Warning: The student may remain in college, but unless the GPA improves, he or she will be subject to subsequent action. (This action is the minimum that will occur if either the cumulative grade point index (GPA) or the prior term grade point index (GPA) is below 2.00).

Special Academic Warning: Normally, the student must achieve a 2.00 or better GPA in the next term to remain in college. To be removed from Special Academic Warning, the student must achieve two consecutive terms with a GPA of 2.00 or higher while carrying a full course load, with at least two graded courses in both terms. If the student’s cumulative index (GPA) is still below 2.00, he or she remains on special academic warning.

Suspension: An exceptionally weak record in a single term or a failure to improve after warning may result in suspension when, in the judgment of the Subcouncil on the Academic Standing of Students, a student’s record makes it inadvisable to continue in college. The Subcouncil may recommend a one- or two- term suspension.

Dismissal: In certain cases, the Subcouncil may dismiss a student permanently.

Requests for reconsideration of the Subcouncil’s decisions must be submitted in writing to the Subcouncil through the Office of the Dean of Studies. Reconsideration will occur only when information not previously available to the Subcouncil is submitted and, in the judgment of the Subcouncil, could have affected its decision. Such reconsideration in no way implies that the Subcouncil will subsequently reverse its original decision. Appeals (as opposed to requests for reconsideration) should be directed to the Dean of the Faculty. Such appeals will be considered only with respect to procedural issues.

Academic Honesty

The College does not tolerate dishonest academic behavior. Any academic work that students represent as their own must be their own. Students must take responsibility to seek advice from faculty members and academic deans if they have questions about what constitutes academic honesty. Students must not resort to plagiarism, theft and mutilation of library books and periodicals, or any other form of academic dishonesty. Any student found guilty of academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary action. Procedures regarding charges of academic dishonesty are described in the Faculty Manual. Additional information can be found at: Union College Academic Honor Code and Union College Statement on Plagiarism

Transfer Credit Policy

Matriculated Students (Transfer students see “Transfer Students Only” section below)

Credits received prior to matriculation at Union College, including Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses

A matriculating first-year student can transfer in a maximum of six course credits to use towards graduation credit requirements through any combination of Advanced Placement (AP) examinations, the International Baccalaureate Program (IB), or college courses taken at other post-secondary institutions. Credit can be granted for similar high-level examinations from other countries, such as A-level examinations, in consultation with academic departments (references to AP and IB examinations below should be understood to apply to approved examinations from other countries as well.) Students must elect a more advanced course if they study in a department in which credit has been granted. Repetition of work for which credit has been granted will not be permitted. Please refer to department and program pages for specific guidelines. Please note: Online courses are not eligible for transfer credit.

Students with AP examination scores of three or higher in calculus and four or five in other subject areas may be eligible to receive college course credit. Credit for IB courses may be awarded for higher-level examination scores of six or better; economics will accept a score of five at the higher level. Aside from AP and IB courses, Union College will consider granting credit for a course taken while the student is enrolled in high school only if the course is taken on the campus of the college or university offering the course, the course is available for enrollment by the students of that college or university, and the final grade is a C or better.

Any number of AP, IB or college courses may be used to determine course placement with the approval of the appropriate department chair in each instance. Only one AP, IB or college course may be used to fulfill a HUM, HUL, SOCS, QMR, SCLB, or SET requirement in the Common Curriculum (General Education).

Due to the specific framework of the curriculum, AP and IB will not be accepted for the Global Challenges & Social Justice curriculum. However, transfer credits will be consirered for credit on a case-by-case basis. 

Credits received at other institutions after matriculation at Union College

● Matriculated students may transfer in up to three courses taken elsewhere (transfer

students who entered with more than 15 credits should consult the “Transfer Students

Only” section of the Transfer Credit Policy in the Academic Catalog for the number of

courses that can be taken elsewhere.)

● Courses for transfer must be taken at an accredited institution of higher education.

● Online courses are eligible for transfer credit pending pre-approval from the

corresponding academic department chair(s) and the Dean of Studies.

○ Online courses that are self-paced or completely asynchronous are generally not

eligible for transfer credit. Department chairs have the discretion to make


○ When taking an online course for transfer credit, students must not overlap with

the fall, winter, or spring terms, unless given by prior approval by the Dean of


○ Eligible online courses must be provided by a regionally accredited college or

university and count towards an undergraduate degree at that institution.

Therefore, MOOCs (massive open online courses) and other courses that do not

offer credit or have an optional credit system (like those from edX, Coursera,

Udacity, etc.) are not considered for transfer credit.

○ Transfer credit is typically not granted for online coursework completed before

the spring of 2020.

● Transfer courses do not count towards the total number of courses required for graduation

except when a student has failed or withdrawn from courses started at Union and is

behind in credits after taking into account any existing pre- or post-matriculation transfer

credits and extra credits earned via practicum, summer, or fourth courses at Union.

● Course credits that will not count towards the total number of credits required for

graduation may be transferred for the purpose of fulfilling particular course requirements

and to satisfy course prerequisites.

● Course work at other colleges will be recognized only if a minimum grade of “C” is

achieved (pass/fail grades are not allowed.)

● The credit value of a course must be at least three semester-hour credits or five

quarter-hour credits to earn one full course credit at Union.

● The course must entail a minimum of 32.5 contact hours to be approved for transfer.

Transfer Students Only

Transfer students may bring in up to two full years of college course credit and must complete two years of study at Union to qualify for a Union degree. At most, six of these transfer course credits can come from any combination of Advanced Placement (AP) examinations or the International Baccalaureate Program (IB). Refer to the catalog entry on Transfer Credit Policy for Matriculated Students for required courses for AP and IB courses. Characteristics of courses for transfer credit must meet the requirements for transfer credit for all students at Union, including a minimum grade of C, credit for online courses is not given, and courses must have three semester credit hours or five quarter credit hours. Courses without Union equivalents can be transferred at the discretion of the Dean of Studies.

Students who are awarded 15 credits or fewer may, after matriculating at Union, transfer in three additional course credits for courses taken at other institutions to make up for deficiencies: courses for which the student received a grade lower than “C” before matriculation, course withdrawals or failed courses at Union, or pre-matriculation courses that did not transfer because they were not equivalent to a Union course. Students who are awarded 16 credits may transfer in up to two additional credits to make up for deficiencies; those with 17 credits may transfer in one additional credit from another institution to make up for a deficiency. Prior approval for all transfer credits must be obtained from the appropriate department chair and the Dean of Studies. Permission is normally granted only if the student is to make up for a deficiency (as described above or to fulfill Common Curriculum (General Education) or departmental requirements. If the student is not making up for a deficiency transfer credits cannot count toward the total number of credits required for graduation or towards accelerated graduation. Please note: Online courses are not eligible for transfer credit.

Proficiency Examinations

With the approval of the relevant department and notification to the Registrar, proficiency examinations covering the substance of courses listed in this Academic Catalog, except independent study, may be taken by matriculated undergraduate students in good standing at a cost of $250 for each examination. Credit may be obtained from proficiency examinations to allow for placement out of certain courses, but cannot be used toward accelerated graduation.

Any proficiency examination may be taken only once. It will be graded “pass” or “fail,” but failures will not be recorded. In the Department of Modern Languages, credit may normally be earned by proficiency examination only for courses in literature and civilization numbered 300 and above. Students may not take proficiency examinations in subjects in which they have already taken courses at a higher level for credit.

Participation in Graduation

All students who start with a class may march with that class at Commencement, subject to the following conditions:
● They must be in good academic standing*;
● They must be enrolled at Union for at least one of the three terms of the year in which they are marching; and,
● There exists a path to completion of degree requirements by the end of the summer and/or fall term following the June Commencement.

In circumstances falling outside of these parameters, students can request an exception from the Dean of Studies.
Diplomas will be mailed to students that have completed all degree requirements 6 to 8 weeks after Commencement. Any student who has not completed degree requirements will need to follow up with the registrar’s office regarding outstanding coursework and requirements. Once the student has completed all program, degree and College requirements, the Registrar’s Office will confer the degree at the next conferral date, and a diploma will be mailed.

If a student faces an unresolved charge pertaining to the honor code or conduct code, that student may be denied the opportunity to participate in the Commencement ceremony.

Academic Honors and Recognition

Dean’s List: A student achieves Dean’s List standing for an academic year, which is defined as the fall, winter, and spring term, by meeting the following requirements:

  1. An academic index (GPA) of at least 3.50 for the year.
  2. Students with first year, sophomore or junior status at the end of the academic year must have a total of nine completed courses, at least eight of which are graded. Students with senior status at the end of the academic year must have completed eight courses, at least seven of which are graded. For seniors graduating early, this rule will be applied to their last three terms at Union College.
  3. No grades of “D” or “WF” or “F.”

A student who spends part of an academic year at the College may be admitted to the Dean’s List by the Dean of Studies if extraordinary circumstances prevent full-time attendance and the academic index (GPA) for the courses taken is at least 3.50 with no grades of D or F.

Graduation with Distinction: Union College recognizes academic distinction by awarding some degrees summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude. These Latin honors signify various levels of the graduates’ cumulative grade point averages. The faculty has the responsibility and authority for setting the levels necessary to attain the various honors. Standards are summa cum laude (3.80 or better), magna cum laude (3.65 or better), and cum laude (3.50 or better). To be eligible, students must have taken at least eighteen courses toward their undergraduate degree while enrolled at Union.

Departmental Honors: In general, students become eligible for departmental honors provided that they (1) have achieved a cumulative index (GPA) of 3.3 or better; (2) have an index (GPA) of 3.3 or better in courses taken in the major with grades of A- or better in at least three such courses, exclusive of the senior thesis; (3) completed their Senior Writing Experience on which a grade not lower than A- has been earned (4) satisfy any other requirements set by the major department, and (5) have taken the final six terms of their program at Union or elsewhere in a study program approved by Union. Students should consult their departments for complete information. In the case of interdepartmental majors, students must satisfy the above for each department, except that for (2), they need to have at least two (not three) grades of A- or better in each department. Interdepartmental majors also must complete independent work of substance and distinction, in the form of a thesis or some other written or documented work on which a grade not lower than A- has been earned, and they must be nominated by both of the major departments. Leadership in Medicine students and double majors may earn departmental honors by fulfilling the requirements listed above in at least one of their majors.

Academic Honor Societies

Alpha Kappa Delta: Omega chapter of New York of Alpha Kappa Delta, the national honor society of sociology, was established at Union in 1979. Juniors and seniors who have done outstanding work in sociology are eligible.

Eta Kappa Nu: Phi chapter of the national honor society of Eta Kappa Nu for electrical engineers was established at Union in 1926. Students of outstanding academic achievement who show admirable qualities of character are invited to become members during their junior and senior years

Eta Sigma Phi: Eta Phi chapter of Eta Sigma Phi, the national honor society for Classics, was established at Union in 2005. Students who demonstrate high achievement in the study of Greek or Latin are eligible for election to full membership.

Nu Rho Psi: Alpha chapter in New York, the national honor society for Neuroscience, was founded in 2006 under the auspice of the Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience and through the joint efforts of faculty and students at Baldwin-Wallace College, Baylor University and Johns Hopkins University.

Omicron Delta Epsilon: Alpha Beta chapter of New York of Omicron Delta Epsilon, the international honor society in economics, was established at Union in 1973. Juniors and seniors who have shown outstanding achievement in the study of economics are invited to become members.

Phi Alpha Theta: Alpha Iota Chi chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, the national honor society for history, was established at Union in 2001. Students who have compiled outstanding academic records in history are eligible.

Phi Beta Kappa: Juniors and seniors of academic distinction who are candidates for the B.A. or general B.S. degree are eligible for membership in Phi Beta Kappa. Election is based on scholarship and character, with particular attention given to intellectual maturity and breadth. Union’s Phi Beta Kappa chapter. Alpha of New York, was established in 1817 and is the fifth oldest in the country. Election to membership is one of the highest distinctions to be gained by academic achievement.

Pi Mu Epsilon: Alpha Tau chapter in New York, a national undergraduate honors society in mathematics, was established at Union in 2013. Students who have compiled outstanding records in mathematics and who work to promote mathematics are eligible to apply for membership.

Pi Sigma Alpha: The Union chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national honor society in political science, was established in 1974. Students who have compiled outstanding academic records in political science are eligible.

Pi Tau Sigma: Established in 1915, Pi Tau Sigma is the national honorary mechanical engineering fraternity. Juniors and seniors with high academic achievement and character are eligible.

Psi Chi: Psi Chi is the national honor society founded to encourage, stimulate, and maintain scholarship in and advance the science of psychology.

Sigma Delta Pi: Established at Union in 1993, the Tau Mu chapter of Sigma Delta Pi honors juniors and seniors for outstanding achievement in the study of Spanish language and literature.

Sigma Pi Sigma: Founded in 1975, the Union chapter of the national honor society Sigma Pi Sigma recognizes outstanding scholarship in physics.

Sigma Tau Delta: Established at Union in 2009, Sigma Tau Delta is the international English honor society.

Sigma Xi: The Society of Sigma Xi is an honorary organization dedicated to the encouragement of scientific research pure and applied. The Union chapter, the third in the nation, was begun in 1887. Annually, the society elects to associate membership selected students in science or engineering who have demonstrated, usually by a written report, marked aptitude for scientific research. In addition, students and faculty who have demonstrated noteworthy research achievement may be elected.

Tau Beta Pi: Established at Union in 1964, Tau Beta Pi annually elects as members a rigorously-selected group of juniors and seniors who have achieved outstanding records in engineering studies and have demonstrated excellence of character.

College Policy Resources

The Student Handbook and the Faculty Manual are resources, available on the College’s web site, that outline College policies, including those regarding academic dishonesty, intellectual property, grades, and use of computing resources.

Students’ Rights and Confidentiality of Student Records (FERPA)

One of the goals of a Union College education is to enable students to gain the maturity, independence, and confidence to function as responsible adults. According to New York State law, students who have reached the age of 18 are considered to be adults and are accorded the full rights that such status entails. Because of this, it is the policy of Union College to communicate directly with students on all academic matters, such as grades, academic standing and issues of credit.

The 1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) stipulates that in the case of students who are dependents of their parents in the eyes of the Internal Revenue Service, the College is allowed to disclose information from the student’s educational records without obtaining the student’s consent. It is the policy of the College to notify both students and parents in writing of formal academic warnings, probationary status and dismissal. Additionally, the College will notify the parents of a student in connection with a health or safety emergency as expressly permitted under FERPA.

In other communications with parents, the College will normally respect the privacy of the student. Information from the student’s educational records will not be disclosed without the student’s formal written consent. Grades are considered to be part of the student’s educational record and will not be disclosed to parents without the student’s formal written consent. Upon obtaining such written consent, the College will provide information to parents (or guardians).

All students will be required to declare their tax status at the commencement of each academic year. Any student who claims not to be a legal dependent must provide appropriate evidence to the College in writing within the first month of each academic year.

Student Right-to-Know Act

In compliance with the federal Student Right-to-Know Act requiring institutions of higher education to make available graduation rates, Union has calculated a six-year graduation rate of 85% based on the first-time, first-year student cohort entering in September 2017. This calculation does not include students who have transferred into the College from other institutions. The complete graduation rate report is available online at or by contacting the Office of Institutional Research,

Posthumous Degree Policy

Policy for Awarding a Degree Posthumously

“Union College may consider awarding a posthumous degree in the rare and tragic circumstance that a matriculated student who is close to degree completion, dies. The following criteria and processes will apply:

● The student was in good academic standing.
● The student had no academic dishonesty or community standards sanctions pending.
● The student must have been enrolled in any term within one year of the degree date.
● The student had completed 75% of their requirements towards fulfilling their degree (in each category, including major, common curriculum, and number of credits overall).
● The major department supports the awarding of the degree.
● The request for awarding the degree is supported by the College (represented by the Vice President of Academic Affairs) and the family of the deceased.
● The Vice President for Academic Affairs may consider cases that do not meet the criteria put forth when extraordinary circumstances prevail.
● All degrees granted by Union College require the approval of the Board of Trustees.”

Records Post Graduation

 Upon graduation from the College or otherwise leaves the college, the academic records at Union College will be closed and cannot be changed.