Mar 14, 2025
MLT 215 - What is French Cinma?/Qu’est-ce que le cinma francais?Course Units: 1.0 (TBD: Staff) This course moves from an introduction to the earliest examples of French and world cinema, to an in-depth study of widely recognized classics of French cinema, considered in chronological order from 1933 to 1985, so as to develop an appreciation for the history, genre, and particular theme(s) of each film, as well as its originality. Students will learn how to talk about and write analytical papers on the films according to critical, cultural, and technological considerations, in order to determine what, if anything, is particularly “French” about French cinema. The course is taught in English, but students taking the course for French credit will read all materials in French, and assignments will be written in French. Cross-Listed: FRN 312 CC: HUM, LCC
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