Academic Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Political Science
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Chair: Professor B. Hays
Faculty: Professors M. Angrist, C. Brown, R. Hislope, L. Marso, Z. Oxley, G. Seri (on leave, Spring); Associate Professors C. Cidam, M. Dallas (on leave, 2021-22 academic year), B. Hays, Senior Lecturer T. Lobe; Visiting Assistant Professors, S. Ahmed, S. Wiest.
The Political Science Department helps build within students the knowledge, skills, and desire to be lifelong public and global citizens. Students are challenged to think critically about their beliefs and understandings of the world around them, while developing the language, analytical and writing skills necessary for them to present these ideas effectively to others. Beyond the classroom we hope to provide students with the inspiration and opportunities to engage with politics in its multiple forms and locations. We offer instruction in the four traditional subfields of the discipline of Political Science: Political Theory, Comparative Politics, International Politics, and United States Politics.
For a listing of all the Political Science courses broken down by category, please go to Course Listing and select the Prefix PSC.
ProgramsMajorInterdepartmental MajorMinorCourses
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