Mar 15, 2025
Academic Register 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
English, B.A.
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Requirements for the Major:
12-courses: two introductory, seven intermediate, and three advanced. 1. Two Introductory Courses chosen from the following:
These three courses emphasize close reading of primary texts and help students acquire the vocabulary to speak and write clearly and intelligently about literature. The specific texts and approaches in each section are chosen by the instructor. Both Introductory Courses are to be completed by winter term of the junior year. Detailed descriptions of the various sections of EGL 100 , EGL 101 , and EGL 102 are available in the English department office the week before pre-enrollment each term. Majors must complete the second Introductory Course no later than the winter term of the junior year. 2. Seven Intermediate Courses:
Intermediate Courses may be taken after at least one of the Introductory Courses has been completed. In this group, majors must complete the following courses: One course on Shakespeare
One course on nineteenth-century literature
Four intermediate electives
selected with faculty guidance so as to reflect each student’s interests, intentions, and plans after Union College 3. Three Advanced Courses:
Advanced courses, also called Junior Seminars and Senior Seminars, are writing intensive, typically research oriented, and usually organized around the work of particular authors or topics. Students must complete three advanced courses, including one Junior Seminar, one Senior Seminar, and one seminar of choice, either 300 level or 400 level. Students must take at least two Intermediate Courses before enrolling in a Junior Seminar. Students must take at least four Intermediate Courses and both Intro Courses before enrolling in a Senior Seminar. Students are strongly advised to take at least one Junior Seminar before enrolling in a Senior Seminar. Requirements for Honors
Fourteen courses are required for honors, the usual twelve plus a two-term honors thesis seminar. In this seminar, students are expected to learn research methods, discuss their subjects and approaches to them, and share ideas and writing, as they work toward completing their individual theses under the direction of the seminar instructor. Prospective Honors thesis writers are required to take the Literary Theory Seminar in Winter of their Junior year, prior to applying to write a thesis, whether proposing a creative or an analytical thesis. Students proposing creative theses are strongly encouraged to have already participated in a creative writing workshop in the proposed genre. Interested students should discuss possible thesis subjects with their advisor and other departmental members in order to develop an appropriate thesis topic. Prospective Honors students are required to submit a two-to three-page thesis proposal and writing sample in Spring of their junior year, for review by the department’s Honors selection committee. Students seeking interdepartmental honors in English have a 10 course requirement, the usual eight (for those declaring during or later than Fall 2012) and the two-term thesis seminar. Be advised that Honors ID majors, like full Honors majors, must take the Literary Theory course in their Junior year. |
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