5. Senior Writing Requirement:
Students may fulfill the senior writing requirement in psychology in one of three ways: (1) by writing a thesis; (2) by completing a seminar (400-level) course designated WS in the senior year (this course must be in addition to any other seminar used to fulfill the basic WAC requirements); or (3) by completing a one- or two-term senior project. Any seminar which fulfills the Senior Writing Requirement also counts toward the requirement of one seminar (see above).
*Requirements for Students in the Class of 2018:
As of September 2015 the requirements for the psychology major changed. Students in the class of 2018 are encouraged to fulfill the new major requirements, but may instead fulfill a hybrid of the old and new requirements as follows.
Core courses:
Students have the option of fulfilling either the old or the new area requirements (#2 above). Students who have taken PSY 211 with a lab may count PSY 211 as a Neuroscience (Area 1) course.
Lab courses: Students who have taken any of the following courses with a lab (PSY 210 , PSY 211, PSY 220 or PSY 225 ) may count that course for the lab requirement (#3 above). Please note that students who have already taken PSY 210 with a lab may not also take PSY 310 . Students who have completed PSY 211 with a lab may not take PSY 313 (211) .
Double counting courses: If a student has already taken PSY 210 , PSY 211, PSY 220 or PSY 225 with an associated lab, the course may count as fulfilling both one of the core area requirements plus the new lab requirement. Note that if a course is “double counted” for requirements in this way, it still only counts as one of the 12 courses needed to complete the psychology major.
Seminar requirement: Only one 400-level class is required, and that must be a seminar between PSY 410 - PSY 450 .