Academic Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
History, B.A.
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Requirements for the Major:
Twelve courses including the core and distribution requirement as follows: - At least one course on the period before 1700.
- One course approved under Inter-Continental Connections.
(This requirement is for students entering the college in Fall 2018 and after.) - Two-300 level courses.
- One-400 level seminar.
- Two-term senior project.
Students will choose a core of Africa/Middle East, Asia, Europe, Latin America, US, Public History, or a thematic concentration. Examples of thematic concentrations include “Africana,” “Women and Gender,” “Revolution,” “Empires,” etc. In close cooperation with their advisors, history majors will select the courses for a thematic concentration and submit their proposal to the Department Chair for written approval by the start of Winter Term of the Junior year. If students select a US, European, or Public History core, they must complete at least four courses in US, European, or Public History, respectively. If they select Africa/Middle East, Asia, or Latin America, they must complete either (1) four courses in the respective field, or (2) at least three history courses in the core geographical area they have chosen, along with at least two other approved courses in relevant interdisciplinary programs, such as Africana Studies, Asian Studies, and Latin American Studies. These are generally not language courses. Note: Students entering the college in Fall 2018 or after may count no more than five 100-level courses toward the major. Pre-1700 Approved Courses:
Topics on United States: - HST 113 - The Origins of American Society
Topics on Europe: - HST 141 - Medieval Europe
- HST 142 - Renaissance and Reformation Europe
- HST 143 - Entrepreneurship in Medieval and Renaissance Europe
- HST 145 - Early Modern Europe
- HST 161 - The Peoples of Britain
- HST 195 - From Abraham to Mohamed and Beyond: The Early History of the Jews
- HST 240 - The Crusades: Christianity and Islam in Conflict
- HST 241 - Mystics, Magic, and Witchcraft in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
- HST 245 - Occult Sciences and Societies
- HST 247 - Men, Women, and Gender in Early Modern Europe
- HST 261 - Medieval Britain 1000-1509
- HST 262 - (266) The Age of Henry VIII
- HST 263 - (267) The Tudor and Stewart Queens
- HST 264 - The Stuart Wars 1603-1660
- HST 340 - Special Topics in European History
Climate Change, Plague, and Economic Collapse in the Late Medieval World Topics on Black Death: - HST 431 - Seminar in European History: Reformation in Europe, 1450-1650
Topics on Asia: - HST 181 - Confucians and Conquerors: East Asian Traditions
- HST 282 - The Mongols: Terror, Trade and Tolerance
- HST 284 - Hobbled & Heroic: Women in China and Japan
- HST 285 - The Samurai: Lives, Loves, and Legacies
Topics on Latin America: - HST 171 - Europe, Africa, and the Americas in the Era of Columbus
- HST 271 - History of Mexico
Topics on Africa/Middle East: - HST 107 - Africa to 1800
Other: - HST 105 - Comparative Global History to 1800
- HST 138 - Big History
Inter-Continental Connections Approved Courses:
Those pursuing the Public History Core
At least two of the following in addition:
Additional Requirements
Students will also fulfill a distribution requirement. If students select a US, European, or Public History core, they must complete at least two courses each in two of the following areas: Africa/Middle East, Asia, and Latin America. If they select a Africa/Middle East, Asia, or Latin America core, they must complete at least two courses each in two of the following areas, excluding the area of the core: Africa/Middle East, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and US history. These requirements apply to students who entered Union in the fall of 2013 and after. Students who entered Union before the fall of 2013 should consult the Academic Register for 2012-2013 for the correct requirements. 400-level seminars are normally limited to 15 students and are designed to teach research skills. The 300-level courses are specifically designed for history majors and include bibliographical and historiographical components. 400-level seminars and 300-level courses may be used to meet the core requirements. Senior projects normally must pertain to a topic in the core, but cannot count toward courses in the core. Students must complete a 400-level seminar before beginning the thesis. 400-level seminars are normally offered in the winter and spring terms. If a student does not complete a 400-level seminar by the end of their junior year, then they may not be able to graduate by the spring of the following year. Double majors must do a separate two-term senior project in History. Students who want to do an interdepartmental senior project should declare an interdepartmental major. Two of the following classics courses may be counted toward the history major, but not toward a core: Requirements for Honors in History:
To be eligible for departmental honors, a student must fulfill the following requirements: (1) a minimum index of 3.30 in history; (2) a grade of “A minus” or higher on the senior project; and (3) a grade of “distinction” or “high pass” in an oral examination based on the senior project. In addition, the student must satisfy College requirements for departmental honors. Course Selection Guidelines:
Placement: We accept the following AP courses: World History, United States History, and European History. If the score is 4 or 5, then we assign credit for one of our introductory courses, HST 106 for World History, HST 102 for United States History, and HST 147 for European History, all of which will count towards the major. Courses Suitable for Non-Majors: Although 300 and 400 level courses are designed with History majors and minors in mind, all History courses are suitable for non-majors. Course Numbering: 300- and 400-level courses have as a prerequisite any 100- or 200-level course or permission of the instructor. |
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