Academic Catalog 2021-2022 
    Feb 19, 2025  
Academic Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Anthropology (ID), B.A.

Requirements for the Interdepartmental Major

Requirements for Honors in Anthropology:

For departmental honors, a major must fulfill the following requirements: (1) a minimum overall G.P.A. of 3.50; (2) a minimum G.P.A. of 3.70 in all anthropology courses; (3) completion of all requirements for the anthropology major or interdepartmental major; (4) A or A- grades in at least 5 anthropology courses.

Course Selection Guidelines:

The department accepts appropriate AP and transfer credits as electives or in place of ANT 110  . In most cases we prefer that students take other required anthropology courses at Union. Students with no previous background in anthropology may take any 100 or 200 level courses, although ANT 110  is a good first course; 200 level courses generally involve more intensive examination of a particular topic while 100 level courses offer more general surveys of particular sub-fields of anthropology. Students intending to major in anthropology should take ANT 214  and ANT 390  in their sophomore or junior year. Students undertaking an ID major in anthropology should take ANT 390  in their sophomore or junior year. ANT 363  should normally be taken in the spring of the junior year; students anticipating going on a term abroad in spring are strongly encouraged to take ANT 363  in their sophomore year. We strongly encourage students to go on a full term abroad, preferably one of the two anthropology field schools.

Field Program in Anthropology:

The anthropology field schools in Fiji and India, offered in alternate years, give students an intensive, firsthand experience studying another culture. Students live with local families and intern in local schools and non-profit organizations. Students also design and conduct an independent research project.