Jan 31, 2025
Academic Catalog 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Mathematics (ID), B.S.
Mathematics Requirements for any Interdepartmental Major having Mathematics as a Component:
A student seeking an interdepartmental major with mathematics as a component must submit a proposal for approval by the department chair. The proposal will give a rationale for the choice of an interdepartmental major and indicate the list of courses in both departments that are to be part of the major. An interdepartmental major with mathematics as a component requires seven courses in the department numbered 115 or higher, including the following courses: - MTH 115
- At least one of the following: MTH 117 , MTH 130 or MTH 234
- MTH 199
- Four courses from the lists below, including at least one from List 1. (One-time course offerings can be substituted for courses on these lists at the discretion of the chair).
Requirements for Honors in Mathematics:
Candidates for departmental honors in Mathematics, or in any interdisciplinary program of which Mathematics is a part, must fulfill the college-wide criteria for honors. In addition, they must have a grade point average of at least 3.5 in courses in the Mathematics Department numbered 199 and above, take at least two MTH courses at the 400-level that do not satisfy the WS requirement, and either complete a two-term honors thesis in the Mathematics Department with a grade of A or A-, or complete a one-term honors thesis in the Mathematics Department with a grade of A or A- and take a third 400-level MTH course that does not satisfy the WS requirement. |