Academic Catalog 2023-2024 
    Feb 19, 2025  
Academic Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Sociology (ID), B.A.

Requirements for the Interdepartmental Major:


An interdepartmental thesis and four sociology electives

Or a two-term Sociology thesis and three electives

Requirements for Honors in Sociology:

The student must fulfill the following requirements: (1) achieve a cumulative index of 3.30 or better; (2) a minimum index of 3.30 in all sociology courses; (3) completion of requirements for the sociology major or an interdepartmental major; (4) three grades of “A” or “A minus” in the major; and (5) at least a grade of “A minus” on the senior thesis. To be eligible for membership in the Alpha Kappa Delta sociology honor society, the student must fulfill all of the above requirements for honors and also have a class standing in the upper third.

Course Selection Guidelines

Course Sequencing for Majors: Majors are encouraged to fulfill the methods and theory requirements SOC 300  and SOC 305  prior to beginning their senior thesis. Students should note that these courses are generally offered only in the fall (SOC 300 ) and winter (SOC 305 ) terms each year.

Courses Suitable for Non-Majors: All upper level elective courses are suitable for non-majors who have completed SOC 100 .

Course Numbering: SOC 100  or the permission of the instructor is a prerequisite for all other courses in the sociology department unless otherwise noted. While 200-level courses are not “easier” than 300-level courses in terms of workload, the 300-level courses generally assume a greater working knowledge of sociological theory and methods.