Mar 13, 2025
HST 261 - Medieval Britain 1000-1509Course Units: 1 Britain in 1000: England was divided and the Anglo-Saxons were in a fight for survival with the Norse, the kingdom of Scots was an ill-formed hodgepodge of Gaels, Celts, Picts, Saxons, and Norse, and in the West the Cymry, the peoples of Wales, clung fiercely to their identity as the original Celtic inhabitants of Britain. In the decades after the famous Norman conquest of 1066, Britain became part of a vast French-speaking Empire. Which peoples and nations would survive, thrive, and achieve supremacy on the island of Britain? This question is examined by analyzing the Scottish wars of independence, the Hundred Years War with France, the great dynastic struggles of the English Wars of the Roses, the notorious reputation of Richard III and the rise of the Tudors, and the triumph of the Stewart kings in Scotland. CC: LCC
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