Academic Catalog 2020-2021 
    Mar 13, 2025  
Academic Catalog 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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HST 288 -  Twenty-First Century India: Bombay to Mumbai

Course Units: 1
Bombay represents a distinctive mode of cultural experience in India - an unceasing traffic in things, people, images, and ideas. It has been the crucible of social and cultural politics in India. It is the epitome of modern Indian imagination. The course will examine this state of modernity by doing a focused study on the city of Bombay as a city, society and as the capital of popular culture in India. Some questions the course will examine are: what happens in India when cities-within-cities coincide or collide? How are the categories of caste, class, and ethnicity mapped onto urban bodies and landscapes? What are the political implications of the production of popular culture? How does violence transform the geography of a city and its urban experience?  CC: LCC

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