Academic Catalog 2020-2021 
    Mar 02, 2025  
Academic Catalog 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Psychology (ID), B.S.

Requirements for the Interdepartmental Major:

An interdepartmental major must indicate to his or her advisor in psychology what courses within the Psychology Department will constitute the psychology component of the interdepartmental major and must submit an application form. The set of courses should demonstrate a genuine connection to the chosen interdepartmental major and must be approved by the department chair. Normally, specification of these courses will occur by either late in the sophomore or early in the junior year.


Eight courses in psychology including the following:

Students wishing to conduct an interdepartmental senior thesis will also take:

Honors in Psychology (ID)

Interdepartmental majors who wish to earn honors will do an interdepartmental thesis. ID majors must also meet the same GPA requirements for psychology courses as full majors, although only two grades of “A” or “A minus” in psychology “core” courses will be required. Please note that  PSY 300   is a prerequisite to registering for a thesis.

All proposals for honors theses must be submitted to the department administrative assistant no later than the end of the eighth week of the spring term of the junior year. The proposal should be one typewritten page describing the general area of the project, the student’s preparation for the project (e.g., related course work), and the proposed faculty supervisor. Further information is available from the department administrative assistant.

Requirements for Honors in Psychology:

In addition to meeting College-wide requirements, honors in psychology requires:


All proposals for honors theses must be submitted to the department administrative assistant no later than the end of the eighth week of the spring term of the junior year. The proposal should be one typewritten page describing the general area of the project, the student’s preparation for the project (e.g., related course work), and the proposed faculty supervisor. Further information is available from the department administrative assistant.

1. A psychology grade point average of 3.40 or higher

3. A two-term thesis with a grade of “A” or “A minus”

4. An oral presentation of the student’s work (usually at the Steinmetz Symposium)