Academic Catalog 2020-2021 
    Feb 17, 2025  
Academic Catalog 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Mathematics (ID), B.S.

Mathematics Requirements for any Interdepartmental Major having Mathematics as a Component:

A student seeking an interdepartmental major with mathematics as a component must submit a proposal for approval by the department chair.  The proposal will give a rationale for the choice of an interdepartmental major and indicate the list of courses in both departments that are to be part of the major. Before submitting a proposal, please contact the department chair ( so they can advise you and supply you with the correct form.

An interdepartmental major with mathematics as a component requires seven courses in the department numbered 115 or higher, including the following courses:

  • MTH 115  
  • At least one of the following: MTH 117  , MTH 130  or MTH 234  
  • MTH 199  
  • Four courses from the lists below, including at least one from List 1. (One-time course offerings can be substituted for courses on these lists at the discretion of the chair).


Requirements for Honors in Mathematics:

Candidates for departmental honors in Mathematics, or in any interdisciplinary program of which Mathematics is a part, must fulfill the college-wide criteria for honors. In addition, they must have a grade point average of at least 3.5 in courses in the Mathematics Department numbered 199 and above, take at least two MTH courses at the 400-level that do not satisfy the WS requirement, and either complete a two-term honors thesis in the Mathematics Department with a grade of A or A-, or complete a one-term honors thesis in the Mathematics Department with a grade of A or A- and take a third 400-level MTH course that does not satisfy the WS requirement.